Going to Buenos Aires and Meeting Leon

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[It was the day that we were going to be traveling. I was pretty excited to leave Utah and go back to Buenos Aires. The part of going is I get to go with my boyfriend and my brother Nate, who I just found out that he was my brother. Niki is coming, but she is sad that Violetta will not be there, but she is excited that Jed will be going, and she excited that she is going to be hangout with me with Leon.]

Katie: Nate, Niki, Cadance are ready to go because Jed and Alex are waiting for us.

Cadance: Were coming, Nate and I are just waiting for Niki be get out of her room. 

Niki: I am out, now let's go.

Nate: Finally, let's go now.

[All of us went outside of this house until we all start 8th grade. I was excited to see my best friend, Leon, in Buenos Aires. I had one in Madrid and Italy, but I will be seeing them later in the year. Nate has met them before, and he was excited to meet them in person. We went into the car that my dad was driving. He drove all of us to the airport, and we were sad leaving since Nate got used to Elizabeth. We took pictures as always. After we took pictures, we left and helped mom with our suitcases. We went inside and gave our suitcases to the people that was checking us in. We went through security and went to our gate. Once we got there, they were calling us to get on the plane. We were probably the 3rd to get on the plane. Niki and Jed were going to sit with mom; I will be sitting with me Nate and Alex. Alex is going be sitting next to the Aisle, and Nate will be near the window. Desdemona was sitting behind Alex.]

13 hours later

[Once we reach Buenos Aires, I was getting excited to see Leon. I was texting him because he was going be picking us up from the airport and bring us to Violetta's house since we are going to be staying there. We have arrived and were ready to get out of the car. My mom let the kids go in front of her. My mom and Desdemona told us to hold each other's hands do we won't get lost. Desdemona was in front of Jed. She brought us out to the baggage claim. While mom and Desdemona were getting the luggage, we waited in front of the door where the chairs were. We talking about where we're going to be sleeping and other things.]

Cadance: Niki.

Niki: Yes, Cadance?

Cadance: You're going to be staying on your bed in Vilu's room.

Niki: Who is getting your bed and Vilu's, also where are our boyfriends going to sleep?

Cadance: I am getting the middle one because I don't think Violetta wants Nate to be sleeping on her bed. Nate will be sleeping on my bed. They will be sleeping on the floor with mattresses that Olga will be putting on the floor.

Nate: Which one is my bed?

Alex: Which is going to be Jed's and mine's bed on the floor?

Niki: You will see Nate, and I have no idea, but Nate was both going to go on our bed, and you will know which is your bed. 

Cadance: Alex and Jed, you can pick which one is yours because no one claimed it. 

Jed and Alex: Alright.

Niki: Guys, just a warning the room is going to be girly.

Nate and Alex: Oh, we can live that.

Niki: You can, and Jed has been in my room.

Jed: Yes, her room probably worst than Cadance's.

Niki: Hey, I am getting it fix while I am in Buenos Aires.

Cadance: Yea, my room is a girl room, but I just kept it plain because my mom told me that Nate was my brother when I was in Buenos Aires for the first time. Alex has been in my room, and he didn't mind the room.

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