Chapter 3

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Hatake Kaiyo P.O.V.

"Oyaji, can I ask you something?" I sit down on the back porch beside my father. "Of course" he says, softly petting Pakkun. "When did you knew, you loved okaasan?" Something in fathers eyes changes, more gentle. "The moment I knew she was back in the village" he says softly. I tilt my head slightly. "I was so excited to see her again. And when I saw her my heart unwillingly skipped a beat" father chuckles. "So you've been together ever since?" I ask. Father laughs. "No, unfortunately not no. I really had to win your mother over" he says. "Really?" I ask surprised. "Yeah, your mother and I hated each other growing up. We were really competitive. She still had that idea of me" father looks at me amused. "It took a while to win her over but.. eventually... and here we are. Still loving each other, with two beautiful kids" father looks back at our garden. "Why do you ask?" He asks. "Just curious" I answer. "So there's a girl huh?" Father asks amused. I sigh deeply scratching the back of my head. "I don't know really..." I say. "Its confusing huh?" Father asks. I shrug. "Kakashi.." mother calls from inside. "Go help your mother with the groceries" father says softly. Sighing I get up and walk inside.  "Oh Kaiyo, you're home?" Mother says a little surprised as she sees me walking into the kitchen. "Yeah, I'll be going out later" I say.  I take a bag from my mother and put the fruits in the fruit stand and vegetables in their places. "Did you buy me my sweets?" I ask. "No, you really shouldn't eat all those sweets Kaiyo, it's unhealthy" she says. "You make your own money, if you want them go buy them yourself" mother says. "Fine I will" I say before pressing a kiss on my moms cheek.

With my forearms leaning on my knees I sit on the railing of the bridge crossing Konoha. I look at the villagers walking around,shopping. At the stoneheads of my uncle, father and cousin. "Sorry I'm late" my lips automatically curl up when I hear her voice. "That's very unlike you Mirai-chan" I say. "Yeah I kind of lost track of time. I was with Shikamaru-sensei" she says. "Its fine" I say holding up my box of pocky in front of her. "Are you okay? You seem kind of down" Mirai asks as she takes one. "Do you remember Pakkun? The pug of my dads...of our ninken?" I ask. "Yeah" Mirai says nodding. "He's getting really old. Inuzuka Hana-san said he probably doesn't have very long.." I say softly. "Kaiyo-kun...." Mirai says softly. "I'm so sorry...I'll pray for him" she says and I smile. "Thank you. I think my dad is more hurt by it though." I say stepping down from the railing. "Well yeah of course. It's his dog right?" She asks. "yeah. He's from the original pack my dad had way before I was born" I say as we start walking toward the mall. "But enough about this. How are you doing, it's been a while" I say. "Fine, all good" Mirai says, smiling. "Have you heard about..." Mirai asks and I lay my fingertips against my forehead. "Yeah... baka.." I say softly "your cousin always seem to get into trouble huh?" Mirai laughs. "Hey, Shikadai always comes with" I chuckle shoving Mirai slightly. "No Boruto always drags Shikadai with" Mirai says. I laugh. "Whatever makes you sleep at night Mirai-chan" I say laughing, making Mirai laugh too.

I like spending time with Mirai like this. Just walking around in the village. Mirai and I grew up together because our parents were close friends, my mom is still close with hers, but her dad of course had died before she was born. Naturally we hung out all the time. You could say she's my best friend. We're both Shinobi now, I'm even a rank higher then her so we don't hang out as much. And lately... lately my feelings toward her have changed a little. My heart skipping beat whenever I see her, whenever she smiles or laughs. But I'm sure I'm the only one feeling this way. "You're kidding?" I chuckle. "No, I swear it really happened." Mirai says. Somehow we ended up at the same bridge we started and both lean our forearms on the railing as we look down at the villagers. I watch Boruto playing a videogame with Shikadai and Inojin. Natsumi across from them with a girl from her class at a magazine stand. But I do notice her gazes across the street. "Kaiyo-kun..." Mirai says suddenly and I look over to her. "I was wondering.." she says, still looking down at the villagers. "If you could help me with something later" she says.  "Of course..what is it?" I ask. "Just training I guess." I chuckle slightly. "Of course. Text me whenever you have time" I say. "But if you want to spend time with me just say so" I say teasingly. "Kaiyo-kun" Mirai chuckles. I chuckle as I look down again. But see both my mother, and Mirai's looking up at us with a weird smile. Blushing I look away. "There's my mom" Mirai says. "Guess it's time to go" she sighs. "Yeah. Wish we could do this more often though" I say. Mirai smiles at me. "Well you can text me too you know"  she says. I smile back. "Glad I'm allowed to" I say, again jokingly before jumping down the bridge. I land perfectly fine on my feet and walk over to my mother, with Mirai following me. "Checking up on me now?" I ask my mother teasingly. "Do I have to?" Mother asks in the same tone. "Have you seen your sister?" She asks. "Over there" I say, nodding at the book store. "It was good seeing you again, Kurenai" mother says. "Yeah. I'll call you to set a date" she says. "Allright" I wave at Mirai smiling as I follow my mother.

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