Hangout together and going to the airport.

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~End of August was here~

Cadance: Vilu why is your suitcase pack?

Vilu: I am going to the airport with you guys because my dad wants to leave Buenos Aires since my mom died. I don't want to leave... *Tears start coming down her face* 

{Niki and I sit next to Violetta on her bed with one of our arms on her.}

Niki: Hey, Violetta you going to be fine.

Cadance: Yea, because I think Niki and I are going to be going on a lot of adventures in the future until we are starting 8th grade. 

Niki: Yes actually Cadance. Were not sure she told us we might and we don't want to go because were leaving Utah where we were born.

Violetta: Really? *Stops crying*

Niki: Yea.

Cadance: Vilu, when I was a baby my mom brought me here so we can meet and I was raised here and when I had to leave Buenos Aires I was really sad because I had to move. 

Violetta: OMG Cadance you're so right you come here when you were 1 month old and had to go back when you were 4 I think.

Cadance: Yes Vilu, so you don't need to worry Niki and I will still call/text you. 

Niki: Yeah, I can just hack on to my sister's iPad to get your information.

Vilu: I can give you mom information right now.

Niki: I don't have an iPad right now.

Cadance: I am getting a new one and trading in this one.

Violetta: Seriously?

Cadance: Yea, when I get home I will have a new one.

Violetta: Lucky my dad isn't getting me a new one.

Niki: Cadance, did Dad get me one too?

Cadance: Yea, the only reason I am and getting a new one is because he wants to get one for you and it's a lot of money to get it. So he wants to trade in mine when I backup all my things to my Mom's computer, so I won't lose all my things.

Niki: YAY! Can't wait.

Cadance: But Niki before you get one you need to do well in school.

Niki: Damn it, I am not doing well.

Cadance: I can help you with your schoolwork.

Niki: Alright.

Cadance: Mom and Dad will give it to but you're going to have to listen to me when I tell you to put the iPad away you do it.

Niki: Alright.

Vilu: Niki, she is not kidding 

Niki: She isn't?

Cadance: I am not if you don't put it away I will take it away from and put it where I put my iPad when I am doing my schoolwork.

Niki: No... please, don't take it away.

Cadance: Then you're going to have to listen to me when tell you to put it away.

Niki: Alright I will put it away when we are doing school work.

{We all in the Vilu's playing and I was playing around with the guitar that was in Vilu's room.}

Niki: Wait... Cadance you know how to play the guitar?

Cadance: Yea, well a bit I just mess around and I learn how to play.

Vilu: Niki, she loves playing with guitar when she is here.

Niki: Cadance, don't you have a guitar at home?

Cadance: Yeah, I have one. I use mine too.

Niki: Can I use it when you in our room again but I'm going to have to get.

4:30 pm

{We heard a knock on the door and we had to put away the guitar under the bed again.}

Violetta: Come in! 

Niki: Hi Mom 

Katie: Hi Sweetheart.

Cadance: Mom what's wrong?

Mom: It's just time for us to leave now. Even for you Vilu.

Vilu: Seriously Auntie Katie?

Niki: You call her Auntie?

Vilu: Your mom will telling you everything and we should probably go now.

Katie: Yes, now come on all 3 of you guys.

Cadance: Alright. Let's go both of you guys.

{We all walked downstairs together to get in the car. When we got in the 3 of us went in the back of the car to sit so we can hang out with Violetta.}

Niki: Also, Mom tells me why Vilu is calling you auntie?

Katie: I am Violetta's Godmother and she is my goddaughter. Also, I let her call me auntie and Herman is your Uncle.

Niki: Wow this is confusing.

Cadance: Haha, yea but you're going to get it later on.

Niki: I will?

Cadance: Yes, it was confusing to me and Vilu but we caught on it. Niki also, before you say you won't get it you will trust me.

Niki: You know me well.

Cadance: Yes Niki. Now shhh let mess around with Vilu before we need to go.

Niki: Good idea sis.

1 hour later

{We arrived at the airport and had to get out the car but didn't want so our parents had to drag our butts out of the car.}

Vilu: No, dad I don't want to get out!

Niki and Cadance: Mom do we have too leave the car and go?

Herman and Katie: Yes, Get out of the car now or you going to be grounded when we get to the destination we are going to. 

The girl: Fine we get out.

{Before we went inside we took pictures so we can remember this moment.}

10 Minutes later

Katie: Come we need to catch the plane now hurry up.

Cadance: Fine. *Grabs Niki*

Niki: Cadance seriously!

Cadance: Yes Niki come now!

Vilu: Bye Cadance and Niki see you around.

Niki and Cadance: Bye and Vilu!

{We walk inside to the airport to check-in. After we did all the things we had to get in and go to our gates. }

30 minutes later

Niki: Mom when are going to call us to get on the plane?

Katie: Niki you have to wait just like your sister who has been in the airport for longer than you.

Niki: Fine I will wait. Cadance can I join you?

Cadance: Sure.

6 pm

{The person who was in front of the gate finally called people on to the plane so I just put my iPad in my bag so we can get going when it's our turn to go on. After when he called us we went inside the gate to find a seat so we can get going when everybody is in the plane.}

10 minutes later 

{We were up in the air and I had my music on and I was falling asleep while i was listening to my music.}

Few seconds later 

{Niki and I fell asleep with music on. My mom had to take our headphones off and put it in our bags. She also putted our iPad away.}

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