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Corbyns POV

I woke up and I looked to see Zach and Daniel. I smile to myself knowing how happy I am. I look up so see Daniel smiling. I give him a quick kiss and I wake Zach up. We all get into Daniels car and head home. We walk into the front door and I smell French fries. I see that someone got French fries. I didn't bother asking who's they were I just ate them. After I finished eating the fries, I head upstairs to my room and work on the beat of my song that I was writing. After I was finished with that I feel more pain in my stomach. I check the date. It is December 23rd. My due date is not until January 2nd. I head downstairs and see all the boys watching a movie. I sit on the couch and lean my head on Daniels shoulder. He looks at me and smiles. I look at him and smile.
C: Dani baby you know what I want right now
D: what babyboy?
C: I want chips and guacamole
D: but we don't have any-
C: can you get some for me please?
D: ok fine
About an half an hour Daniel comes back with my food.
C: thank you baby I love you.
D: I love you too bubba
After I finished my food I head upstairs and go to sleep.
I started to notice that ever since I came home from the hospital I started to sleep a lot. I kiss Daniel goodnight and go to sleep.

The next day I wake up and see Daniel is gone. I get in the showers and get dressed and head downstairs. I grab my keys and tell Zach to come with me. He was a little bit shaken up since what happened last time. So he tells Jack to come as well. We all went to the beach. I park the car and sit down on my favorite spot and watch the waves as they crash. It was quiet and awkward so I decided to start a conversation.
C: so Zach you wanna talk?
Z: no I just want to watch the waves. It's peaceful. Corbs thank you
C: for what Zay?
Z: for everything especially since the hospital thing.
J: what hospital thing.
Z: I don't wanna tel you cause you'll yell at me
J: Zach bub I won't yell at you.
Z: promise?
J: I promise.
Z: well I um... after that night that I came home and Jonah said he was disappointed in me. I... I felt like he was saying that he hates me for trying to be normal. I mean yeah I get that it was reckless to drink while I'm underaged but I just wanted to have fun you know? So after i waited until I sobered up to come home. That's why I was home so late. Because I knew that if you guys knew that I got drunk and was driving it would've been way worse than what it was. What Jonah said really hurt me tho. Not just because he's the oldest. Because I look up to him. I just... after he said that I just couldn't stop thinking about it. No matter how hard I tried. So I left with Corbyn because I wanted to feel better. Even then I still couldn't get what Jo said out of my head. Then Corbyn got taken to the hospital. I was terrified. Mostly because I didn't knows what was going on. But also because I couldn't bear the fact of seeing my brother in pain. It hurt me physically. So I thought on the way to the hospital. If I should leave or kill myself. So when Corbyns name got called. I just hugged him. Like I was saying goodbye. Then Daniel told me not to. And I didn't because they love me. And I realized that I am important to people.
J: oh bubba I love you so much come here

I look over to see Jack and Zach hugging. I smile yo myself. I hop off the thing I was sitting on and walk towards the water. I sit down and Jack and Zach join me. I lean my head on to Zachs shoulder.  I stand up and we all head back home. I realized that I was tired. I asked Daniel to take me to the hospital. He takes me and they get me into an examination room.
The doctors do an ultrasound and say that nothing is wrong with the pregnancy. We head home and I head upstairs and go to sleep.
When I wake up I feel a hand on me. I can feel that it's not Daniels hand. I turn the light on and I see Zach sleeping. I see him sleeping with his hand on my belly. I smile and head back to sleep.

I wake up a few hours later because it was early in the morning when everything happened. I look over to see Zach still sleeping with his hand in my belly. I hug him and he wakes up.

C: hey buddy.
Z: hey
C: let's go get something to eat downstairs ok?
Z: yeah
C: thanks
Z: for what?
C: for staying with me last night. I was actually scared
Z: I was scared too. I figured sleeping in your room might help.
C: I think it helped both of us.
As Zach and I are heading downstairs we see the rest of the boys laughing.
C: what's going on?
D: nothing
C: baby? Are you mad at me?
D: why was he in our room last night?
C: he was just making sure I was ok.
D: are you sure he didn't try anything?
C: what do you mean Dani? I don't know what got into you today but you're being a real asshole of a boyfriend right now. Just leave me alone!
D: Corbyn how am I being an asshole?
C: Do you even hear youreself? Fuck you. I'm leaving.
D: baby wait-
C: no Daniel get off. I can't bro around you right now. I'll call you when I'm about to give birth.
D: baby please do go.
C: I'm going. Zach wanna come?
D: really Corbyn!
C: exactly why he's coming with me and you're not. When you learn to control that temper of yours then I'll come back to the place that should feel like home.
D: you are such a bitch!
C: wow Seavey.
Z: Corbyn let's just go.
C: No cause he wants to prove a point. He thinks that I'm cheating on him. He doesn't think that I am a loyal boyfriend.
D: your fucking around with my best friend at that. I dont even know why I told you to keep the babies. You're such a whore!
C: FINE! You wanna call me names go ahead. But don't you dare talk about MY kids like that every again do you hear me? Or I'll kill you myself!
D: Why are you that much of a slut?
C: Ok enough! What drugs are you on Seavey?
D: I'm not on any drugs Corbyn. I'm just simply telling you the truth.

After he said that I was hurt. I head upstairs band pack more bags and I hand Daniel my promise ring.
I walk out of the house without Zach by my side. I check into the hotel and Assisi as I close the door I cry. I cried so hard that I fell asleep.
About an hour later I wake up and head out to get some food. I turn off my location so nobody knows where I'm going. As I'm pulling up to my favorite place on the beach I get a text from Zach. He ends up coming to the beach. He hugs me and I just cry.
C: Zach what did I do. I tried so hard
Z: you did nothing wrong. I swear.
C: I know he didn't mean it but it still hurt.
Z: how about we drive to you're hotel and get some ice cream from the store.
C: cookie dough?
Z: yeah if that's what you want.
C: yeah
Z: alright let's go.

We head back to the hotel and we eat ice cream and I fall asleep.

This hurt me to write but I had to write something. Please give me ideas I would really appreciate it❤️ enjoy

Lonely/ DorbynNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ