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I wake up in a house. It's not mine or the boys house. It looks like Hopes dad's place.
K: hello buddy.
C:Klaus? What's going on.
K: my little wolf. So strong. Very strong. You survived just like your sister.
C: sister? Hope is my sister?
K: yes and I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. It was the only way to defeat the hollow and protect you both.  Your uncle helped me with that. you and Hope are so brave. I'm so proud of you both.
C: but wouldn't that mean my birth mother is Hayley? Which would mean that Hope is my twin sister.
K: correct little wolf. Now when you open your eyes you are going to feel a sharp pain. Like how it was when your sister first turned. You need to let it take you whole. It's going to hurt if you don't. You then run. Wild and free.
C: I love you dad.
K: tell your sister I miss her ok?
C: I will.

I open my eyes and I turn into a wolf. I then transform back. I look around and see a group of people.
C: hope? You ok?
H: yeah.
C:can we talk. It's important.
H: sure.
Hope and I head outside to talk about the memory that I had.
C: hope. This may sound crazy but I saw dad.
H: my dad?
C: our dad. I'm your twin brother. I was adopted when I was born and we were spit up. Dad says that he's proud of his two little woods and that he misses you. I know you two were close.
H: how is this possible?
C: if that's true then wouldn't I be a full trybrid by now?
H: not exactly. You've died. But you don't have your full potential of being a trybrid because you have no magic.
C: yes but the other day my bloodlust was really bad. And Eli came by. He was trying to um you know but then I drank him dry.
H: you should be turning by now.
C: I honestly feel no difference.

I feel my leg break and I scream. Hope opens the door and dragged me inside. He takes me down to the basement.
C: it hurts hope.
H: if you let it swallow you whole it won't hurt. Now when you turn come and find me. We can run wild and free together.
C: ok.

Hope walk upstairs as I let out a scream and I turn into a wolf.  I walk up to her as to say are you ready and she turns. The pool slide door was open so we run out that door and run around the city until it's morning.

C: Hope wake up.
H: What.
C: well number one were naked and no longer werewolfs and two were on the woods.
H: we have to go back to the boys house to pack some bags. Aunt  Freya has some explaining to do.
C: ok let's race. First one to make it there gets $20

We turn into our wolf forms and run back to the boys place. So far hope was in the lead. As soon as we're close I start running faster and I win. We go through the pool sliding door and I head upstairs and grab a hoodie once I turn back. I threw a hoodie to hope.
C: I knew I would win.
H: not by a lot tho.
C: I still won so pay up.
Hope hands me $20.
C: yess!

I hear people coming downstairs and hope and I look towards them. It's Daniel and Jonah.
D: hey where did you go yesterday.
C: oh I um I went for a hike with Hope.
H: your not gonna tell them?
C: why so they can just put me down some more?
Jo: I said I'm sorry Corbyn come on don't be like that.
C: well I am. what are you guys gonna say when I tell you I killed someone?
D:well did you?
C: I'm not telling you until I know what you think about it first.
H: oh come on Corbyn.
C:ok ok! I triggered my curse. As you guys know I was adopted as a baby. And then I was adopted again when I was 13. You all know about both of those but what you don't know is that my birth father and mother are Hayley Marshall and Klaus Mikaelson.
D: so what does this mean.
Jo: wait when is your birthday hope?
H: may 2nd
D: Corbyn that's your birthday.
C: yeah we are twins. Just one thing. Neither of us are full trybrids yet. Hope has her magic and her werewolf parts but I have my vampire and my werewolf parts. So we are going to see our aunt for a while.
Z: you can't just leave.
C: well it's family Zach. Family comes first.
H: yup you are definitely a Mikaelson.
C: I'm am debating on if I want to change my name or leave it as it is.
D: what?
C: my name is not the name my parents would've wanted to name me. Therefore I want to change it.
D: it's your choice honestly.
Z: I just don't care at this point anymore.
Jo: do what you want Corbyn.
C: see? This is the type of shit I've had to put up with for the longest time and I'm sick of it. I'm doing this for me at this point. Hope let's go.

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