Chapter 34

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Hatake Kaiyo P.O.V.

It was a long tiring day, and Natsumi was asleep as soon as her body hit the bed. I tried to sleep as well but I couldn't so I walk down the stairs again. I find my dad on the back porch, looking up at the stars. "Hey Otosan" I sigh as I sit down next to him. "Hey son.." he says softly. I glance at him. "How are you doing?" I ask. Dad looks down at his feet. "I buried the love of my life today. I'm not doing so well right now" he says as he rubs his eye tiredly. "I know. I'm sorry." I say. Dad looks at me smiling. "Don't be, thank you for asking" dad says. "What now, Otosan?" I ask softly. "Aren't you going to be lonely?" I ask, pushing my shoulder softly against his. "I'm not going to be lonely. I've got you guys" he says softly. "What about sex?" I ask smirking. Dad looks at me surprised and then laughs loudly. "When and if I'm up for that's again, I've got a few places I can go" he says amused. "You a bit of a hustler Oyaji?" I say teasingly. Dad chuckles. "No I'm not, but I'm not going to gross you out with the details" dad says. "Thanks" I say amused as I lay my head against his shoulder. "I'd hate for you to feel lonely" I say softly. Dad takes my hand. "Thank you baby. I'll be fine. I've been alone most of my life" dad says softly. Then he softly strokes my cheek. "I'm more worried about you. And your sister" he says. "As long as we still got you, we'll be fine" I say. I close my eyes when I feel him pressing a kiss on top of my head. "I'm not going anywhere" he says. "You better keep your promise. Okaasan broke hers too" I say. "What promise?" Dad asks. "That she wouldn't die.." I whisper as tears well up in my eyes again.

I open the door to the Hokage's office and both Shikamaru and Naruto look at me surprised. "Kaiyo..what are you doing here?" Shikamaru asks. I put my hands in my pockets. "I want to go on a mission" I say. "I'm not letting you go on a mission right now, Kaiyo" Naruto says. "Why not?" I ask. "We buried your mother yesterday, Kaiyo" he sighs as he leans back in his chair. "So? You're already working are you not? Wasn't she a sister to you?" I ask annoyed. Naruto frowns angrily. "She was my aunt and I loved her dearly" Naruto says. "But I'm the Hokage and as much as I'd like to take the day off to mourn, I can't" he says. "Don't take it personally Kaiyo" Shikamaru quickly says. "We're just looking out for you" he adds. I sigh deeply and run my hand through my hair. "I just need to take my mind off of it" I say. Shikamaru walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Go take care of your sister, spend some time with Mirai or your friends. We don't have a mission for you right now, and when we do we'll summon you" Shikamaru says. I look down at my feet. "Kaiyo" Naruto says, making me look up at him. "Don't think because I'm working, that I'm not hurt. I am, very much." Naruto says. "Fine" I say again. "Kaiyo" Naruto says again as I'm about to turn around. "I care about you" he says. I chew my lower lip. "I know" I mumble. "Come talk to me when you're ready. And trust me when I say we'll summon you when we have a mission for you" he says. I nod and leave the room. After I close the door I lean against it and close my eyes. "Gosh why did she had to die?!" Naruto says and I hear his voice break. "I'm real sorry Naruto" Shikamaru says. "It's just...the timing couldn't be worse dattebayo. What if this is going to give him that push?" Naruto asks. "We'll just keep an eye on him..and Natsumi too" Shikamaru says. I scoff and walk away.

Sitting in the grass and looking up at the sky used to relax me so much, but now it isn't even working. "I've brought candy, you want some?" Mirai sits down next to me. I smile at her. "No thank you" I say. She looks at me surprised before she touches my forehead. "Are you Ill?" She asks. I chuckle and pull her hand away. "I'm just not feeling like it" I say. "I get it" she sighs. "The service was beautiful" she says softly. "Yeah well.. it shouldn't have to" I say, rubbing the back of my neck. "She should've just stayed alive" I add angrily. "I sucks" Mirai strokes my cheek. "One moment I just feel numb and the next I'm so angry. Not to forget those moments I just want to curl up and cry" I say. "That's probably because it was so unexpected" Mirai says. "But it was..." I sigh. I look up as Harue and Sogo sit down as well. "Is this an intervention?" I ask amused. "No bud, this is friends being there for you through a very though time" Harue says. I smile. "Thank you" I say softly. "And thank you for coming yesterday" I add. "Of course. Your mom was amazing" Sogo says. "Yeah she was" I sigh as I run my hand through my hair. "Well at least Ginjiro can enjoy her shining presence now" Harue says. I chuckle. "I think Ginjiro is with his own family, and my mom with mine" I say. "At least she's with Yondaime-Ojisan now. She always said how much she missed him, so she can be with him now" I say. "Yondaime? Yondaime is your uncle?" Sogo asks as he looks up at the stone heads. "Yeah. He was her brother" I say. "Geez, you have many Hokage's in your family" Harue says. "Talk about pressure" he says. "Nah I don't see it that way. It's confirmation where my talent is coming from. Besides those that became Hokage aren't the only talented shinobi in my family. My grandfather and my mother were amazing as well" I say, while taking Mirai's hand in mine. "Though it does pressure Natsumi" I say. "How is she doing?" Mirai asks. "Not so good unfortunately" I say. "Must suck for Rokudaime as well. How can you really mourn your wife when you have kids to take care of" Sogo says. "He does, when Natsumi is asleep" I sigh as I lie back in the grass.

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