Chapter - 33 - Jed still loves Niki?

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Herman house - living room - Tuesday - June 16, 2009 - 7:05 PM

Camila: Niki, tell us!!

Niki: Nate and Cadance can show you guys they are in this group chat.

[Cadance and Nate grabbed their iPad to join the group chat. Also to show Cami and Leon.]

Group conversation with Nate, Alex, Jed, Niki - 7:08 PM

Jed: Hey people!!

Cadance: Oh no, it's the WILD Jedster!

Nate: Oh yea, don't forget the CRAZY Alexander!

Alex: Wait... Nate, how did you know that "Alexander" is my real name?

Nate: Wait... Your real name is actually "Alexander"?!?!

Alex: Yes, you didn't know?

Nate: No one told me your real name. Not even my sister that is your best friend.

Cadance: Hey! Alex did tell me not to say it out loud, so blame him.

Alex: Oh right... Forgot. Isn't Niki going to say anything?

Jed: I think she is still mad at me for breaking with her.

Pause on the group conversation - 7:18 PM

Living room - 7:18 PM

Camila: Niki?

Niki: Yea?

Camila: Are you going to answer the group chat?

Niki: Umm... I don't know *Puts iPad on Klaus's lap and cries on him*

Camila: Did I say something wrong?

Cadance: *Moves over to Niki* Cami, you didn't say anything wrong. (Talks to Niki) You're going to be fine.

Camila: Then why is she crying on her boyfriend?

Klaus: (To Niki) Hey, calm down, Niki. (To everyone) Cami, the reason is because Jed is her ex-boyfriend that broke her broke heart.

Cami: If he asked her to be his girlfriend, will she say yes?

Niki: *Stops crying* Yes, I would go back with him because I love him. I also do love my current boyfriend, and he understands that I still love Jed. The long-distance relationship broke us apart, not the friendship; we still friends, but he doesn't text or call me as much as Cadance and Alex, who are close.

Cami: Oh... you should at least chat.

Niki: Fine!

Back to the group conversation 7:30 PM

Niki: Jed... Yes and no.

Jed: What do you mean yes and no?

Nate: Oh dear, this doesn't sound good!

Alex: I agree with you, Nate.

Cadance: This will be fun to read/watch.

Niki: The reason I say that is because...

Jed: Because what?

Niki: *Called the whole group*

[Cadance and Nate didn't answer it, and Niki put her iPad on the table. Nate, Cami, Leon, and I joined Niki on the couch she was sitting.]

Group call with Alex and Jed - 7:35 PM

Jed: *Niki's iPad* Seriously, Niki, why?

Niki: Jed... You know I rather call you instead of texting.

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