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I wake up and check the calendar. U remember that's it's a full moon. Then I stop and remember that I don't have my powers anymore.  Jonah wakes up and I just look at him.
C: hey
Jo: hey baby.
Jonah walks towards me and grabs my hands and I pull away.
Jo: what's wrong?
C: I told you. I can't do this to you. I can't.
Jo: do you know what today is? It's a full moon maybe you'll get your powers back.
C: stop just stop. Jo I have something to tell you.
Jo: so tell me.
C:your not going to take it well.
Jo: ok?
C: I'm going into rehab.
Jo: that's great!
C:  yeah but I leave tomorrow. 
Jo: oh well why can't you do rehab here?
C: jo you know why.
Jo: you can't just leave! No.
C: I told you that I'll hurt you eventually.
Jo: how long.
C: for a while. It's not just rehab but it's also therapy as well.
Jo:  you're leaving! What about us? The band?
C: There isn't gonna be a band if I'm dead Jonah! Out of all people I thought you would understand the most. Guess I was wrong.

I head downstairs by the pool. I realized that I need to tell everyone that I'm getting help. The stress that I'm feeling starts to feel like it's getting bigger.  I look up and see Daniel.

C: what do you want?
D: just came to talk.
C: about what? You didn't care before I was leaving why care now?
D: you're leaving?
C: yeah.
D: you can't.
C: what's with everyone telling me I can't leave. Daniel you told me multiple times that you didn't love me. Nobody in this house cares and the one person who does wants me to stay. And I can't do that.
D: I know! Ok? I know that I screwed up. I'm telling you that you can't go because it'll break him. Just like it broke me. I couldn't stand to see you go.
C: no! You don't get to play the victim. You left me! Told me how worthless I was every chance you got! And u hate you for that! I really hate you Daniel. Because for weeks I couldn't feel anything and when I needed you, you weren't there!
D: and I'm sorry for that.
C: you don't get to be sorry for destroying me! You broke me and I started to heal but you'll just break me again. So I'm cold and distant. And I'd hate to admit it but I feel like I'm using Jonah. And I felt like I was using Scott. So don't tell me not to go because you wanna see me suffer! 

My eyes glow red.
D: your eyes. There red.
C: I know it's a side affect from the moon.
D: I know how you feel. Just please stay.
C: No! I can't.

I start to feel dizzy and I faint. When I wake up I noticed that I can't see my legs. I look to the window and I see a wolf. I look at Daniel and he opens the door. I run upstairs and scratched on Jonah's door. He looks at me and then pets my head.
Jo: hello little wolf. How did you get in here?
I just nudge Jonah and I lay on his bed.
Jonah just looks at me and I lay on his chest.

Jo: I know your not him but I wanted you to get help but it's going to be hard seeing you go. And as much as I'd hate to admit it to myself, you made me feel free. How am I supposed to do that when you're not here?

I lick Jonah's cheek and he smiles with tears running down his face. I feel myself instantly become protective of Jonah. As he falls asleep I lay across his lap. I fall asleep on his lap.


I wake up and see that I'm still a wolf. I head downstairs and I see Zach and Scott.
Z: what the hell?
S: don't worry.

Scott flashes his eyes at me but I just walk away. I head upstairs to Daniel's room. I scratched on the door and it opened. I look around and I don't see him. I walk around to the other side of the bed and I see clothes on the floor. I just leave the room sadly and head back downstairs. I open the side door that leads to the pool and I jump in the pool.
Scott then comes outside and so does Zach.
Z: do you know this wolf?
S: I think so.

I look at Scott and flash my eyes.
S: Corbs?
Z: that wolf isn't Corbyn no way.
I growl at Zach and I jump out of the pool and I shake my fur out in front of Zach so he's all wet. I head back up to Jonah's room. I see him laying in bed crying. I pull the covers off of him.
Jo: go away little wolf.

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