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Corbyns POV

I wake up and I see Daniel holding Liam and Justin holding Luna.
D: good morning love
C: morning
Ju: hope you don't mind me stopping by.
C: I don't mind at all. Can I see Liam I didn't really get to hold him last night.
D: Liam come on let's go to daddy.
C: thank you bubba
D: I love you
C: I love you. I've been thinking.
Ju. Should I leave or no?
D: we do this a lot we kinda forgot you were there.
Ju: I'll give you Luna and I'll leave. I'll call you later Corbs ok?
C: yeah bye bear bear
Ju: why? Why do you have to call me that it's been like forever
C: because
Ju: alright then bye Corby worby
C: hey! That's was too far ok?
Ju: alright alright I'll call you
C: bye backstabber!
Ju: bye shitface!
C: you know you love me!
Ju: yeah yeah
D: bye Justin.

Now that they are alone they both look at their babies. Corbyn finally decided to bring up the thing in his mind. And it wasn't subtle either.

C: let's get married
D: what why?
C: because I wanna marry you
D: no.
C: no? But babe what do you mean no
D: your my fiancé!
C: is it that bad that I want to marry you! I've been checking you out for years. I fell in love with you the day I met you.
D: and I did too I just- I'm not ready.
C: why? Did I do something wrong?
D: no but I think I did.
C: what could you have possibly done to make me not stay with you. Daniel you don't get it do you? I've been pining over someone I couldn't have for almost 3 years. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Is it that bad?
D: maybe.
C: just tell me. Because I'm tired of the secret Dani.
D: my baby mom is here in LA. We were young and drunk and the condom must have broken and she's here with my kid.
C: oh...oh
C: you can go.
D: babe I love you.
C: please go. Because if you don't I'm going to yell at you.
D: why?
C: Because you didn't take care of you child! You probably have no idea what that girl is going through! How could you just abandon her! She's your child! Get out I don't wanna look at you right now!
D: ok. Just know that I didn't want to leave my baby girl it's just that my career was taking off and my manager. I wanted her to have a normal life.  That's why her mother had her. I'll call you later. I love you.
C: don't call later. Most likely I'll still be mad. Bye Daniel.

As Daniel leaves I call Zach. Zach and Jonah come down to the hospital and they bring me clothes.
Z: Corbs what happened?
C: he has another girl.
Z: you mean Mia?
C: you knew?
Z: yeah he told be about her and how he wanted to see her so bad. He really missed out on so much in her life. I'm glad he has the second chance with Laura and Liam.
C: But he left her! He left her Zach! He left her alone how could he do that!
Z: Corbyn you need to calm down.
C: How could he do that. He left her alone.
Z: calm down please
Jo: Corbyn he didn't leave her alone. He called her everyday and he  loves her.
C: he left her alone. He can't leave her alone she so young.
Jo: I get it
C: how could you possibly get it! He left her alone and he left! He left her alone all by herself. He didn't stay with her so sing her lullabies or to see her first steps or to hear her first word. You don't understand how he left her alone! How could he do that?

I cry and I cry. I strap Laura and Liam into their car seats and we leave the hospital. He head home and I see a random car in the driveway. Jonah opens the door and I see a little girl about 3 years old and a woman.  I walk upstairs and Daniel tries to speak to me.

D: Corbyn you can't be like this. Come on you have to understand.
C: I can't understand why you left her alone!
D: your right. I did leave her. And I will regret it for the rest of my life. But I can't live with myself at all I'd you don't meet her!
C: her eyes.
D: what?
C: she has your eyes. Your blue beautiful eyes.
D: yeah she does. Her name is Mia
C: she is gorgeous.
D: I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.
C: ok I'm going downstairs

As I started to walk away there was a pul on my wrist and Daniel kisses me. I try so hard not to kiss back because I'm mad at him but I kiss back anyway.
We head downstairs and I join the rest of the boys on the couch.
(A- Allison M-Mia)
A: Hi I'm Allison Mia's mother. I'm sorry about this Daniel said that nobody would be home.
M: Daddy!
D: hey sunshine!
M: mommy said I was gonna see daddy and his friends
D: come on let's say hi to daddy's friends.
M: ok.
M: hi daddy's friends!
Jo: hi Mia! You got so big
Z: Mia!
J: Mia hi sweetness! I'm gonna call gabbie to see if I can talk to lav ok?
C: hi.
Mia walks up to me and she hugs me.
M: you like my daddy don't you?
C: I- what?
D: yes he does like daddy.
M: Daddy say he likes you a lot.
C: I really like your daddy too.
M: I want two daddies!

Everyone just starts laughing at Mia expect for me. I pull Daniel aside.
C: did you tell her that you wanna get married?
D: no she probably saw the rings? I don't know how she knows.
C: whatever it doesn't matter I'm gonna go check on my kids.
D: you said you would be like that.
C: like what? I said I'd meet her not that I'd be nice to you.
D: do I have to kiss you again?
C: I don't want you to a no. If you kiss me I'll slap you.
D: really?
C: yes really.

I head upstairs and see Allison. She is holding Laura.
C: um hi?
A: I'm sorry I didn't mean to overstep it's just- I can't really have any more kids and I miss having Mia be so small. I can go if you want. I know you don't like me very much.
C: that's not why I'm mad at Daniel. He lies to me. He didn't tell me about Mia.
A: If he didn't tell you about Mia it's was probably because he wants to keep you around. What's your name.
C: Corbyn.
A: oh your Corbyn
C: he talks about me?
A: yeah and he really loves you.
C: I should tell you something. The only reason I yelled at him was because I was scared. I- I just didn't want him to leave me because I don't want my kids to grow up with just me in their lives. He's the only good thing that's happened to me recently.
A: wow. What did he say to that?
C: he said no.
A: oh that's asshole.
C: I was mad at him but I don't want to be. I've stuck by him trough everything. He was my best friend. And I love him and want to Larry him and he said no.
A: I'll be right back

I hear Allison from up hear.
A: YOU COMPLETE ASS DANIEL SEAVEY. He carried your children for weeks and you say no?
D: I didn't say no! I just said I'm not ready yet.
A: that means no you asshole!
D: Alright! I was scared. Everything is just moving so fast. I need a second. And it's not like he asked me "do you wanna get married" it's was just "let's get married" so yeah I'm scared happy now!
C: Daniel I. I didn't mean it like that. And you know how much I've been through! I just wanted to be happy. And I'm happy with you. Remember what I said to you when I finished writing lonely?
D: no?
C: think hard and long.
D: I can't.
C: I said that you make me feel like I'm not alone. I'm going to sleep. I'm really tired after everything.
A: I want to give you my number I like you and if you ever need help just give me a call. I'll be here for a while.
C: ok. And I like you too. Bye Allison. Bye Mia.
M: bye  second daddy

I laugh at Mia and head up stairs and go to sleep.

This one is a little short but enjoy. 💙

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