Chapter 31

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Hatake Natsumi P.O.V.

Every attack I throw at my father, he just dodges so easily. Every attack with ninja weapons, every taijutsu attack. Even when I use ninjutsu. He never even took his hands out of his pockets. Slowly but surely people started watching us and I'm also starting to get frustrated. "Don't get frustrated" Father says. " keep calm and use your mind" he adds. I sigh deeply and look at my father. He smiles amused as he waits for me. I run up to my father, when he dodges my hand once again, I conjure the purple lightning he taught me, though mine is pink. This seems to surprise my father, I pull my hand to the right, toward him. He grabs my wrist, making my arm unable to move. "Oh well done, you made me take my hand out of my pocket" he says amused. I scoff annoyed but when I do so my father pulls me to the side before throwing me back to my starting point. "Again" he says. I notice I'm almost out of chakra as I'm starting to pant. As I run up to my father I take the short katana he bought for me out of its sheath on my back. As expected he dodges it easily. I infuse the katana with my pink lighting before trying to strike my father once again. I sigh deeply when he once again grabs my wrist. "Two times now. Very good" he says.  "Still not good enough" I say as I pull my wrist back and take a few steps back. Only now I notice it was Boruto, Shikadai, Inojin and Kaiyo that were watching. "Again" I say. "No. It's been enough for today" father says. "What why?" I ask. Father bends over until his face is at the same hight as mine. "You're out of chakra" he says smiling. Scoffing I sheath my katana again. "Well done Natsu" Boruto shouts as he waves. I even detect a small smile on Inojins lips. I scoff before I turn around and walk the other way.

I look at my brothers face, missing his always present smile and the mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Time to come home Natsumi" he says. Not Natsu-chan? Not squirt? "Not yet" I say. "Stop that. You're out of chakra. Okaasan has finished dinner. Come home and eat" he says. "I'll come home when I'm stronger" I say. "And how will you get stronger without food and sleep?" He asks. Kaiyo scoffs. "So sick of this shit" he mumbles before grabbing my collar and lifting me over his shoulder. "Hey!" I say protesting but Kaiyo has already started walking home. I leave it be. "What's the matter with you oniisan" I say softly. "Nothing for you to worry about" he says. "You're my brother, how can I not worry?" I mumble as I cross my arms. "I'll be fine, Natsumi." He says. "Kaiyo, how are you doing?" I hear. "Oh Naruto-niisan, hello" Kaiyo says. "Heading home?" He adds. "Yeah. I really wanted Hinata's home cooked dinner tonight" Naruto says. "What's happening over here?" He asks amused. "She's out of chakra and refused to come home. Okaasan made dinner so" Kaiyo shrugs. "Good evening, Naruto-jisan" I say, lifting my hand to wave. Naruto chuckles slightly. "Tell your mother I said hi" he says as he walks past Kaiyo. "Take care, Natsu-chan" He winks as he walks into his front yard. Kaiyo walks along until walking into our own. "Taidaima" he shouts, finally putting me down on my feet in our hall. Annoyed I take off my shoes and walk along. "Okaeri" mother says. "Thank you for getting her Kaiyo" mother says. "You're welcome" father is waiting at the dinner table and leans his chin on his hand while he watches me with an amused smile on his lips.

"Have I told you about the day that I died?" Surprised I look at my father. "You died?" I ask. He smiles. "I did" he says. "And when I did, I was able to see my father again after" father sighs deeply. "A decade, maybe even more. And when I saw my father I felt so guilty. Especially when he just asked about me" curiously I look at my father. "Why did you feel guilty?" I ask. "Once long ago, my father abandoned his mission in order to save the lives of his comrades. He was resented for it by the entire village. And for some parts in my life even by me" father frowns slightly as his gaze is in front of him. "And  when I learned that the lives of my comrades was more important than a mission, my father was dead for years." He says. "How did he die?" I ask softly. Father looks at me and smiles sadly. "He took his own life" he says softly. "Anyways" he sighs. "So when I died, I could finally tell him I forgave him, and that I was proud of him. I still am. Then suddenly I was bathed in green light, and that's when my father told me that he was happy I forgave him and that he could finally see my mother. That's when I woke up in my body. Seems like it wasn't quite my time to die yet" father says. I wrap my arms around myself. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask softly. "When you're fighting, if it's training or an enemy it doesn't matter, who are you fighting for?" He asks. Father smiles. "I don't need to know the answer. As long as you do" he says. "If you keep in mind who you're fighting for, you can defeat any enemy" he says. "Who are you fighting for?" I ask. "You" father smiles brightly. "Your brother. Your mother. If I lose, you guys might get hurt so I have to prevent that at any costs" he says. "And back then?" I ask. "Myself, my friends. My students. And then your mother" father says. "Keep that in mind okay?" He stands up. "Let's go again" he says.

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