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Today was the day I was dreading. The funeral for my grandmother. Me and Minki told no one why we were gone that Monday day for school.

After we passed the first 2 bumps in the road; actually arriving, and than delivering speeches. We ran into another problem.

The Will.

Since Minki was not blood related to grandmother nothing could legally be placed under his name.

So she put everything under my name. All her Money, priceless artifacts, etc. And apparently anyone in our immediate family knew.

But what I DID NOT expect was my mother, of all people, who is supposed to be in Florida still. To appear next to me, like Willy Wonka or something.

"Hello dolly." She said reaching out to hug me but I slightly step back, not all that ready to hug her just yet.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and she let's out the fakest gasp I ever heard.

"I'm here because I loved your grandmother, she WAS my mother in law. And plus, I knew it would be hard for you to go through this all alone." She said.

That was ALL bullshit. My mother hated grandmother for years. "I had been getting through this all just fine. I didn't need your support." I say.

"Well I also wanted to give you this." She said handing me a peice of paper.

'You are invited to the renewal vow celebration for Kim Eunae and Kim Chujun.'

My jaw dropped at the name, Chujun. The one who made my childhood a living nightmare full of abuse. Renewing his vows with my mother?! Which could only mean one thing!

"I wanted to invite you to the actual wedding but since you and your disappointment of a father ran off to this hell hole." My mother said.

"YOU MARRIED CHUJUN?!" I yelled, gaining the attention from the other guests around me.

"Well yes I was engaged to him 1 year pior before I split up with Jajoon." She said as my eyes widened.

My mother was practically cheating on my dad. "How could you?!" I cry out as I feel Minki grab my hand. "And you chose to give me a invitation to the renewal of your vows with the man who abused me as a child! At my grandmother's funeral!" I scream angrily.

"Maybe if you were a better son he wouldn't have too!" She screamed at me as gasps fill the room.

My eyes widen as I stare at my own mother in shock, I could not believe she really just said that.

A better son? Was I really not good enough for her.

Without another word I run out of the building to the cold afternoon air. I ran as far away as I could before I pull out my phone and dial the one number I could think of at that moment.

"Hey Cheollie what's u-" Jeonghan said before I cut his sentence off.

"Can you please come get me?" I say trying my hardest not cry and break right than and there on the sidewalk.

"Ofcourse, I'll be right there, just text me your location." He said.

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