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I wake up next to Daniel and I get out of bed. I put a hoodie on and head downstairs.

H: hey
C: jeez you scared me. What's up.
H: I know. I know what happened to you last night.
C: please don't tell anyone they'll just think that I was being weak. Useless even.
H: well I think that you tried the best you could. Can I hug you Corbyn?
C: sure.

Hope gives me a hug and at first I was tense but then I loosed up.

C: I think that I'm I should go and get ready. I'll be back.

I leave the house and head to my house. I open the door and see Eli standing there.
C:no no!
E: hello love.
C: please.
E: let's go.
C: no
E: fine I'll make you then.
C: no please just let me go!
E: let's go! Shut up!

Eli dragged me upstairs to my room. I fight harder this time. My bloodlust was getting worse because I hadn't had any blood in my system for two days. I feel my vampire eyes come out.
C: Eli please I don't wanna hurt you. Please.
E: I said shut up didn't I. Not you're gonna lay there and look pretty while I fuck you
C: no I won't and if I do. Your not leaving here. Alive that is.
I turn around and show him my eyes.
E: you don't scare me. Now do what I say.
C: no.

Eli forces me on the bed and hold my arm and neck. He was trying to choke me to rape me. I just let him have what he wanted.
E: you like this don't you. Being used?
C: no! Why the hell would I like being fuckin raped Eli? I trusted you! You said that I could come to you whenever I needed to talk!
E: deep down you know you love it.
C: no I don't.
E: alright I'll go but I'll be back for you.

Eli leaves and I run to the bathroom and puke. I just sit there with a blank expression on my face. I hear the door open and I run and hide.
B: C? Are you here? We haven't talked in a while just thought I might stop by.
C: please leave.
B: C? Are you feeling alright?
C: yeah I'm fine just need to be alone. Please just go.
B: ok I love you.
C:you too.

Brianna leaves and I come out from hiding. I pack a bag and get in my car and drive to the boys house. I open the door and walk in shutting and locking it behind me. I just walk past everyone standing there. I head upstairs and put my bag in Daniel's room. I open the window and sit on the ledge rubbing my hand across my chest.
Z: hey.
C: oh um hey.
Z:Corbyn? Are you ok.
C: yeah. No. I just can't right now.
I run past Zach and get in my car and drive to my local dealer. I buy some weed and head back to the buts house. When I get inside I run up to the bathroom and roll a blunt and smoke it. I just sit on the ground of the bathroom and I cry.
C: Nothings fucking working!! Why did it have to be fuckin me. I mean I guess it had to. I just don't know how much more of this I can take.
Z: Corbyn. Corbyn awnser me.
C: I'm fine. I am.
Z: you need to talk to someone.
C: I'm not ready please don't make me talk about him! Please Zach I just can't.
Z:ok just I'm always here.
C: thanks Zach.
Zach walks away and I start to cry. I get up from the bathroom floor and open the drawer full of pills I find zanny and I take two. I leave the bathroom and I knock on Jonah's door and he opens it.
C: hi Jonah.
Jo: hey what's up?
C: I relapsed.
Jo: what the fuck Corbyn you can't just go around doing shit that you what when you want to!
C: no you dont get it!
Jo: when why did you relapse! You are so weak!
C: you wouldn't fuckin understand! You don't know what it felt like!
Jo: yeah I do! You and I got high all of the time! You are so fuckin useless and stupid! That's probably why Eli left.
C: no! Don't say his name!
Jo: why because I'm right?
C: no! Because he fuckin raped me!!
Jo: Corbyn.
C: at least I know how you really feel. I really can't trust anyone anymore can I?
Jo: no it's not like that.
C: what you said is everything that I said to myself when it happened the first time. Then it happened again.
Jo: then fight it. Fight him.
C: I've tried clearly it didn't work did it! I'm fucking using again! I'm broken. I'm gonna go.
Jo: no wait.
C: no I'm good. Heard what you think.
I walk downstairs and head out the front door. I start pacing back and forth and I feel like I can't breathe anymore. I her the door open and I jump.
C:you can't do that to me! Scared the living hell out of me.
Z:Corbyn we know.I know what Eli did to you.
C: no Zach you don't.
Z: well talk to us instead of shutting us out.
C: I'll think about it.ok?
Z:why are you doing this?
C:doing it all for love. Not matter how many times any of them hurt me I will all love them. And that's my biggest flaw. I'm gonna go Um. Thanks Zach.
Z:stay safe ok?
C: as long as he doesn't come back I'll be safe.
E: who love? Your not safe from me
C: I gotta go Zach.
Z: don't leave with him! It'll just make the pin worse
E; and that's what I want. Let's go love.
C: Eli there's something I have to tell you
E: what is it?
C: I can't have kids anymore
E: how come?
C: because you can't have kids once you die.
E: I don't understand?
C: I'm a vampire. And I need blood my bloodlust is going crazy and it you don't get me blood I'll have no choice.
E: you won't hurt me.
C: wanna bet? You raped me twice. I'm not about to let it happen again. I'm stronger than that. Now go. Before I rip you to shreds.
E: ok. I love you.

Before Eli could run I bit him. His blood smelled too strong for me to handle. I drank him dry.
C: ah. Much better.
Z: what did you do!
C: I had no choice.
Z: you didn't have to fucking kill him!
C: fine. It's been very clear to me now.
Z: what has.
C: everything! What happened to I can awaits talk to you? Zach just please don't do this. Please. I have nothing left.
Z: I'm sorry Corbyn but I can't keep doing this.
C: fine.
I speed run and grab all of my belongings and I I walk downstairs.
S: please don't go.
C: oh now you want me to stay? Fuck you Scott.
Jo: I'm sorry about earlier I thought that you had just started using just because. I didn't know how bad it was.
C: yeah ok. You never fuckin cared did you? Any of you?!
D: what's going on?
C: I'm leaving since I'm so much a useless burden and I am stupid. So bye!
I slam the door on my way out and I get in my car. I speed down the street and I eventually make it home. I lock the door as soon as I get in. I see all of the broken things and walked straight through them. I go upstairs and go into the bathroom. I run the tub and try to just relax but it's not working. I roll a blunt and smoke it in the tub full of water. Suddenly I hear a car pull up and I get out of the tub and get dressed.
D: hey.
C: what.
D: I was so worried about you! I can't loose you too. Gosh I love you too much for that
C: stop. Stop Daniel. I don't know what you were looking to find but I don't wanna hear it at all. Please just go.
D: no! I have a say in all of this too. I need you which is why I did something too.
C: what did you do Daniel?
D: I kinda drank
C: you drank so what.
D: no Corbyn I drank vampire blood. If I die I become like you.
C: is that really what you want?
D: maybe. I don't know this is all still a lot for me.
C: you want me to do it. Don't you?
D: like I said I love you and I wouldn't want you to feel like that ever again. You hear me?
C: I don't know. You of all people wanted me to remember the huge mistakes I've made. Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to my addiction now.
D: the night you left I overheard your conversation with Jonah. And it's not true.
C: I wish I could believe you but I just don't Daniel.
D: well I'm sorry too.
Daniel goes to leave but stops.
D: Besson. You listen to me right now.
C: sure.
D: well I actually wanted to say that I'm sorry.
C: ok. Is that all?
D:might as well just tell you how much I love you. I'd do anything for you. Till death do is part Corbyn and I'm so fucking sorry that I wasn't there for you and that I couldn't protect you.
C: hey. now you knew it wasn't any of your fault. I just don't wanna feel like I'm drowning all of the time.  Maybe it just wasn't meant for us to be. Maybe I'm meant to be lonely.
D: don't say that. I love you.
C: and you're toxic to me I want you but I can't have you. I need the kids to be with their parents right now. Don't worry about me I'm just some worthless junky.
D:not to me.
C: everything is fake but the one thing that is real is how much I need you to stay alive.  And I love you too much to do that to you. Goodbye Daniel.

Daniel walks away and gets back into his car. I go back inside and sit on my couch. I wanted to go I just couldn't. I turn into a wolf and I run to the boys house. I jump the gate and open the pool door.  I see Scott a
No Jonah there
S: so it worked?
Jo: no cause where's Daniel?
S: can we talk?

I turn back into my human form and I am very weak.
C: no just don't.
I pass out and just lay there.
Z: hello Corbyn.
C: hey Zach um what's up.
Z: I'm not Zach I'm your subconscious telling you to get up.
C: ok

I wake up and I look around. I slowly closed my eyes and I fall asleep. Thinking that everything was good.

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