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I woke up and get ready for the day. I call Eli
C:morning. I missed you
E:me too love?
C: can you come over? I really miss you.
E: ok I will but only because I miss you.

Eli comes over and we cuddle. I realized how much a bug part he plays in my life. we head up to my room and cuddle.
C: baby hey
C:what's wrong?
E:nothing is wrong.
C: yeah there is I can tell..
E: I just don't wanna talk about it ok?
C: but you tell me everything bub. Are you doing ok?
E: I promise I'm ok Corbyn.

I walk to the kitchen and pour a glass of wine.
E: your drinking?
C: yeah. I know it's just I'm so stressed out.
E: why?
C: well there's something I have to tell you.
E:what is it?
C: I just want to tell you that I love you so much.
E: are you pregnant?
C: um no?
E: oh.
C: you sound disappointed
E: that's because I am love. I want a kid with you.
C:Eli I was going to say I want you to meet my dad and my brother. But if you want a kid we can try.
E: really?
C:yeah. I'd do anything for you.
E: I would love to meet your dad and brother.

We pack our bags and head out to beacon hills. I stop at Melissa's house and I head to Scott's room.I grab a hoodie that was mine and we head out. I drive to the sheriff's station.

E: why are we at a police station love?
C: my dads here. And so is my brother. Come on Eli.

We walk into my dads office and he hugs me.
Noah: son what are you doing here?
C: well stiles birthday is Tomorrow so I wanted to surprise him. Surprise!
S: you didn't have to.
C: you really think that I'd miss your birthday?
Noah: who's this?
C:oh right! This is Eli my boyfriend.
S:hi nice to meet you I'm stiles.
Noah: I'm Noah Corbyn's father.
Eli: allons-nous lemur dire que vous voulez un autre enfant?
C: non pas encore je me veux leur faire peur.
E: ok.
S: since when do you speak French
C: sorry I can't tell you what he was asking but I went abroad for my senior year of high school and studied French in college.
S:oh how come I never knew?
Noah: is it true?
C: what?
Noah: the whole thing? About a bébé?
C: you speak French?
Noah: only a little.
C: well yeah we were talking about it.
S: I'm so lost. Wait does Scott know your here?
C: no. I came to see you guys and Mel.
Noah: she's still on her shift at the hospital.
Eli:tes mamans in docteur?
Noah: your French is really good.
C: thank you. Eli is actually from France but his family had to move to America for a job offer.
Eli:yes it was very tough at first because I have to learn English. My first language was French.
C: well be by the house later dad love you!
S: bye guys have fun!
Noah: love you too son.

Eli and I both leave and head to the hospital.
C: she's probably going to ask the same question asking where is Scott or Daniel.
Eli: she doesn't know?
C: no. She doesn't know that we broke up. But I'm happy now. That's all that really matters.
Eli: I just want you to know that I am so proud of you and how far that you've come.
C: thank you. No really thank you. I wouldn't be where I am without you today.
Eli: I love you so much.
C: I love you too. Not let's go see my mom.

We walk to the front desk and Melissa looks at papers.
Mel: can I help you?
C: hi mom.
She looks up.
Mel: Corbyn! What are you doing here?
C: I came to see how you were doing and plus my boyfriend wanted to meet my parents.
Eli: hello my name is Elijah but you can call me Eli. It is such an honor to meet you.
Mel: you too considering I didn't know anything about this. Is Scott ok? What happened between you Scott and Daniel?
C: mom please don't make me talk about it.
Mel: you know talking is good for you.
C: yeah I know but I just don't want to talk about it.
Mel: Corbyn. What happened?
C: okok I'll talk about it. Mel I couldn't stand that house! After we left here everything got worse. The boys would constantly just got on me about being out too late or just staying in my room. The only person who didn't was Jonah. And I went back to my old ways.
Mel: oh no honey that bad?
C: yes so bad mom. So I moved out and I got my own place. It's very quiet it just Eli,Ethan,Aiden, and I. Mia wants to come live with me. I don't know what to do. It's Daniel who won't let her. All of them are angry at me. I mean they have every right to be.
Mel: I don't think they understand. If they are angry they all don't understand. They couldn't possibly imagine how you felt. I can only imaging that you don't like yelling now?
C:yeah actually I hate it. I kinda need help mom. I have a drinking problem.
Mel: what?
C: every time I feel stressed I drink a glass of wine. I need your help to find a new way to release my stress without putting myself in harms way.
Mel: ok. How about yoga? Or a run.
C: a run sounds good I do live right by a beach.
Mel: how about when you guys go back to LA you go for a run.
Eli: love it's more than just stress.
C: I'm not ready Eli. I need to be healthy first.
Eli: ok. But we never had a problem before.
C: Mel we will be right back. Can I talk to you outside please?

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