Chapter 9

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Hatake Kaiyo P.O.V.

"Ran into any trouble?" Shikamaru asks as I hand Naruto the scroll. "Actually...yes" I say. They both look at me immediately. I sniffle since I'm standing here drenched from the pouring rain I ran home in. "We got attacked" I say. "By whom?" Naruto asks. "I don't know, but not anyone from within the peace treaty" I lay a weapon wrapped in cloth on Naruto's desk. "Took this though" I say. "Anyone hurt or killed?" Shikamaru asks. "Just scratches. We wanted to go in, But I figured we'd better defend ourself and scram to report back and wait for orders" I say. "It's the right call you made Kaiyo, well done" Naruto says. "You can head home and rest" he says. I turn around too but I'm being called back. "We're going to let Sasuke investigate this" Naruto says. "But there's quite a large chance we're going to need you again soon. So I'd like you to be on stand by" Naruto says "of course Na" I stop talking and sigh. "Hokage-sama" I say. "Send a message to Nojiko-neechan too, she can lend a hand to Sasuke too, she's in the area" Naruto says to Shikamaru. "My Hahaue isn't back yet?" I ask. "Not yet, which in this case is a blessing. I wouldn't worry too much about your mother. She's one of the best" Naruto says smiling. I smile too. "I know" I say. "Go and head home, get out of those wet clothes before you get sick" Naruto says kindly. "Thank you lord seventh" I say bowing slightly. "Give my best to Kakashi-sensei and Natsu-chan" he says as I turn around. "I will" I say. It's dark and probably late too. But at least it stopped raining. I'm cold because of my wet clothes so I hurry home.

Because of the time I don't shout that I'm home, Natsumi is probably already sleeping. I take off my shoes and walk over to the living room. Dad is sitting on the couch, elbows leaning on his knees, his face leaned on his hand covering part of his face. "Tadaima" I say softly. He looks up and smiles, but his eyes don't smile with. "Okaerinasai. What happened you're completely wet" he says. "You okay?" I ask. "I am" sighing dad stands up. "Just a mistake coming back to haunt me" he says as he walks over. "What mistake?" I ask. "Doesn't matter, you fell into water or something?" He asks, looking at the trail of water I left. "No ran home in the rain" I say. "I see, go up and take a hot shower, I'll clean up" he says. "Toosan.. what happened?" I ask. "Go ahead" he says shoving my shoulder slightly. I sigh deeply and take off my headband. I lay it on the cabinet in the hallway before walking up the stairs. I throw my wet clothes in the laundry basket in the bathroom before taking a hot shower, which honestly feels amazing. In my pajamas I walk downstairs. Dad already dried the floor. "So how was your mission?" He asks as I sit down on the couch and throw my feet onto his lap. "We finished the mission" I sigh. "So you ran into trouble huh?" He asks as he lays his hands on my ankles while leaning back. "Yeah, but from an unknown source. I might've put mom in danger" I say, frowning. "How so?" Dad asks. "He send Sasuke to investigate where the assailants came from, he send a message to mom to back Sasuke up" I say. Dad smiles. "Your mom can take care of herself baby" he says. I sigh. "I'm on standby now, probably need to go out again soon" I say. Dad nods. "What mistake Oyaji?" I ask. Dad looks at me. "Doesn't matter son" he says. "If it upsets you this much it does" I say.

With a lollipop stick still between my teeth, I frown as I lay on a grass field with my hands behind my head. "Ouch!" I say, rubbing my forehead when Mirai's head pops up above me. "Look what I got you!" She says enthusiastically. "Lollipops?" I ask, after I grab the bag beside my head. I look at her confused. "a new flavor!" She says. "Why did you buy me lollipops?" I ask chuckling. "Well, I thought you'd might want to try" she says. Groaning I get up. "I can get my own lollipops shorty" I say, poking Mirai's forehead. "I don't need pity candy" I say. "Its not pity candy" she says pouting. "We've been best friends our whole lives, you've never bought me candy" I say, arching an eyebrow. Mirai sighs deeply. "It wasn't meant to be pity candy Kaiyo-kun. Cause I don't pity you and have no reason to either. I just...wanted to do something nice" she says. "In that case, thank you" I say, stuffing it in my back pocket. "Let's go" I say as I start walking. "Where to?" She asks as she runs after me. "Need to check something out" I say. "What?" Mirai asks. "My dad is acting real weird. He won't tell me why" I say. "Maybe cause its none of your business?" Mirai asks. I smirk. "I just want to check something" I say, pulling Mirai into an alley as I see my dad. We start following him when suddenly he's gone. "You've been born a few years too late to be able to follow me boy" a voice suddenly says. "D-dad!" I say at the same time as Mirai says "L-lord sixth !" While we turn around. Dad crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks at me amused. "What are you doing?" He asks. "You know... just" I look at Mirai. "Just wanted to know what you were doing" I say. "You could just ask you know" he says. I shrug. "It's almost your mothers birthday so I was looking around for a gift" father says. "Haven't found the inspiration yet, but" he shrugs before placing his hands in his pockets. "Wanna help?" He asks. "Nope! Bye" I grab Mirai's arm and pull her away. "What's wrong?" She asks. "He's lying" I say. "My mothers birthday isn't for another month" I add.

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