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The Next Day
When it was morning time I woke up and remembered that I was in a hotel and that Christina had broke up with me. I made sure that no fans were outside while I was walking to my car. As soon as I got in my car I drove off and went back to my shared house. It was still kinda early so I just decided to head in through the garage door and went to my room. I picked out an outfit for the day and got in the shower. I just couldn't stop thinking about how everything will change now that Christina isn't my girlfriend anymore. After I get out the shower and get ready for the day I decided to work on my song that I started last night.

And everything is not the same now. It feels like all our lives have changed. Maybe when I'm older it'll all calm down, But it's killing me now.

What If you had it all but nobody to call? Maybe then you'd know me. Cause I had everything, But no one's listening. And that's just fucking lonely.

I didn't even realize that I was crying until I looked at the page and I seen water droplets. I wiped my tears and went downstairs. I seen Jonah still sleeping so I decided to go out and get some food and maybe go see my family since they moved to LA not that long ago.
I grab my keys but soon as I go to open the door I see Jonah, and he's asking where I'm going. I just looked at him and left making sure to close the door. I went to my local Wendy's and I got a frosty. I got Jonah a McDonald's sprite. I knew he was going to need something to help with this stomach and his headache as well.

I walked into the house and gave Jonah his drink and some Advil so that he wouldn't bug me but he did anyway.
Jo: hey Corbs I know you don't wanna be bothered but are you ok? I was worried last night when you didn't come home.
C: Yeah jo I'm ok I'm just having a little trouble getting through the day that's all
Jo: When whatever you do and wherever you go I just want you to stay safe.
C: I promise I will even though I'm having a hard time doesn't mean I can't take care of my self Jonah.
Jo: I'm sorry Corbyn I didn't mean to upset you.
C:whatever bye Jo see you later

About a year ago I was diagnosed with Anxiety to I do get anxiety attacks sometimes and today I feel them starting it's just the little things like playing with my hands but the attacks will get worse.

I get in my car and drive to my moms house. She opens the door and I give her a hug almost breaking down in her arms.
C: Mom she broke up with me. She was my first love. I wanted to marry her. I even planed on surprising her while we were on break and I was going to ask her to marry me I was going to get the ring and everything mom it hurts. Saskia: hey hey it's going to be ok there will be other people that you will meet and fall in love with. Do you wanna talk about it or do you wanna have a movie night and stay over here tonight? C: Yeah mom I feel really up for that and plus I don't wanna drive because of my attacks they are going to get bad. Saskia: I get it honey but at least call one of the boys and tell them where you are. C: Ok I'll call Daniel

As Corbyn calls Daniel and tells him where he is Daniel knows that something is wrong. So after he hangs up with Corbyn he goes on snap and sees that Corbyn is at his moms. Daniel being the nice person he is knocks on the door knowing that Corbyn will get the door. Corbyn sees Daniel and Daniel hugs him. They talk while Corbyns mom prepared snacks for movie night.
C: Daniel why did you come all the ways here?
D:Because I know something is wrong you wouldn't just be rude to Jonah or down hard core liquor for no reason. What is wrong?
C: Dani
I say as my voice cracks I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.
C: I just don't wanna talk about it right now
D: What's been up with you you've been really distant lately and we haven't spent any time together at all you are always either gone or on you're room!
C:I'm sorry Dani I can't right now. I say as I grabbed my keys and ran out of my moms house. I just sat in my car crying and having an anxiety attack. My breathe hitched as I cried and I couldn't stop messing with my hands. I feel bad for being distant I just feel like nobody would understand.
As I stopped crying I pulled off and headed to see my sister, Ashley I thought she would help me feel better. And plus I already had a key to her place in case something like this happened. I drive to Ashley's and I opened the door and yelled her name. Then I went upstairs and I noticed that she wasn't home so I called her. She awnsered and said that she was on her way back now because she knew something was wrong.
A: hey Corbs what's wrong
C: Ash it's over I don't know what I did wrong.
A: Corbyn what are you talking about?
C: With Chris it's over she broke up with me.
She gives me a soft look and then she makes popcorn and we head upstairs to watch a movie and we cuddle because it helps. I feel myself getting sleepy so I closed my eyes and went to sleep
This one was a little longer than the first chapter so hope you like this ❤️

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