Chapter 20

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Hatake Kakashi P.O.V.

I turn my face toward the warm water and close my eyes as it touches the skin. "Thank you, for allowing me to shower" I say as I hear the door. Iruka chuckles. "Can hardly say no to you, after the pleasure you just gave me" he says. I chuckle. "I enjoyed it too" I say. I turn off the shower and open the shower curtain. Iruka smiles. "Good" he says, before handing me a towel. "You okay?" He asks. "I'm not" I say, patting my face dry. Iruka crosses his arms and leans against the bathroom sink. "It's been a while since you've been here alone..without Nojiko" He says softly. "Yeah, she sent me here" I say as I dry my arms, chest and abs. "She wanted to come with, but just didn't have the energy" I say as I wrap the towel around my waist. "Figured as much" Iruka smiles slightly. "I don't know what to do you know" I sigh, placing both my hands on my hips. "She just got this illness, and all I can do is watch how it eats itself away through the body of the love of my life" I look at Iruka. "I just feel so helpless. There's nothing I can do for her" I say. "You're doing plenty, Kakashi-sama" Iruka smiles slightly. "You're taking care of her, and your kids. Making sure that Natsumi is training for her upcoming exam. She wouldn't ask for anything else" Iruka says. I smile slightly. "Please stop with the -sama. You don't have to call me that" I say. Iruka pushes himself off the sink, laying his hand on the back of my neck, while his arm rests on my shoulder. "It'll be fine. Recovery might be a long road ahead. But she's strong, she got this" he says. I smile as I lay my hand on his lower, bare back, and bringing my thumb and index finger to his chin. "Thank for your trying to make me feel better" I kiss him softly.

I'm not surprised to find my son, alone, looking over the city. For a moment I just watch him before I walk over and sit down next to him. I look over Konoha as well, but from the corner of my eye I see the anger, hurt and sadness in his eyes and on his face. After a little inner struggle he lays his head against my shoulder. "It's so unfair" he whispers. I turn my face slightly, causing my cheek to touch his forehead. "I know" I whisper. I bring my hand toward him, stroke his cheek softly before laying my hand on his arm, which he is leaning on his own knee. "I can't lose her, Toochan" Kaiyo mumbles. "I know, neither can I" I turn my head a little more and press my lips against his head. "But Tsunade-sama and Sakura said it's likely she'll survive" I say. "Likely is no guarantee" Kaiyo answers. "True, but both Sakura and Tsunade are the best there is. If there's anyone who can make sure your mother survives, it's them" I say. Kaiyo looks at me, his beautiful blue eyes watering. "come here" I say softly, laying my arm around his shoulder, pulling him to me. "It's so hard, staying strong while feeling this" Kaiyo whispers as he finally lets out his sadness. "I know. You don't always have to be strong" I say. "Not for us. And your sister is no idiot either. She probably feels the same way" I say, stroking through his hair.  Kaiyo pushes himself off me. "I'm fine" he sniffles, rubbing his eyes. "I'm fine" he says again, softly pushing my hand away. "You don't always have to be" I still lay my hand on his head for a moment. "I'm not either" with that I stand up and walk away.

I find my wife, on the couch with a blanket, watching tv with a small light. "What are you doing here?" I ask when I walk over to her. "You know. Watching tv" she says. I lift her legs, sit down and lay them on my lap. "You should be sleeping" I say, looking over to her. "I know I should. But I can't" she lays her head on her hand, smiles slightly. "Pain?" I whisper. "You know, if it was just the pain, I could've handled it. I can handle pain. I've been hurt so much. But it's not. It's the pain, the low energy levels, the nausea" Nojiko sighs deeply. "I hope they can operate soon. Because I'm not sure how much longer I can take this" she says as her eyes fill with tears. I take her hand on mine. "You can. You're so much stronger than you think" I whisper before pressing my lips against her fingers. "I'm here baby. We're all here when you need us" I say. "I'm so sorry Kakashi" Nojiko says as a tear runs down her cheek. "What for?" I ask, smiling amused. "That I'm putting you through this" she says. "hey.. through sickness and through health, you remember?" I wink. Nojiko smiles. "What are we watching?" I look up to see Kaiyo walk in, sleepily and still in his boxers. He pulls Natsumi with him, who looks just as tired as he does. "What are you doing up?" Nojiko asks. "Couldn't sleep" he sits down on the floor, before the couch and lays his head on his mother's lap. Natsumi sits down on the couch next to me. When I wrap my arms around her shoulders, she lays her head on my chest. "I hope we didn't wake you" Nojiko says as she runs her fingers through Kaiyo's hair. I look at Nojiko and even though she is smiling, as is Kaiyo I can feel the hurt coming off them both. The same hurt that I feel, and Natsumi probably does too.

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