Chapter 23

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Hatake Kaiyo P.O.V.

"Ohayo Okaasan!" I say cheerily as I open the door of her hospital room. She's sitting upright in bed with her breakfast on her lap. "Ohayo" she says, smiling gently. "Oyaji is stopping by later and Natsu-chan is at school, she's learning who her team mates are today" I say as I walk over. "Is that so? I'm curious" she says. "I am too" I sit down on a chair next to her. I lay my hand on her arm. "How are you feeling, Kaasan?" I ask, smiling. "Hmm I am good. The surgical wounds hurt a bit but that's normal." She says as she takes her bowl with vegetables in her hand. "How did you sleep?" Mom asks. "Better, because I knew you woke up" I say smiling. "Of course I would wake up, silly" mom says as she hands me her pudding. I'm about to answer when the door opens once again. "Ohayo" father says. "I brought company" he says as he walks in with Hanabi. "Hanabi, for what do I owe the pleasure?" Mom asks amused. "I heard my sensei had surgery. Of course I would stop by" she says as she puts flowers in a vase beside moms bed. "They're beautiful, thank you" mom says. Father sits down next to mom on the other side as Hanabi walks over to the window and leans against it. "And I came to tell you that as if today I'm in charge of Natsumi's team" she says. Mom smiles brightly. "I'm glad to hear that" she says. "Is there anything I need to know?" Hanabi asks. "She's very insecure. She keeps comparing herself to us and her brother. Not realizing her own skills. But she's exceptional in working with the dogs" Dad says. "I see" Hanabi says. "I'm confident Natsumi will reach her full potential under your leadership" Mom says smiling. "Thank you for your trust" Hanabi bows slightly to my mother.

"Just for my own curiosity" I say as I walk with Hanabi out of the hospital. "Who else is in the team?" I ask. "Izuno Wasabi and Suzumeno Namida" Hanabi says. "Wasabi is that cat like girl right?" I ask. "I guess so" Hanabi says as she takes a piece of paper from her sleeve and look at it. I chuckle. "Neko and Inu in one team. That must be interesting" I say amused. "Never thought of that really." Hanabi says honestly. "That's because you don't work with either, Hanabi-nee" I say, grinning widely. Hanabi places both her hands on her hips as she looks at me amused. "Anything about Natsumi I should know that your parents haven't told me already?" She asks. I cross my arms. "Her hearing and sense of smell are exceptional. She could easily be mistaken for an Inuzuka" I say, frowning in thought. "She needs to be challenged though, to bring out her full potential"  I say. Hanabi smiles. "Thank you. I'll do my best" she says. "I'm sure you will" I answer smiling. "You know, you could probably lead a Genin team very well" she says. "Well" I sigh, placing my hands on my hips. "Perhaps. But they think I'm a bit too young, and I tend to agree. So I'm fine with gaining more experience for a bit and I'll probably be ready in time to lead Himawari's team" I wink teasingly.  Hanabi laughs. "Perhaps. I have to go and meet my team. Take care now" she says. Patting my head teasingly. "Yeah yeah" I say, saving her hand away. "Give my best to Hinata-nee" I say amused. Hanabi waves als she walks away.

"And? What do you think?" Sogo looks at me with excitement. I lay my headphones back around my neck. "Well, it does sound good" I say. "Right?! They're having auditions now. I think you'd fit really well" Sogo says. I chuckle. "Being Shinobi doesn't really fit well with being an idol" I say, stepping on the park bench and sitting on the back. "Being a shinobi isn't what it used to be you know?" Sogo says pouting slightly as he folds his hands behind his head. "It doesn't matter. I don't find joy in singing and especially performing. I do enjoy my work as a shinobi for that matter"  I say. "You'd better stop Sogo" Harue sits down on the bench amused. "He's never going to do it. Neither one of us." Harue runs his hand through his dark hair. "If you want any of us to join you should try the girls. They're most likely" he adds. "What are we talking about?" Ginjiro asks as he walks up behind the bench, leaning his hands next to me on the back. "Sogo is trying to get me to join a boy band" I say as I'm struggling with the wrapper of a lollipop. "You're kidding?" Ginjiro chuckles, pulling his green braid over his shoulder. "What? You've heard him sing" Sogo says defensive. When I finally pull off the wrapper I hold up the lolly like a trophy before putting it in my mouth. "You're just trying to eliminate the competition" Harue winks playfully. Sogo scoffs. "What competition?" He says. "You know Kaiyo's skills are better. That's why he's the only one that made it to jounin already" Ginjiro says. Sogo scoffs again. "Whatever may or may not be" I say, without taking the lolly out of my mouth. "It doesn't matter. "I hate performing so" I grin stretching my legs. "But thank you for thinking of me" I add. Sogo smiles. "So I heard your baby sister passed her exam. Ometedou" Harue says. "She did! We're all very proud. I'm so curious for her team" I say, looking up at the sky.

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