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Corbyns POV

I'm just sitting in the chair thinking after I just threw up. As I'm pulled out of my thoughts I look at Daniel and pull him out of the room.
We have a conversation about what we think is wrong.
C:Dani what if I'm pregnant?
D: That's impossible we just had sex after...
C: Daniel he haven't had sex in two weeks before today.
D: omg
C: what? Baby what's wrong?
D: that's around the time when you got that call from Jonah.
C: yeah so?
D: and that's around the time when pregnancy symptoms start to show up. Have you noticed anything different.
C: Actually now that you say something yeah.
D: what babyboy what's different?
C: I started to notice that my abs we're fading.
D: come on.
C: where are we going?
D: to the store

Daniel and I head to the store to buy a pregnancy test and we head back to the hospital.
We got a box of the pregnancy tests and once I was in the bathroom I peed on them and now I'm waiting

After about 10 minutes, I look at the tests.
C: holy shit!
D: baby? What's wrong
C: Daniel were having a baby!
I could tell by the way that his face lit up that he was happy
D: I'll book an ultrasound appointment for the morning. I'm so happy right now.
C: Daniel what about the boys. I'm not ready to tell them yet.
D: that ok we don't have to tell them until we're actually sure.

We head back into Zachs room after putting the Bag of tests in my car. They all turn their heads towards Daniel and I. They look concerned.
Jo: hey are you guys ok?
C: yeah. We're doing pretty great at the moment.
D: I can agree with that.
I pull my phone out of my pocket and see that my mom is calling me. I step out of the room.
C: hey mom. I have something to tell you.
Saskia: What is it corbs?
C: well I don't want you to be disappointed in me. Just promise that you're not going to be disappointed.
Saskia: Corbs honey I could never be disappointed in you. I love you sweetheart.
C: oh thank god. Ok not I'm found to tell you
Saskia: tell me I'm getting impatient
C: ok ok mom, I'm pregnant
Saskia: what? Corbyn guys can't get pregnant.
C: yeah I know it's rare- hold on mom.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.
C: hello?
Saskia: honey how many times have you grown up today?
C: only twice. And I already went to get pregnancy test and they both came back positive mom.
Saskia: oh my gosh I can't believe this. Have you told the boys yet?
C: no but I did tell the baby daddy.
Saskia: who's the father Corbyn?
C: Its um... Daniel
Saskia: Yes yes yes!
C: your not mad?
Saskia: no honey. I'm not mad. When you were little I always knew that you were gonna like boys more than girls. I just wanted to wait for you to tell me on your own terms. And I love Daniel. And plus I could tell by the way you look at him.
C: thanks mom. I love you
Saskia: I love you too: bye now
C: bye mom

Corbyn walked back to his room smiling. He didn't even realized that he had tears in his eyes until Daniel said something
D: hey bub? You ok
C: yeah actually more than ok.
D: what did you're mom want?
C: well for starters I told her and she accepted me.
J: what did you tell her?
C: well I didn't really tell her anything. She already knew that I liked boys before I did.
J: oh cool dude
C: jack what's wrong?
J: nothing I just miss my mom that's all. I don't really get to talk to her everyday like you guys do.
C: I rarely get calls from my mom. The only reason she called me was because I called her.
J: yeah I guess
C: jack what's really bothering you?
J: I'm just a little bit homesick ok! Stop pestering me. You didn't like it when I was doing it to you so fuck off. Damn sometimes I wish I wasn't you're friend!
C: oh ok sorry... Jo I think imma head home for now.
D: baby he didn't mean it
C: I know it's just that it's sounded like he meant it tho. Can you come with me. I don't think that I should be alone.
D: yeah we could use some food as well what do you want to eat?
C: I dont really know yet
D: ok we'll figure it out soon. Let's go
I grab my jacket and say bye to Jonah and Zach butt I just look at jack and look away. He looked very angry. If I was being honest it scared me. I gripped my stomach and walked out the door. As soon as we were about to walk out I got dizzy.

Daniels POV
I look over at Corbyn and something seems off. Next thing I know he's passed out on the floor and I'm screaming for help.
The hospital workers get a gernie to put him on.
D: you need to help him please he's 2 weeks pregnant.

As I stopped and told to wait in the waiting room I sit down and cry. I walk into zachs room and slap jack.
D: This is all you're fault! If you just didn't yell at him!
J: what did I even do?
D: what did you do? You caused so much stress on him! He passed out you asshole! We didn't even leave the building yet because he passed out.
J: I didn't know I'm sorry.
D: You can't say sorry to him for this. He will be crushed if...
J: If what?
D: I'm not gonna tell you because I respect people.

I walk out of the room so mad. After a while I hear Corbyns name called. The lady at the front desk tells me what room he's in. I ran upstairs and open the door slowly.
I see him crying.
D: bub is the baby...
C: please don't be mad
D: oh baby I'm not mad at you it wasn't you're fault.
We both just sit in the room crying.

He lost our baby was all I could think about
We just cried because I knew he wanted this to happen so badly. After about an hour of us crying the doctor came in and said that we were free to go.
As we were heading downstairs. We seen jack in the waiting room.
J: hey Corbyn are you ok
C: it's all you're fault!
D: come in bub let's just go home.
C: no I want him to know:
J: what did I even do to you! You're just blaming me for no reason!
C: you made me lose my god damn baby!
J: what
C: I was pregnant
D: now the baby's gone
J: I'm so sorry Corbyn
C: no your not
D: come on bubba let's go

As Corbyn and I go in the door we just go upstairs. We just cuddle. We don't speak. We just cry and cuddle.

D: hey babyboy? Is there a possibility that we an try again
C: there may be but it's not gonna be the same Dani. It was gonna be a girl. I lost my baby girl
D: I know I know. I wish I could make it better
C: I know babe I'm just not ready to try again right now.
D: I know. I'm gonna go get some ice cream with two spoons and we're gonna watch a movie ok?
C: ok

I head downstairs and see all the boys. I grab the ice cream and two spoons and walk back upstairs without saying a word to any of them. As I open the door I see Corbyn sleeping.
I head back downstairs to put the ice cream up but I end up eating some and crying.
Jo: hey...
D: jo it was gonna be a girl
Jo: what are you talking about?
D: jo Corbyn was pregnant.
Jo: congratulations! Wait you said was
D: yeah he was pregnant but he had a miscarriage. It was gonna be a girl. My baby girl. When I seen him pass out like that the first thought I could think of was they're gonna be ok. Only Corbyn was ok physically. And our baby is gone.

By now I was crying so loud Zach came downstairs. He hugged me and I hugged him back.
Z: it's ok.
D: it's not ok Zach my baby girl is gone!
Z: oh I'm so sorry Dani. You would've been a great dad to her.
D: yeah I was gonna talk to Corbyn about names. I thought of heaven. Because she was gonna be my little angel.
Jo: that would've been a great name for her.
D: thanks for trying to make me feel better but I'm gonna go to bed now.

I head upstairs and climbed into bed. I had my hand on Corbyn belly. I kissed his belly and whispered that I missed her already. After that I close my eyes and fall asleep


Sorry this was a bit of a rough chapter 🥺

Lonely/ DorbynTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon