Chapter 22

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Hatake Natsumi P.O.V.

I was so surprised when I learned that my dad was taking our exam. It was a 24 hour exam where we have to take a bell from him. The whole day and night they didn't really make it early for us. At sunrise, Boruto attacks Dad  with shadow clones, but more appear than Boruto is able to use. We are all disguised as Boruto's clones. Dad knocks us down as well, but when Boruto gets close enough and signals it, they all hold Kakashi down with fūinjutsu, as they did with Konohamaru. Boruto and I were the only ones who were able to get close but dad uses Lightning Release against us all, but they don't fall back. Boruto only manages to ring the bell before the 24 hours are up. Surprisingly enough dad passes us all. We're all confused, as we didn't get the bell. Dad explains amused we wouldn't have been able to acquire the bell at all. He explains that in the shinobi world, those who break the rules are called scum, but those who don't value their comrades are worse, and when they all came together at him as a team, that's when they passed. Shino congratulates us and releases the transformation on our bandannas, which were forehead protectors all along. Everyone starts to celebrate as Iruka scolds Dad for being too rough on the students. As I'm being hugged by Wasabi and Chocho I look over at my dad. There's something about the way he's talking to Iruka-sensei.  But then I see Kaiyo appear next to them both. As he talks both their faces change slightly. Their eyes meet mine and I immediately feel a cold to deep in my bones. But the way my classmates pull my attention away, make sure I forget it for a little while.

"Omedetou, I'm proud of you" Kaiyo says when I finally reach him and dad. "Thank you" I say smiling slightly before looking at my dad. "You're so mean. I never knew you were going to do this" I say, annoyed. "Warui" he chuckles. "He had clear instructions to keep it a secret" Iruka closes one eye as he puts one finger in front of his lips. "But you did very well, I'm very very proud of you" dad says as he lays his hand on the back of my head. I smile slightly before looking at my brother. "Why are you here and what was with those looks earlier?" I ask. Kaiyo looks at dad and he nods slightly. "Okaasan is still in surgery" he says. "Still? The surgery was yesterday right?" I ask, slightly panicking. "It's more complicated than they expected to be" Kaiyo sounds calm, but his eyes betray his true feelings. "Why don't you go,  you've got somewhere else to be" Iruka says, smiling slightly. "Is it really okay if we take her?" Kaiyo asks. "Of course. The exam is over and everyone gets to go home" Shino-sensei says. Dad lays his hand on my shoulder. "Let's go" he says. Naruto is waiting for us at the entrance of the hospital. "Naruto-niichan?" Kaiyo asks as he sees Naruto's serious face. I even feel more scared now and take my fathers hand. He squeezes it slightly. "They just finished the surgery" Naruto says. "But?" Dad asks. "The expectation is that she will  make a full recovery, if she wakes up" Naruto says. "What do you mean if she wakes up?" Kaiyo asks. "The surgery took much longer than expected, so she had to be sedated much longer. It all comes down to her and her own will" Naruto says. He seems worried. "Can we go see her?" Dad asks. "Yeah. Let's go." Naruto suddenly stops and smiles at me. "Omedetou Natsu"

My body and my head feels heavy. It takes me a while before I realize I fell asleep on my fathers lap. "Hmm no, she's my little girl. She'll never be to big to sleep on my lap. Even if she's an adult" dad says amused as he strokes my hair.I open my eyes slightly and see that mom is awake. Her bed is positioned so she's sitting up slightly. Kaiyo is sleeping with his head on her lap while moms hand is on his head. Naruto is standing at her feet and seems relieved too. I groan softly before rubbing my eyes  and sitting up. "I'm sorry Toosan" I mumble rubbing my eyes. "Mhmm Nandemonai. You had a long day" he says amused. Tired I look around. For a moment I stare at my mother, not processing that she's awake. "Okaasan" I say softly when I finally realize it. "Hey" Mom smiles gently. "Omedeto Natsu. I heard you've done well" she says proudly. I stand up and walk over to my mother. "Okaasan" I say as my voice breaks before hugging her. "Hey, it's allright" mom chuckles. As I let go over her Kaiyo shoots up and looks around confused until he sees my mother also. "Okaasan!" He says. "Hey" Mom says as she strokes his hair. "How are you feeling?" He asks as he takes her hand in both his. "I'm allright. A bit tired but I'm already feeling better" she says. "I'm glad" both Kaiyo and I said. "Naruto-kun. Could you please take them home? My kids need their sleep" Mom says smiling. "No way" Kaiyo says. "I don't want to" I say. "Go." Dad says amused. "I will" Naruto says. He walks over and kisses mom on her head. "Feel better Nojiko-Neechan" he says. Both Kaiyo and I kiss mom also. "Sleep well" Dad says. "Come on, lets give your mom some rest" Naruto says as he lays his hand on my shoulder, taking us with him.

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