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*Corbyn's POV*

I wake up and I see Liam and the babies next to me. I head to the bathroom while Liam is still sleeping. I head downstairs and see Scott and Daniel sleeping on the couch. I decide to get some breakfast while I'm down here. i get orange juice and head back upstairs. I remember that I no longer have my powers and that my babies have the power that I no longer have. I see Mia and she runs up to me and hugs me goodbye and takes Zach's hand on the way out. Mia is only in the first grade so she still has a lot of learning to do.

I head back upstairs to check on Laura and little Liam. They are still sleeping so I head back into my room and see Liam up with Ethan.

C: good morning Liam and Ethan. Aiden is still sleeping?

L: yeah he was really tired last night. Is that normal?

C: yeah it is really normal for them to sleep a lot. This is why I'm mostly still sleeping or reading a book but I think I wanna start to pack the boxes for the new house.

L: oh do you want me to help you out?

C: no but I got my room. I have a lot of personals and valuables that I don't want to break.

L: ok just let me know if you want me to do anything.

C: actually I was wondering if you wanted to watch the babies for me? i mean you have super hearing and I lost my powers so it should be easier on you than me right?

L: I guess. I don't wanna come off as harsh but I think that you're not realizing the fact that you are basically human as of right now. You bleed and have acres that don't heal automatically. I would take that back in a millisecond if I wasn't gonna fall off of a six-story building.

C: I guess your right. I am human. But i don't feel human. It's like I'm still a werewolf but at the same time I'm not. It feels like all of the things that made me who I am are gone and I just don't feel like me anymore. Like everything was sucked out of me when the twin boys were born. I feel like I don't fit into my place anymore.

L: I know how you feel. My whole life I was known for having an IED ( severe anger issues) so I was called a human ticking time bomb all of the time. I even got kicked out of my old school before going to the Beacon Hills high school.

C: how come Scott didn't tell me this before?

L: he said that it was because he didn't want you to feel bad for not being there for him, especially when i hurt him

C: I know that you didn't mean it and so does he.

L: I'm gonna go hang out in the nursery with the babies.

Liam leaves the room and I head down to the garage to go get boxes. As I'm heading back into my room I see Scott and Daniel on the bed.

C: well good morning you two but you cant sleep in here we have a lot of packing to do today for the new house.

D: well I guess we can pack now.

S: Yeah after I get my good morning kiss

I go to give Scott a kiss and he pulls me onto the bed. I don't pull back because deep down I know that I need some more sleep. I lean forward to give Scott his kiss and he pulls away. I pull his face towards mine and I kiss him. One kiss lead to another which led to Scott and I making out. I pull away and I start to pack the boxes.

As Daniel is just standing there I kiss him and he pulls me in for another kiss. Then as I pull back slightly I see his claws. I pull away and show him his hands. he puts his hand on my throat and he grasps a firm hold on it. I see blood dripping down my chest as Daniel pins me up against the wall. Liam comes in the room a few seconds later with Ethan and he is crying. I look at Ethan and his eyes are yellow so that means that he's scared.

I look at Daniel and he looks at me and pulls his arm away from my neck. I let out a gasp that I didn't know I was holding in. I look at him. He looks at me with his sad wolf eyes. I turn around and I grab Ethan and I shield his eyes from what he just saw. He puts his hand on my neck an tries to heal me but before be could take my pain I pull his hand away.

C: no Ethan. I don't want you to take my pain I don't want you to get hurt.

He just looks at me like he doesn't understand me. I walk back to Liam and I give him back to him.

L: are you okay?

C: I will be. I don't want anyone to heal me because I took your advice.

L: Oh ok. Well at least clean the blood off of you. I don't want the other guys to worry.

C: well Liam they're gonna worry anyways because I'm gonna have a bruise on my neck.

L: Yeah your right.

C: I'm gonna go clean up.

I head into my room and get a hoodie and sweatpants and hop in the shower. After I hop out of the shower and get dressed Daniel walks up to me.

D: I'm sorry

C: It's ok bub. You couldn't control it.

D: so your not mad?

C: no I completely get it. I can always say it was just from rough sex you know. That's the good thing about having two boyfriends.

D: I still feel bad.

C: don't you couldn't control it. Don't feel guilty over something you had no control over you hear me?

D: yeah baby. I hear you.

C: now kiss me again.

Daniel kisses e and i wrap my arms around his shoulders and he pulls me closer to him. We stay like this for a while. then I remember Ethan. I run past Daniel and go get Ethan. I take Ethan from Liam. Ethan smiles at me and I pull him close to me, I notice that he looks at Daniel. His eyes are pink. Daniel kisses Ethan on the head and I smile at Liam. Liam finally smiles back at me.

C: you feel welcomed yet?

L: yeah. I really like LA. I think I want to see the sites when we get settled.

C: Ok I'll take you out. Actually I want to go out now. I'm gonna take you to my favorite beach.

L: ok lets go.

Liam and I head out to my car and we drive all the way to Sana Monica Pier. We sit on the sand and just look at the sunset. He leans his head onto my shoulder. I can tell that he feels like he's at home. I just want hum to be happy.

C: Lets go home Liam. I know that your tired.

L: I am. I just thought that I'd let you know that I'm happy here with you.

C: I know that you are. I get that you feel like you might feel like your out of place but I promise you, that you are not out of place. You are apart of this family whether you feel like you are or not. I love you Liam. You are like my son.

L: I love you too. Now lets go home.


Liam and I head back to my car and we get in and drive back to the house. I head upstairs and see everything in boxes and Scott and Daniel are sleeping. I head into the nursery and check on the babies and then I head into Liam's room and climb in the bed. Right as I'm about to fall asleep I hear a baby crying. I get up out of the bed and I head upstairs to see what baby it is. It is Laura so I go and fix her a bottle. I come back and give her the bottle since she can hold it on her own. I hold her though because I don't want her to choke on the milk. I just rick her until she falls asleep. I am too tired to get up and get a blanket but then I remember that there are blankets in the nursery.

I get one from out of the closet and I put Laura down in her crib. I pick up Ethan and I sit in the rocking chair until I fall asleep with Ethan in my arms. I hear a loud noise and Ethan cries. I try t0o get him to go back to sleep but he just continues to cry. I put him in the crib and I head downstairs to make him a bottle. I look around but I don't see anything. I head back upstairs with his bottle and I pick him up. I hold his bottle and rock him back to sleep and he falls asleep. I let out a sigh as he falls asleep. I make sure all of the babies are asleep and I rock in the Rocking chair with Ethan until I fall asleep.

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