Chapter 37 - 4th and 5th grade

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September 8th, 2009

Backyard pool area - 2 PM

Niki: No, I am not ready. I have wanted to be summer forever.

Nate: Niki, we know you hate school, but Landon can help you.

Landon: Plus, we're all in the same class Niki, I will help you.

Niki: Why are you guys not in the pool yet?

Cadance: The water is cold, and I don't feel like going in right now.

Landon: Thomas, get in the pool!

Thomas: Fine, but you get it, Landon!

Niki: What do you...

[Thomas jumped in the pool from the deep end and went over to Landon to splash him]

Cadance: Thomas, not on me!

Thomas: Sorry, you know you can come in the pool and not get your hair wet.

Cadance: Not with Niki; she is crazy in the pool.

Nate: She doesn't like getting her hair wet in the pool.

Niki: Why not?

Nate: It gets tangled, and I have to help her get them out. It takes basically takes 4 hours, and I also don't want to get my hair wet either since it takes half the time to unknot it.

Thomas: There are hair caps I can get you guys, so you don't need to get your hair wet. Also, there is a hot tub.

Cadance: That would be great. There is?!?!

Thomas: Yea, it is the round circle place. I don't like going in there much.

Cadance: I will be in the hot tub.

[I put my hair up in a bun but reach it to the half-up and half down I have already had. After I put my hair up, I got up from the lounge chair and went over to the hot tub with Camila/Nate.]

Cadance: Nathaniel, sit with your girlfriend.

Camila: She is right your around her a lot, and once we go back to Buenos Aires, it's our last time to be together since you have to go back to America for good.

Cadance: Nathaniel, go to Cami. We can hang when Camila is not around.

Nate: *Goes to Cami* Hey Cami. *Kisses cheek*

Cadance: Aww, you guys are a cute couple!

Nate: Cadance, your only saying that because we're the only couple here.

Cadance: Nathaniel, you do have a crush on her when we went into the studio for the first time.

Nate: Fine, I do love her even though I don't spend time with her.

Camila: Nate, I get it. You're close with your sister, and it's hard to trust another.

Nate: *Kisses lip awkwardly* Your half true, but I do trust you.

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