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Minki just left Joshua's around 5 minutes ago and was currently driving home. "Seungcheol is lucky I love him." Minki said as he carefully held onto the box of chicken as he turned the corner.

The 2 had fried chicken for dinner, and being the caring little brother Minki was. He saved some to give to Seungcheol when he got home.

However when he pulled up into the driveway he saw something a bit odd. The front door was wide open, and Seungcheol never leaves the front door open when he goes outside, even for a second.

But upon closer look, the front door wasn't even open. It was gone, completely off it's hinges, broken into pieces.

"Oh my god." Minki gasps as he drops all the stuff he was carrying. He looked around at the destroyed house, everything from their TV to cabinet drawers were destroyed.

"Seungcheol?!" Minki snapped out his shock as he raced around the house looking for where the older might be. As he stepped over piles of clutter he couldn't care less.

All he cared about was where his brother was, and if he was safe.

"SEUNGCHEOL!" Minki yelled as he checked all the rooms in the house, no sight of Seungcheol at all.

He pulled out his phone and tried to call Seungcheol, he heard the ringtone up in Seungcheol's room. The phone was laying face down right near Seungcheol's desk.

With his fear growing worse Minki immediately ran to the neighbors houses and asks them if Seungcheol came by here.

All of them said they haven't seen him.

"Fuck." Minki chokes back a sob as he pulled out his phone and texted the others.

'Guys I think someone broke into our house, everything is trashed and I can't find Seungcheol or get a hold of him, he left his phone here. Please tell me one of you have seen him or is with him right now?

All of their responses were then same. Shock, worry and panic. And none of them have seen Seungcheol, some of them haven't even seen him since the party.

'Don't worry Minki, we'll find him. I'll text Doyoung to ask his group, maybe Seungcheol is with them.'  Woozi texted back.

Minki sat on the pourch crying as he dialed their dad's number. "Minki? What's up kiddo?" He asked after picking up after the 2nd ring.

"Dad~ someone broke into the house while I was at Joshua's and destroyed everything." Minki choked out inbetween sobs.

"Wait what?! Minki where is Seungcheol?!" Their dad asked which only caused Minki to cry harder.

"I don't know, no one knows where he is. He left his phone at home and we cant get a hold of him." Minki said.

"Okay Minki breathe, I'm on my way home. Go back to Joshua's for now, I don't want anything to happen to you just incase." He says.

Minki agrees and ends the call, and than texted his boyfriend to come pick him up again.

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