Chapter 16

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Hatake Natsumi P.O.V.

"And that's, that" mom says, closing my back. "It's weird that you're going to Kirigakure for the field trip, considering how many times your father and I fought Kiri shinobi" she sighs, laying her hands on her hips. "Aren't you worried?" I ask. Mom smiles. "You're my youngest, I'm always worried. But yes. But Anko is one of my best friends. I trust her completely" she says. "Thanks for helping me pack Kaasan" I say, putting my backpack on my shoulders. "You're welcome" she says, stroking my hair before I go downstairs. "Ready?" Dad asks smiling as he leans his forearm behind him on the backseat of the diner chair. "Yeah" I sigh. "You don't seem very excited" he says. "I just" I sigh as I walk over. "I have a bad feeling about this" I say. "About what? You've got friends in your class now right? You're going to have a lot of fun" he says. "It isn't about having fun" I say rolling my eyes. "I just...have a bad feeling, like something is going to happen" I say. "Nothing is going to happen. Your teachers are coming with" he says. I shrug and dad smiles again. "How about this" dad takes a pendant from underneath his shirt. He takes off the necklace and put it around my neck. "Your mom gave this to me when she told me I was going to be a father again. It kept me save ever since. I'm lending is to you. It'll keep you safe. When you come back home you'll give it back" he says. I sigh, taking the pendant between my thumb and index finger. "Fine" I mumble. "Have fun baby" he says, kissing my forehead. I hug mom before walking over to the hallway. "I'm worried Kakashi" I hear mom saying softly. "I am too..but times have changed" I hear him say. I sigh before leaving. Boruto waits for me in front of his house. "Sorry I'm late" I say as I reach him.

During the train ride I sit next to Iwabee, who seems just as gloomy as I am. Boruto and Sarada fight again of course, but I distance myself from it. I find myself a nice quiet spot on the boat. "Nojiko called me" I hear Anko say to Shino. "Seems like Natsumi had a bad feeling about the trip. Considering what happened with Kakashi and Rin back in the day, what happened to her. She's worried" Anko says. "Aren't they projecting their feelings onto Natsumi?" Shino asks. "You know how Lord sixth interacts with the Mizukage and the former Mizukage. I don't think they do. Nojiko did say that these feelings of Natsumi are usually right" Anko says. "It's probably nothing but let's keep an eye on her" Shino says. I roll my eyes and go away from this spot to find another. "You're awfully quiet today" Inojin says as he sits down next to me. "Am I?" I ask, smiling slightly. "You are. What's up?" He asks. "I don't know" I say shrugging. Inojin doesn't respond and looks over at the sea, at how the sun is setting. I look at him before following his gaze. "Are you annoyed by Boruto?" He asks after a while. "Not really" I say. I sigh and tuck my hair behind my ear. "You know the feeling, like something bad is going to happen?" Inojin looks at me and nods. "I've had it ever since this morning. I didn't really want to come but my parents made me" I say. "I'm glad that you did" Inojin says. I chuckle. "Why is that?" I ask amused. "Its going to be fun. You'll see" he says, smiling. "Yeah maybe" I say softly. "I understand where you're coming from. But if you keep worrying, you'll be too busy to have fun" Inojin says. I look at him smile. "You're right. I'm sorry" Inojin smiles again. "Don't be."

We arrive in Kirigakure in the morning. As everyone gets off the boat I make sure I'm staying behind a little. I know how much I resemble both my parents, and I know their reputations, as well of that of my grandfather. A boy called Kagura meets us and introduces himself as an aide to the Mizukage. I see how most of the girls swoon over him. He is kind of cute. But my eyes drift over to Inojin. I see that Sarada doesn't swoon over the guy also, making me chuckle. Kagura will be our guide during the trip. Kagura shows us around, and as he does I make sure I stay as far away as possible from Boruto. Trouble seems to attract that boy. Kagura points out some villagers don't like outsiders. He introduces us to Mei, the previous Mizukage, and lists her previous efforts during the war and in beginning Kirigakure's expansion. The two lead them to the Mizukage's office, where they meet Chōjūrō.  As Chojuro makes a lengthy speech about cooperation, I hold my arms around my back and look around. At the room we're in, at my classmates and my teachers. Of course Sarada and Boruto are whispering but I, once again distance myself and stand with Wasabi and Inojin. As we leave I hear Shikadai tell Boruto about the seven swordsmen of the mist. "Our fathers actually fought one" I say to Boruto. "Momochi Zabuza" I add. "Which my chichiue eventually defeated. During the fourth shinobi war my chichiue defeated several reincarnated swordsman of the mist" I say. This seem to impress Boruto, Shikadai, and Inojin. Mitsuki doesn't really seems surprised but I blush. "Your dad tells you that kind of stuff?" Shikadai asks. "Not really. He doesn't like to talk about his past or his battles, my mom doesn't either but my aniki told me. I don't know told him though" I say, shrugging before placing my hands in my pockets. Kagura arrives back to our group. "I'm sorry for making you wait. Please follow me, we'll visit the Kirigakure Academy now" he says.

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