Chapter 12

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Hatake Natsumi P.O.V.

With my head on my mothers lap, I lay on the front porch. Both out front yard and our back yard has good views on the stars but every once and a while we sit on the front porch to watch the stars. As my mom runs her fingers through my hair I close my eyes. "You're late, Naruto-kun" Mom says suddenly. I hear a deep sigh. "I know" I hear Naruto say as he walks up the path. "Hey to you too Nojiko-neechan" he says. "You okay?" Mom asks. "Yeah, just tired. Is she?" Naruto asks, and then I feel a cold hand on my forehead. "She's fine, just laying with mommy" mom chuckles. I hear Naruto crouch down and stroke the hair of my forehead. Mom sigh. "I remember when Boruto was just born, the way you would hold him on your arm" mom says sentimental. Naruto chuckles, "yeah it was so different from the way you would hold Natsu-chan" Naruto chuckles. "Yeah, but she was my second child and he was your first." Mom says. "Can you believe how old they are already?" Naruto sighs. "With such lip service" he adds. Mom laughs. "I know. She's quite polite. But Kaiyo keeps her in check though" she adds. "You can be really proud of that boy. He does such good work" Naruto says. "I am. It makes me curious about this one though. She's so insecure" I open my eyes and Naruto smiles at me. "Naruto-ojisan?" I ask a little surprised. "Hey there Natsu-chan" he says and stands up. "I'm off to my own family" he says. "Give my best to Hinata" mom says. "I will" Naruto says before giving mom a kiss on her cheek. He lays his cold hand on my head again before walking away. "Why don't you go up to bed huh sweety?" Mom says. I sigh. "Fine" I mumble.

"Natsu!" Boruto says giving me a small push before he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "You'll be in our team right?" He says. I look around and see that Inojin is in a team with Chocho and Shikadai, Houki is with Wasabi and Namida and Sarada is with Iwabee and Denki. "Sure" I say, smiling. "I thought your name was Natsumi?" Mitsuki says curiously. "It is" I answer. "Why does Boruto call you Natsu?" He asks. "Everyone in our family does" Boruto answers. "You're family?" This time Mitsuki seems really surprised. Both Boruto and I chuckle. "Yeah" we say. I understand it though. We don't really look alike, except for our blue eyes. Boruto takes his arm from my shoulders and pushes me again slightly. "So you grew up together?" He asks. "Yeah. We also live on the same block, that does help" I answer. I say as we walk over to the space Shino appointment us. We have to play capture the flag again. The team we're up against is Inojin, Shikadai and Chocho. This does makes me nervous.  When the whistle blows Mitsuki and Boruto jump away. They assigned me to defend the flag. I make the hand signs my dad showed me before biting my tumb until it bleeds and placing my hand on the floor. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu" I say. A large Dalmatian, a large bulldog, a few smaller mutts and the son of Pakkun Ichiro. "Six of us, on your second time around. Well done little girl" the Dalmatian says. I grin, blushing proudly. "What can we do for you?" Ichiro asks. "We have to defend the flag, please hide and come out when necessary"  I say. I spread my arm and they scatter.

Inojin turns up on one of his drawings. Smiling I step in front of the flag. "You lose" he says. He makes some hand signs and a few from his drawings appear, trying to attack me but instead they're being grabbed by the mutts, disappearing immediately. This surprises Inojin, so much so he doesn't see the bulldog coming which grabs the drawing he's on. This one disappears immediately, as he lands I tackle him, grabbing both his wrist, holding one on his back and the other on his side while my knee is on his back. "Don't let anyone else near the flag" I command and the large dogs sit around the flag as Shikadai appears. But before he can do anything the whistle is blown. Boruto captured their flag. "Sorry about that" I say, stepping off Inojin. "Thank you guys" I say petting the dogs and with a puff of smoke they disappear; saying you're welcome. At least those who can talk. "You summoned those?" Shikadai asks surprised as we walk back to our teacher. "Yeah" I say. "We just learned how to use the summoning technique" Inojin says. "You know the technique of those drawings of you much longer right?" I ask. "My dad and brother have been preparing me all my life for those dogs" I say, smiling. "Dad just wanted me to learn the technique in school, but the contract was ready" I say. Inojin looks at me curiously but then smiles. I look away. "She has like six dogs protecting the flag man" Shikadai says to Chocho. "Really? So cool!" She says. "How did you do that?" Boruto asks. "I summoned them" I say. "No way!" He says surprised. "But I did though" I say. "It was cool" Inojin says. I look up to him, but immediately look away blushing again. Shino gives both the teams feedback on what went well and what to do better, in which he also compliments me on using the summoning so well.  Luckily this was the last class of the day and we get to go home. Instead of going home I decide to go with Chocho and Sarada. "Natsumi, do you like Inojin or something?" Chocho asks suddenly. I blush heavily. "What?! No! Of course not why do you ask?" I ask. "Because you keep blushing around him" she says. "I don't, honestly" I say. Sarada and Chocho grin toward each other. "Really!" I say. "Right" Sarada chuckles.

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