Chapter 11

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Hatake Kaiyo P.O.V.

As quickly as I can I jump in front of Mirai. I feel four kunai sink into my back. I grit my teeth in pain before grabbing Mirai and jump away. "Why would you do something like that?!" She asks as her voice breaks. "You wouldn't have made it" I groan. "Scatter, we'll meet at the rendezvous point!" I shout. "I so would've" she says. "You wouldn't" I say, jumping into a bush, laying my hand in front of her mouth to keep her quiet, while I listen to the enemies passing by. "I'm your superior, I'm responsible for you" I say softly, taking my hand of her mouth. "That's not why you did this" she whispers. I smile slightly, while looking her in her eyes. "You're my best friend" I whisper. Mirai slowly shakes her head and in one movement she lays her hand on the back of my neck, pulls me toward her and presses her lips against me. I close my eyes as I kiss back. I softly bite her lower lip, she grants me entrance and I feel her nails sinking into my neck as our tongues play a round of tag. As our lips part I kiss her again softly. "Can you please not pull me like that? It hurts" I whisper against her lips smiling. I open my eyes and Mirai is blushing heavily. "Don't tell me this was your first kiss?" I ask teasingly. "It was" she says, embarrassed while still blushing heavily. "Well, lucky for you I'm a great kisser" I say smirking. "You're an asshole" she says, slamming my shoulder. "Ouch" I say, laughing softly. "I deserved that. Let's get to the rendezvous" I say, peeking out of the bushes. When I see its clear both Mirai and I get away from this place, to an hot springs inn we were earlier.

"Ouch, son of a bitch" I hiss when Mirai pulls one of the kunai out of my back, immediately pressing gauze against this. "What was that?" Naruto asks through the phone of the room we're in. "Nothing, just Mirai pulling a kunai out of my back" I say. "You're wounded?" He asks sharply. "How many?" He immediately asks after. I look at the two other chunin of this team. "Just a few scratches, and I got four kunai in my back" I say. "How many enemies?" Naruto asks. "At least ten. We managed to kill about half of them" I say. "Any idea what they're after?" He asks. I hiss when Mirai pulls out another kunai. "Yeah. They want to end the peace treaty" I sigh. "They posed as Kumogakure shinobi, but it was obviously fake. You should warn the other villages. They might be posing as Konoha shinobi as well" I say. "Are you safe, Kaiyo?" Naruto asks. "Yeah, we are for now lord seventh" I say. "Okay. Stay for the night then head home. You've done well. I'll warn the other villages." He says. "Roger" I say. "You know I have to notify your mother right?" Naruto says. "Please don't" I say. "She'll kill me" Naruto says. I chuckle. "Then you don't know before I arrive tomorrow" I say. "Be careful" Naruto says. I hang up. "We're sitting tight for now, tomorrow we head home to report. Lord seventh will warn the other villages. Well done tonight guys. Get some rest I'm planning on heading home without stops" I say. "Roger" the two chunin say. Standing up heading for the woman's room. "Mirai?" One of them asks. "I'll finish bandaging up this hedgehog then I'll be there" she says. "You were done already" I say smirking as the door closes. "Yeah" Mirai chuckles as I feel her putting on the last medical tape. I smile when I feel her lips against my shoulder. "I really don't need your protection" she whispers. "You're welcome Mirai-chan" I whisper.

"Thank you, dismissed. Kaiyo, Mirai could you stay behind?" Naruto says. As soon as the others leave Naruto smiles. "Once again well done. I knew we could count on you Kaiyo" he says. "Thank you, Naruto-niichan" I say. Mirai blows her elbow in my ribs. "Lord seventh I mean" I say, gasping for air. This causes Naruto and Shikamaru to laugh. "You can call me niichan when it's just us Kaiyo, you know that" he says. "Yeah shorty" I say, laying my hand on Mirai's head and shoving her. "We might have a little incident here at home. Can't go into details right now but keep an eye on your sister okay?" He says. "S-sure" I say a little confused. "You can go" he says. As I open the door, I see dad wanting to go in. "Oyaji" I say. "Okaeri Kaiyo" he says and steps aside to let me and Mirai pass. "So Kaiyo-kun" Mirai says. "Mirai-chan" I say, in return. "What are we now?" She asks. "We're taking it slow" I say, smiling slightly as I stop walking. "If that's okay with you?" I add, placing a hand on my hip. "That's okay with me" she says, smiling. "That is after you give me another one of those kisses" she says, smirking slightly. "That I can do" I say, I place my hands on her hips, pulling her toward me. When I place my lips onto hers, she kisses back this time, thankfully. "You know, you've got quite the abs" she says playfully as she lays her hand against my stomach. "Yeah, quite proud of that" I say smirking. I'm about to kiss her again when we're interrupted by a large animal being summoned really close. "Shit" I hiss. "Come on" I say. "Toochan" I shout, after he severed a piece of the monsters tail. "What the fuck is this" I shout. "Nevermind just help, Mirai evacuate the area" he shouts. Mirai immediately jumps away. I make the hand signals as the shinobi around me and raise a wall around the monster.

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