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I wake up next to Eli and I just look at him.
C: morning
E: morning love how are you feeling
C: good. Hey I don't wanna put you in a uncomfortable position with the boys but you have to know that I try so hard for them. The things that I've done in my past don't define me but they define my pain.
E: love I don't need to know that they do. They hear you but they don't listen. They aren't listening to how you felt, the pain you were in. I can only imagine. I am here for you.
C: I know you are but there are a lot of things that are gonna come out. A lot of secrets.
E: hey I know but like I said you can tell me when you are ready.
C: well I start with the first major one. When I was younger my father resented me because I almost killed my brother. I couldn't control it and my dad said that I was a disgrace to him and my brother. So Scott and his mother took me in. I was very young and didn't understand. Then when I was in high school I finally figured out why. It was because of the full moon.

E: your not like a killer or anything right?
C: let me finish please because I don't know if you'd want to be with me after. So Scott got bitten by a werewolf and his eyes started to glow just like mine. Only his were yellow and mine were blue. They turned blue because of what happened to my brother. He almost died because of me. After I graduated I moved to LA and I started the band with the boys. My powered became dormant and I felt normal. Then one day I had to go back because Scott needed help. He almost died. Scott roared for his pack. I became apart of it because I didn't want to be called a m-m-monster anymore. Then I saw my brother. I promised to keep him safe. I managed to keep my promise that he would be protected. I was with Daniel at the time and he was angry because I was keeping secrets. Mia's mother,Allison grew up with Scott and I but after she left we never spoke again. Then she passed away to save my friends and I. She left Mia with Daniel and I and told us to take care of her. When I was there Daniel, Scott, and I had a threesome and I got pregnant. With Ethan and Aiden. That's when the boys found out that I was a werewolf because of my emotions. My eyes kept changing depending on how I was feeling.

E:your a werewolf?
C: yeah. But my powers are dormant. They have been for a while. They only come out when I'm scared to really angry. The last time something like that happened was when Daniel called me worthless. My eyes turned black from the lack of emotion. I'm just scared that I would hurt you.

E: is that why you dont get close to anyone anymore?
C: yes it is.  Im sorry I don't tell you.
E: Don't be sorry. You had your reasons for not telling me. I know that your trying to work things out with the boys but I'm not them.
C: I know I just felt like you deserved to know.
E: so... werewolf huh?
C: yeah.
E: that's hot.
C: what is?
E: you. Are you ready to face them.
C: yes I think I'm ready.

Eli and I get into the car and we drive to the old house.

C: hey guys.
Z:hey Corbyn
J: sup
Jo: hey
D: hi
S: go away.

C: I just came to talk. I wanna work things out. No matter how long it takes.
S: you say that now.
C: Remember how I promised to keep stiles safe. Have I broken it?
S: no.
C: I promise I will try to work things out with you guys.
E: your doing good love.
C: thanks.
D: is this why your really here?
C: yes. I don't wanna feel like I'm all alone.
Z: but your not. You have us.
C: Zach. You've grown up so much. The thing I want you all to know is that it may not have been intentional but it was your actions and words. Like for example daniel, last time we talked you left because I couldn't handle anything. I always think of that. Zach. You never say anything when you know someone is hurting. Deep down you knew that I wasn't happy when I turned to weed instead of having to face my problems. Scott, I let you down the most. You tell me that I'm worthless every chance you get. Sometimes I still lay in bed thinking about it. Then when I give up on sleeping I go get a glass of wine and drink it.

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