2nd to 3rd. 2nd boyfriend? Part 1

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The day before school started- 10:40 am

September 9th 2008

[Leon and Klaus didn't know that the two sisters broke up with their boyfriends. Cadance usually tells Leon a lot of stuff, so Cadance tells Leon that she broke up with Alex, but for Niki, she barely knew Leon and doesn't know the other guy. Niki is more stubborn to date guys.]

Niki: Who is that?

Cadance: Niki! Seriously?

Niki: What?

Leon: Niki, this is Niklaus, but he likes to be called Klaus.

Cadance: He is Leon's best friend besides me.

Klaus: That's true; I am his closest friend that he has when Cadance is not here

Cadance: Klaus!!

Klaus: Sorry!

Cadance: Leon, can I talk to you?

Leon: Sure.

[Leon and I walked into a different room to chat.]

Herman's office- 10:45 am

Leon: What wrong?

Cadance: Alex and I are not together anymore.

Leon: Oh... how did you take it?

Cadance: I took to fine because 2 days after Alex left, we decided we to take a break and see if this long-distance relationship is working and it wasn't working, so we decided to break up today and just as staying friends til then.

Leon: Wow, why didn't you tell... Umm Cadance?

Cadance: What is... Oh god!!

[Nate, I grab Niki, who was attacking Klaus and Leon helped Klaus up from being attacked by Niki]

Living room- 10:48 am


Niki: What?

Leon: Why were you attacking my friend?

Niki: He wasn't nice to me.

Cadance: Nate, where were you when this happened?

Nate: I was in the same room as Niki when this happened, and Klaus was nice to Niki, not mean.

Cadance: Niki, explain yourself now!

Niki: Fine! He was being clingy around me and not leaving me alone.

Leon: Niki, he is clingy to everyone.

Cadance: Even me, Klaus, get off of me, or I will get Leon to tie you up again.

Klaus: *Get's off of Cadance and goes to Leon* Fine, I am next to Leon.

Leon: See, he does it to everyone; Klaus, I will tie you up if you don't sit on the long couch there.

Klaus: Fine.

Niki: Fine, I will give him a chance, but can he not be around me?? I am not ready to be in a relationship with anyone right now.

Cadance: Niki, come down... I know you pissed at people but calm down!

[My mom came into the living room and asked what was going with Niki since there was yelling.]

Cadance: Nothing, mum.

Katie: Are you sure? I did hear Cadance yelling Niki's full name.

Cadance: Leon can tell you.

Leon: Klaus here was being "clingy" to Niki, and she didn't like it, so she attacked him, but everything is just fine now Cadance here fixed it.

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