Greeting/Settling in Isabella place

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When Violetta got out of the Jeep, she didn't go straight Isabella because she didn't know if she was nice. On video chat, she was nice.

The conversation
Maria: Vilu hugs Isabella, so it is beautiful and not mean promise. Also, she won't bite you.

Vilu: Alright, fine, mom. *Goes to Isabella and hugs Isabella*

~ 1 minutes later they stopped hugging~

Isabella: Who are these people, Maria?

Maria: This is my best friend Katie from Utah, where I use to live.

Isabella: Nice to meet you, Katie.

Katie: Nice to meet you too. I heard so much about you from Maria here.

Isabella: Of course, she is one of my favorite people when she comes.

Katie: Yeah I can tell she always brings
you up when she can.

*Katie went to Isabella and hugged Isabella* *Isabella hugged her back*

~After the Hug Katie went back to Cadance and Elizabeth~

Maria: This is Cadance Katie youngest daughter and Violetta's twin/best friend.

Cadance: Mom, I don't want to go up to her. I am scared.

Katie: Cadance sweetheart, she is the person you called on my computer, remember?

Cadance: Really?

Katie: Yes, and I promise she doesn't hurt people; you can also ask Maria.

Maria: Cadance, I promise she is friendly and won't bite you at all. To make you feel better, you want Tini to go with you to Isabella?

(Maria is a godmother of Elizabeth and Cadance. Herman is her Elizabeth and Cadance's godfather. Mike and Katie are Violetta's godparents. They call each other aunts and uncles since it's easier)

Cadance: Yes, please, aunt Maria. I would like Vilu to come with me.

Maria: Alright. Tini sweetheart can go to Isabella with Cadance. She is a bit shy.

Violetta: Yes, mummy, I can go with her.

~Both of them walked to Isabella~

Vilu: Cadance, go and hug her. She, not a wrong person trust me.

Cadance: Can you come with me, Vilu?

Tini: Okay.

~Both went to Isabella to hug her ~

(Cadance wasn't scared anymore, but Vilu stayed since she loved Isabella's hugs.)

~1 minute later the girls went back to their spot they were in~

Maria: This is Elizabeth Katie's oldest daughter.

Isabella: Hello, Elizabeth, nice to meet you.
Elizabeth: Nice to meet you too.

*went up to her and hugged her*
* she let go of Isabella and went back to her mom*

Herman: This is Mike and their dad, also Katie's husband.

Isabella: Nice to meet you, Mike.

Mike: Nice to meet you, Isabella. Katie has told me a bit about you from Maria.

~They both shake each other's hand~

Isabella: Alright, everyone, let's go inside. All the luggage is inside, and you guys don't have to bring it. There will be people bringing them in. 

Maria: Isabella is Cadan......

Isabella: Yes, Katie, she does. Maria told me to put them in the same room.

Katie: Oh... Maria, you are fast for telling Isabella that they want to be in the same room.

Maria: Oh, I told her a while ago to put them in the same room.

Katie: I can tell you told her ahead of time.

~End of conversation~

Everyone followed Isabella, and the first room was for Cadance and Violetta. Their room was just a regular size room with 2 single beds, 2 dressers, and 2 nightstands next to there bed. There were also 2 step stool right next to the girl's foundation since the girls couldn't reach it at the moment. The 2 girls went into the room and went on there beds. They were excited since it was just like there own room but much bigger too then since they were younger. The girl's suitcase was in their place already in their room. The parents will unpack later. The girls had their backpacks in them, so they just put it in the bed. They will spend a lot of time in their room. After that, the girls when out of their room in Italy they went to other places to see where everyone is going to be staying.

~After all the room showing~

Katie got a call from Desdemona (Katie's friend since she was in preschool). Des (it's short for Desdemona) wanted Alex and Cadance to call so they can be good friends when they come back home. Katie agreed, but she told Violetta her best friend is going to be in the call too since they are like sisters. They are messing around with each other. But Desdemona said, "It's fine because Alex's friend is here too." (It's one of Des's friend kid she is watching) Katie went to Violetta's and Candace's room. They were confused about why Katie was, but she told them that someone called from Utah and wants to talk to Cadance. Katie also said to them that Violetta could stay and talk to them too. Katie put the phone on the phone holder she had brought with her from her room in Italy. Katie stayed a bit until they were getting along.

~40 minutes later~

Katie left the room since they were getting along. Cadance and Alex were good friends also along with Vilu.

~5 hours later~

Katie went into the room to get her phone from the girls. Violetta and Cadance finished calling Alex. It took them like a few hours to get used to Isabella's.

To be continued...........

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