Chapter 43 - Arriving in Beunos Aires

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August 1st, 2012

In the plane - 10 AM

[Once we go on the plane, Niki stopped crying and text Klaus with me in the group I hated, but I texted Alex the whole plane ride or played my games until he woke. I also have to deal with Niki's tantamount that she is sometimes having.]

Cadance: Niki?

Niki: What's up sis?

Cadance: Nothing, are you planning to date Klaus again?

Niki: I don't know, probably, but I want to date Jed, but he is not answering my text messages.

Cadance: Jed has been busy with family. Alex told me since they hang out a lot.

Niki: Oh, but he can... Wait... Did you say "Alex"?

Cadance: Yea... Why?

Nate: Niki, that's none of your business if she is texting Alex or not.

Niki: Fine!

Cadance: Nikita, don't yell.

Niki: Sorry.

[I went back to annoy Nate and wanting to text everyone in the group chat. I had to wait to text because the plane hadn't moved yet and wasn't in the air. It took another 20 minutes for us to start going in the air. Once we were finally going into the air Nate and I got a bunch of text from our Utah friends.]

Utah friends group chat - 10:30 AM

Blair: I am bored!

Cadance: Blair, do any of us care?

Blair: Of course they care!

Everyone but Cadance and Blair: No, we don't!

Blair: You all should. I am the leader of this group.

Nate: Blair, we have gone over this. There is no leader here in the group. So chill out, Blair.

Blair: Fine, I won't, but my mom...

Cadance: Blair, I can get my mom to talk to your mother to relax and not put you the leader of everything.

Blair: Please do. I am done following my mom, telling me to be the leader of things.

Cadance: I know Nathaniel, and I can ask mom.

Blair: When?

Nate: We can do it now.

Pause on the group chat - 10:40 AM

Nate: Mom?

Katie: Yes, Nate?

Nate: Can you give Blair's mom a text to stop telling her to be the leader of her friends?

Katie: Sure, of course. Give me a second.

[My mom took her phone out and started texting Blair's mom. It took a few seconds for her mom to answer her phone, surprisingly since it usually takes her forever to ask.]

Katie: Eleanor said, "She is going to stop telling Blair that, and she told you to tell her to go to bed."

Cadance: I will tell her.

Back to group chat with Utah friends - 11 AM

Cadance: Blair, my mom said your mom would stop bossing you to do these things.

Blair: Finally, also, why is everyone else not talking much?

Davina: It's 3 AM, and we're tired! Blair, go to bed!

Cadance: Thanks, D. That reminds me. Blair, go to bed because it's late for you.

Blair: Fine, I will only because I don't want to get in trouble again.


End of conversation - 11:10 AM

[Everyone in the group finally stopped texting and went to bed. Once they went to bed, I got extremely bored, and I randomly texted Nate when we were right next to me.]

Conversation with Nate - 11:10 AM

Cadance: Nathaniel, I am bored!

Nate: Cadance, again, with texting me on chat?

Cadance: Yea! I want to text... We should speak in Arabic so Niki won't understand us.

Nate: Good idea.

Cadance: (In Arabic) I want to text Alex, but I can't text him.

Nate: (In Arabic) Why can't you... Oh right... He lives in Utah still.

Cadance: (In Arabic) Yea, so I am now bored like hell.

Nate: (In Arabic) Aww, so you wanted to text your favorite person?

Cadance: (In Arabic) I hate you, Nathaniel!

Nate: (In Arabic) I love you too, sister.

Cadance: (In Arabic) What should we do for about 15 hours?

Nate: (In Arabic) I don't know what do you want with me?

Cadance: (In Arabic) Want to play a game on our iPad?

Nate: (In Arabic) Sure, why not.

End of conversation with Nate - 11:30 AM

[Nate and I stopped texting each other to play a game on our iPad to pass the time since we were going bored. My brother and I were playing games the whole plane ride until we reached Buenos Aires.]

15 hours later

[We have just landed in Buenos Aires, and I got a text from Alex right when we were leaving the plane. Usually, I respond to Alex quickly and do not wait to text him, but I can't answer him since I am busy. We got out of the seat, waiting to get out of the plane, but while we were waiting, Niki asked a random question to our mom.]

Niki: Mom?

Katie: Yes, Niki?

Niki: Do I have to date Klaus again?

Katie: Yes, your twin sister is dating Leon now, I think.

Cadance: I guess I am.

Nate: She is dating Leon.

Niki: Ugh! Fine, I guess I will call him again if he wants to be with me again.

Nate: He would I, he told me.

Niki: Wait... Do you text him?

Cadance: I do too sometimes, but it's mostly our brother.

[We finally got off the plane, and we did our normal routine, that we always do every single time we're at the airport.]

Waiting near the front door - 11:50 AM

Camila: Guy? Also Nate?

Nate: What's wrong, Cami?

Camila: I am going back to my house since we're in Buenos Aires now.

Nate: That's fine; just come by later or when you can.

Camila: I am not sure because... I think I never told you this, but... Umm... I have a sister that depends on me, and she has been going through a rough time ever since I left.

Nate: Cami... Then why did you come with me?

Camila: I didn't want to lose you, that's why I went with you.

Cadance: Cami, you lose him just because your away from him. Nathaniel is a fighter, and even though he deals with me, Nate will never give up on you even though I am going through a rough time.

Nate: She's right. Cadance is the only one that gives me a hard time.

Niki: Cadance? Are they fighting?

Cadance: Yes, Niki, they are fighting

[Camila and Nate started to have a huge fight in the airport until someone said their over in the relationship.]

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