Chapter 19

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Hatake Nojiko P.O.V.

"It's been a while since I've been here, Niisan. I'm sorry. I haven't been feeling so well lately" I brush some leaves and petals off Minato's gravestone. "But I've got the best medic Shinobi looking after me. I'll be fine. I just wanted to talk to you, before I go to the hospital for another round of treatment. They take up so much energy. But the new medicine Tsunade-sama made for me, help recover my energy rather quickly" I say softly. "Does Kakashi-sama know you're here by yourself?" I smile as I hear Iruka's voice behind me. I close my eyes and place my palms together. "Did he send you here?" I ask, before saying my prayer and standing back up. "He did not" Iruka smiles slightly. "How are you feeling, I heard you've been sick" he softly places a kiss on my cheek. "Which blabbermouth told you?" I ask, closing one eye teasingly. As expected he doesn't respond. "I'll be fine" I say reassuring. "Why isn't he with you?" Iruka asks, offering me his arm. I take it and walk with him from the cemetery. "Natsumi's exam is more important to me. I want her to do well so I made sure Kakashi and Kaiyo were training her today" I say. "Then allow me to take you to the hospital" Iruka says. "You don't need to Iruka, I'm fine" Iruka stops walking and looks at me. "Don't start Nojiko" his expression turns more serious. "You know my relationship with you and Kakashi exceeds friendship. Allow me to care for you when he can't" I sigh deeply. "Iruka" I mumble. Iruka strokes my hair behind my ear. "Allow people to take care of you Nojiko" I look at Iruka again and he smiles encouragingly "fine" I mumble. "Let's go" he says before walking along.

I wake up because I hear a door opening. I open my eyes just slightly so it still seems like I'm sleeping. Kakashi closes the door behind him. "How's she doing?" He whispers softly. "Good. She fell asleep right after the treatment. Sakura said that, that was normal" Iruka whispers. I drift my eyes slightly toward him and he smiles slightly at Kakashi. "It is" Kakashi says as he walks over. "Thank you for being here Iruka. It means a lot, she's so stubborn" Kakashi presses a kiss on Iruka's cheek before sitting down on the chair next to him. "Don't I know it" Iruka chuckles. "She didn't want me to come" he adds. Kakashi chuckles slightly. "You must be so worried" Iruka says. "I am... but she's so strong.... she's always strong" Kakashi whispers. Iruka looks at Kakashi with worry in his eyes. "Would you please stop talking about me as if I'm not here" I mumble, opening my eyes fully. "I didn't wake you did I?" Kakashi says, smiling. I turn my head toward the men. "No" I smile slightly. "How are you feeling?"  Iruka asks. "Tired" I answer. "Sakura said you had to eat and drink something before you're allowed to leave" Iruka says. I pull a face and Kakashi chuckles. "You know the drill"  Kakashi helps me to sit up straight before placing a tray with special herbal tea and a sandwich on my lap. "I really don't feel like eating" I groan slightly. "I know. Start with drinking the tea than" Kakashi says as he sits down beside Iruka again.  "How did Natsumi do?" I ask. "Good" Kakashi says. "It's kind of cheating if you're training her" Iruka says amused. "She doesn't know. And I'm not. I'm just watching over her and Kaiyo" Kakashi says. "I'm not judging" Iruka says smiling.

"It was kind of Iruka to come with you" Kakashi says softly, as he carefully lowers me onto the bed and tucks me in. "You asked him, didn't you?" I smile. "I might've mentioned something" Kakashi says smiling as he sits down next to me. "There's not a lot of people I trust when it comes to you" he says, stroking my hair out of my face. "You're too protective, I'm perfectly capable to take care of myself" I say. "I know" He presses his lips on my head. But pulls his mask back up when we hear a soft knock on the door. "Come in"  he says. Naruto walks in and smiles, though his eyes still show hurt. "How are you doing, Neechan?" He asks. "What are you doing here Naruto-kun. Don't you have better things to do?" I ask, but still smile. "I just came to check on you. Sakura said you had treatment today" he walks over. "So she's been updating you huh?" I ask as he stands beside the bed. "How did it go, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asks. "Better than last time. No nausea, just tired. If it goes on in this pace she can be operated soon" Kakashi answers. "That's good" Naruto says. "Don't look at me like that Naruto" I says frowning. "You know, this sickness I can handle, but those looks of you all is what's killing me. I'm not dead yet and I'm not going to die" I say, raising my voice slightly. "You're right. I'm sorry, I'm   Sorry" Naruto says quickly. "Calm down Nojiko"  Kakashi says in his regular tone. I sigh deeply before looking at Naruto again. "I'm sorry I raised my voice" I say. Naruto smiles. "I can understand your frustration. I just wanted to see how you were doing"  Naruto says. He lays his hand on my head for a moment, grinning widely before he disappears with a poof and a cloud of smoke. "Clone huh?" I chuckle. "He's a busy man" Kakashi says amused before I lay my head against him. "Rest" he whispers.

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