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I wake up and I get Ethan and I ready for the day. I head out of my room and I decided to take my therapists advice. I head down to Jonah's door and I knock on it. I don't hear anything so I open the door. I see Jonah sleeping with someone else. I immediately turn around. Because of Ethan. I glance back towards the person that Jonah is with and I see that it's Daniel.

C: oh god.
Jo: Corbyn I'm sorry.
C: just don't say anything. Please don't say anything.
D: I'm sorry but I thought you two broke up like a month ago?
C: we broke up yesterday. Is that how long this has be going on? A month? You've been getting on me about him kissing me and shit like that but your really just a hypocrite!
Jo: I'm sorry Corbyn.
C: no. Let me guess. He doesn't know either?
D: know what?
Jo: Corbyn don't.
C: you cheated on me so I have every right to.
Jo: please I'm begging you.
C: and I'm telling him. Regardless if you want me to or not.
D: tell me what?
C: Jonah is pregnant.
D: is this true?
Jo: yeah. And it's yours.
C: you could've just told me instead of lying to me about it!
Jo: and what would you have done?
C: I would've been there for you! You were never there for me! Through it all! Look you guys can do what you want I don't care. I need to go.
Jo: go and run away like you always do!
C: maybe I will.

I head downstairs and I see Scott. I just look at him. He doesn't say anything he just lets me go. I strap Ethan into his car seat and I head back to the house that I went to go see. I ask the owner if I can make a down payment on the house. She says no so I ask her if I can pay for it in full. She says yes so I hand her the money in cash and she gives me the keys. She leaves with the 'FOR SALE' sign and I just unlock the door.
C: this is a new start.
Ethan: big.
C: yes it is big.
I lock the door and then I head back to the other house. I remember that I still have boxes. As soon as I open the door I see Scott give me a soft hug. I don't hug back because I have Ethan.
S: are you ok?
C: I'm fine look can you do me a favor and watch Ethan for me I have to go and get a moving truck.
S: oh sure.
C: thank you.
S: no problem.

I head out and I get the moving truck. I come back and I start to put my stuff into boxes. After I'm finished with that I get a FaceTime call from Brianna.

C: hey are you already there with your friends?
B: yeah.
C: damn.
B: what wrong.
C: I'm kinda moving right now. It was a last minute thing.
B: do you want me to help?
C: sure you can help.
B: ok text me the address.
C: alright see you soon.

I text her my address and I pull into the driveway. I see her car and she pull up by the driveway.
C: hey! It's nice to see you.
B: same.
C: ok so when you walk in your gonna get looks just ignore them and walk up to my room with me. I shared this house with my friends but now I don't even know them anymore.
B: ok. Oh yeah where's Ethan?
C: in the house. Let's go in.

I open the door and I see Scott and Zach downstairs.
S: you weren't actually serious about moving we're you?
C: what do you think?
S: that your literally the dumbest person I know.
B: hey shit head. Don't talk to my friends like that. How about you go suck someone's dick. Looks like you could use it.
C: damn.
B: let's go.
Brianna takes Ethan from Scott and we all head upstairs.
C: thanks for that.
B: your welcome.
C: my room is right here. I have boxes in the closets.
B: hey. Are you ok? You can talk to me.
C: yeah. I'm just happy to get out of this house.

I hear a knock in my door and I open it. I see Daniel.
D: Corbyn I'm sorry.
C: yeah ok sure.
D: I love you.
C: sure.
D: don't leave.
C: hey guess what Daniel.
D: what?

I slam the door closed in his face.
C: can't wait to get out of this house.
B: what happened.
Daniel was my ex who dumped me when I was going to propose and my other ex Jonah is in the room next and he's my ex who just broke up with me.
B: oh wow.
C: that's now even the worst part. They've been sleeping together for the past month. The worst part was that I was still with Jonah while it was all going on.
B: I'm so sorry that happened to you.
C: yeah me too. Let's finish packing.
B: ok

After we finished packing the stuff into the boxes we carry them downstairs to the moving truck. Ethan is upstairs on the bed sleeping. I pick up Ethan and bring him downstairs and lay him on the couch.After we load all of the boxes and take apart my mattress and stuff it into the truck.

C: I think that's everything.
B: it's everything.
C: thank you so much for helping me today.
B: your welcome Corbyn your my friend. I'd love to help you out any time.
C: thank you.

I hear someone coming down the stairs. I look and I see it's Jonah.
Jo: please don't go.
C: I am not staying here anymore. I can't stand to be inside this house.
Jo: baby please don't go.
B: ok I am sorry but he told you no. Go do whatever the fuck you were doing but we're going to go. Ok?
C: thanks let's go.

I walk out of the door with Brianna and Ethan. We get into the moving truck and we drive to the house. I get to the house and I just look around. I smile and I take Ethan from Brianna. We all walk inside the house and we all just stand there.
B: it's beautiful.
C: i know I love it too. How about we go to the beach after we take all of the boxes out and I go and get my car.
B: let's do it.

We take out the boxes and the mattress and take everything up to the the master bedroom and we go back out the door and lock it and we go and get my car. After I get my car I strap Ethan into his car seat and we head to the beach. Brianna calls her friends. They are still at the beach and we head over there.

(T-Tyler) ( K-Kira)
B: Corbyn this is Kira and Tyler.
C: hey this is my son Ethan.
K: you didn't say that he was a total daddy Brianna!
C: thanks?
T: don't worry about Kira she hits on anyone.
C: cool. So what are we going to go do?
K: can I do you?
B: oh god
C: I like her. Maybe we can party together sometime.
T: Kira don't you start.
C: let's go.
We start walking on the beach and we just talk for a while. I put Ethan down on the sand. He wines and I just tries to walk up to me.
C: hold up! Wait?
B: what's wrong.
C: he's walking!
B: he is? When did he start walking!
C: just now!
K: how old is he.
C: he's only 10 months. He's walking pretty early.
T: that's cool.
C: thanks.

I get a phone call. And I answer it. It's from Daniel.
C: what do you want.
D: to see you.
C: I don't care. I'm with friends who actually care about me unlike you.
D: I do care about you!
C: yeah sure.

Brianna snatches the phone from my hand.
B: hey dick head stop calling him. He's being happy with us.
D: just tell him I'm sorry.
B: how about no.

Brianna hangs up the phone.
C: thanks but I had that.
T: just by the sound of that not so much.
B: it's getting late guys and I have to work tomorrow.
C: you have to go and get your car. I'll take you.
T: it was nice to meet you guys.
K: yeah maybe we can hang again.
Ethan: bye bye.

Everyone just makes baby noises at him and Ethan leans into my shoulder. I laugh and kiss his forehead. We walk to my car and I put Ethan in his car seat. We drive back to the old house and I park my car. I get out and hug Brianna. I tell her that I'll stop by tomorrow with Ethan and Aiden.
I head inside the house and I get Aiden and put him inside his car seat and I head to my new house. I pull the car into the garage and I take Ethan and Aiden into the house. We head upstairs into my room and I lay on my bed. Ethan and Aiden are cuddled next to me and we all fall asleep.

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