Chapter 28

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Hatake Kaiyo P.O.V.

With my feet up on the dinner table, I look up at the ceiling. It's late and I couldn't sleep. I reach over and take a picture from the photo album on the table. It's a picture of me and my dad. I'm on his arm and telling him something I was obviously excited about. He listens amused and proud, that's visible even though his nose and mouth is covered. I used to feel so safe with him, he was always so tall and broad and strong. In a way I still do but it's different. He's not much taller or broader than me anymore. I take another picture. I'm on his back this time, he's holding baby Natsumi in his arms, while supporting me with his other. In a way I can understand Boruto's feelings but it's different. My dad was already hokage when I was a baby, and when he retired he paid more attention to me and my training , since I was already a Genin. I look up when I hear the front door being closed and locked. Moments later my dad walks in. "Okaeri" I say. "Tadaima. You're up late" dad says as he pulls down his mask. "Couldn't sleep. How'd it go?" I ask. "Fine, as always" dad smiles as he walks over. "You were such a tiny baby" he sighs as he looks at a picture of me as a baby. "And look how big you are now"  he lays his hand on the back of my head. "Feeling nostalgic, Oyaji?" I ask smirking. Dad smiles gently. "Always when I see how much you, and your sister have grown" he says softly.  "All thanks to you, and Okaasans good care" I say. "I'm glad you see it that way" dad says before pressing a kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes when he does. "Let's go up to bed. It's late" he says, putting the pictures backs and closing the album.

I look up at the sky as the rain continues to soak me. I drop the sword in my hand and as I hear it fall, I look down at the bodies and the blood. Stumbling I pass the bodies of my enemies, until I fall down on my knees next to Ginjiro's. "Gin" I whisper, gritting my teeth as I press my hands on his bloody chest, grabbing his shirt. "I-it's okay" he stammers as the blood drips from his lips. "I-I'm not s-scared" he whispers. "You don't have to be" I try to smile, but it doesn't work. "You just have to hold on he-help is on the way!" I press my lips together. "J-just hold on okay?" My voice breaks. "Y-you know I won't survive" Ginjiro smiles. "They're on their way. They're close! Just hold on!" I press on Ginjiro's chest. "Tell-tell Chizue" Ginjiro coughs up more blood. I shake my head. "Tell her yourself. You're going to live, Ginjiro, you're my best friend, you can't die!" Ginjiro smiles but I can see in his eyes that he's gone already. I hear a few whooshes and three thuds. I clench Ginjiro's shirt in my hand. "Check for survivors" I hear my fathers calm voice. I glance sideways and see both Sai and Rock Lee on either side of him. "There's none" I say, keeping my voice sharp and steady, even though a tear runs down my cheek. "You're too late" I turn back my gaze to Ginjiro's body when I feel his hand on my shoulder. "You have to let go of him now" dad whispers. "I can't" I whisper. "You can" Dad answers. "Sai" dad says. "Yes sir" Sai says. "Sai will bring his body home"  Dad squeezes my shoulder. I finally let go, get up and take a step back. I look up at the sky, the rain as Sai carefully takes his body and leaves. "I think I finally understand you now, Otosama" I mumble.

I can't remember how I got home, or even took a shower. I know I gave my report to Naruto, but after that it's blank. I'm sitting on my bed, but every time I close my eyes I see Ginjiro's corps again. I look up when the door opens. "You've got to eat something son" Dad says. "I'm not hungry" I say. "I know" dad walks in and sits down on my desk chair. He places a plate on his lap with an apple, a tangerine and a knife on it. He starts peeling the tangerine. I can't do anything but stare at him. "It's going to get better" dad says. "I know it's hard to believe right now, but it is. I know. You're never going to forget, but you'll learn to live with it" he hands me a piece of tangerine. "Eat" he says. I chew silently. "What do I do?" I whisper. Dad reaches over and lays his hand on my head. "You'll use this as fuel." He says. "It really hurts" I say. Dad pulls back his hand and hands me another piece of tangerine. "I know" he says. "I'm sorry baby, that you have to get through this. I wish I could take your pain" he says. "Why?" I ask. "Because you're my boy. I hate to see you hurt" Dad smiles as my eyes get teary. "Cry my son. Let it out and then use it to get stronger" I place my hands on my face and as I softly start sobbing I feel dads hand on the back of my head. "It's okay. Let it out" dad whispers before pressing a kiss on top of my head. "Toochan is here." I reach my hands over and grab his shirt tightly in my hands. "Toochan" I groan sobbing. "I'm here my boy. Let it out." He says softly. When he hugs me I'm finally able to let it all out and cry so loudly as I clench against my father. Dad runs his hand through my hair. "Toochan is here" he whispers as he cradles me.

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