Chapter 38 - Leaving Spain/Arriving in Italy

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July 16, 2011

Thomas's Room - 8 AM

[I woke up with Nate's arm around me and Camila on Nate. Thomas is on the pull-out bed. Everyone in Thomas's room was awake, but Niki and Landon were in a different room.]

Cadance: Nathaniel?

Nate: Hey, sister, what's up?

Cadance: Nothing. I am just done with moving to different places and transferring schools.

Thomas: Hey, you have to do two more transferring schools and until your back in Utah.

Cadance: True, I can't wait to see Alex and date him again and not date Federico or Leon.

Thomas: I know you have been struggling, but you have Nate for comfort.

Nate: I have also been struggling, and Camila is trying to help me, along with my sister.

Camila: Plus, Nate has been with Cadance the whole time, and our relationship is on and off lately, but it's okay.

Nate: Yea, she can tell when our relationship is off since I don't answer her when I read them.

Camila: It's the school stressing them out because everyone is speaking Spanish, and they don't understand it.

[Samantha and Katie came into the room confused about Thomas sleeping on the floor for the last day that we're here at his house.]

Katie: Thomas?

Thomas: Yes, Katie?

Katie: Why aren't you sleeping with your girlfriend?

[Thomas and I staring at each other until Thomas told the parents what was going on. Thomas's dad David came into the room.]

David: You guys were always close, but now your distant, so what's going on with both of you?

Thomas: We broke up before we started 5th grade.

Cadance: Our relationship never worked from the beginning, and I am done dating until we get back to Utah. I only want to be with Alex.

Nate: Mom, please don't let her date anymore; she struggles to keep the relationship with her boyfriends now.

Katie: Nathaniel Archibald Kenner, you know the rule.

Cadance: Mom, I can't do the whole dating thing anymore because I am texting Alex every single day nonstop about my plan about dating and being away from Utah. I want to do homeschool again until we're bad in Utah.

Katie: You're going to be dating, and you're doing public school or whatever school Federico goes to.

Nate: Mom, she can't do this anymore; she failed her class, but I am helping her, and I am distancing myself from Camila; just help my sister!

Katie: Maybe I will think about it.

[My parents left the room, and I got out of bed to head to the bathroom. Nate joined me and hugged me randomly without knowing that I was crying. Nate comforts me for a while since I was crying softly.]

Nate: It's going to be fine sis. Alex isn't dating anyone, and he only wants to date you.

Cadance: *Stops crying and pushes him away* Wait... How do you know that?

Nate: I text him to sis. We good friends and he only wants you. Everyone in his school wants to date him, but he only wants you.

[While Thomas head in his bathroom, Nate and I packed the last things that we brought to Thomas's house. Once we finished packing, I walked outside of Thomas's room with Cami and Nate. Thomas finished getting ready and followed us to his parent's car, and I sat next to Nate while sitting with Cami. While we were in the car Niki and Landon were still missing the car.]

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