Hoʻokahi haneli ʻumikūmāhā

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Dad first drove me too the good will, where I dropped off all the shoes my mother had given me. Including the jean jacket she gave me. (The one he wore for like the whole book) It was my way of trying trying forget her.

This would be the first and last time I visit her, after I walk out of the jail visiting booth. I would be done with her forever.

I sat in the chair, staring at my slight reflection as I wait for my mother to be escorted to the phone booth.

She looked quite shocked to see me, she must have still thought I was dead. "Hello Mother." I say placing the phone against my ear as my Mother takes the other phone.

"Seungcheol, I thought you were dead." She said, no trace of emotion in her voice at all.

"Well thank goodness for hospital doctors." I say blunty as I glared at her. But what could I expect, she didn't seem to even care when she found out I was dead the first time.

"Listen I am here for one thing and one thing only. I want the ring." I say simply as my Mother looks at me in confusion.

"What ring?" She asks as I sigh, ofcourse she already forgot.

"Grandma's ring, you know the family ring. Grandma gave it to dad when he proposed to you. I want it, you clearly don't deserve it." I say.

"That waste of junk. You can have it, I'm surprised in myself that I haven't thrown it out yet." She laughed to herself.

"Goodbye Mother." I say as I place the phone back on the hook and walked out of the prison. However I wasn't expecting Hoshi waiting out in the parking lot.

"Hey Hoshi, what are you doing here?" I ask as he shrugged.

"Totally not trying overstep my boundaries as a friend..." Hoshi laughed nervously. "But I wanted to pick you up, if you don't mind." He added.

"Okay and...?" I ask knowing there was something more.

"I actually heard from Minki your grandmother was buried in the same graveyard as my parents. So I was wondering if you wanted to visit her?" He asks nervously.

"And I would visit my parents." He whispered the last part quietly. I can't help but smile, I playfully nudge him with my crutches and nodded.

"I'd like that. Let's go." I say.

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