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1: Day 19

Jimin approached me.
The day was normal, chatter in the lunch room, class being boring, but nothing about what was happening currently was normal.

Jimin was next to me, his boyfriend nowhere in sight. I was confused, knowing that I haven't properly talked to Jimin in weeks.

"Uh, hi?"
We stood their silently, the loud laughter and banging of lockers from students around us not stopping.

"Is, there a reason you came to my locker Jimin?" He looked around, his hand wrapped around his wrist.

"Shihyuk and I, we broke up."
My hand stopped moving. My eyes widened, watching as Jimin studied my expression.

"You, you guys broke up?" After the shock faded, I felt confused. Why would Shihyuk do what he did, make a bunch of scenes, threaten me, just for them to break up?

I swallowed down my confusion, knowing that I definitely shouldn't be asking questions.

"Um, I really don't know what to say." The halls were now quiet, the bell about to ring. "I just wanted to tell you. I know I pushed you away and I'm sorry. Even though I was always rude to you, I considered you my friend."

That stung like a bitch.
"I want to build our relationship again. I know I hurt you, but please give me a chance."

The bell rang, and that's when I snapped out of it. "I'll think about it. I really need to go to class, see you!"

I hurried down the hall, an answer already in my mind.


Jimin's Pov

I watched as Yoongi ran, feeling disappointment bubble in my chest. I really hoped Yoongi said yes. I was a total asshole to him, so if he did say no I would understand.

I also brushed aside his feelings for me like they were nothing, continuously keeping my walls up. After Yoongi came into my life, I wanted to break those walls down more than ever.

I felt my phone in my pocket buzz, but I don't answer it. "When will this bitch leave me the fuck alone." I whisper angrily.

Shihyuk should've already taken the fucking hint. He tried it again, and that brought back memories. It made my skin crawl, and made me boil.

He though he could manipulate me like he did last time. He was successful at first, but he took it way too far. As I though about what Shihyuk did, I thought of Taehyung.

I felt guilt that I pushed him away, knowing that he was right and tried to help me. I sighed, knowing I would regret what I was about to do.

I take out my phone, scrolling through my contacts list before clicking on a certain number. My phone rings for a while, before it picks up.



Sorta a filler chapter

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