Arriving in Italy/Going to Isabella's

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~12 hours 55 minutes later~

They finally arrived in Italy. They arrived at 5:30 am. They got the girls out while they were still sleeping. Maria carried Cadance since, and Katie carried Vilu. The parents treated the 3 girls like they were their kids. Mike woke up Elizabeth because the fathers had to take the thing down and give them to the moms, and Elizabeth is 2 years old so she can walk.

~After they got off the plane~

There was a van that was going to get them so they can go to the dock where Isabella lived. Elizabeth was holding her sisters (Vilu is like her sister) bags since they were asleep. Elizabeth went out with her mom to wait for the strollers, so they sit in the stroller. Katie and Maria went to a sit so they can wait for the strollers.

~Few minutes later the dads came out with the strollers.~

The dads went to the moms where the girls are. Maria and Katie put the twins in the double stroller. Katie also put Elizabeth in a stroller. Maria is going to be pushing the 2 girls, and Katie is going to push Elizabeth. They all went to the luggage claim to get their things. While the dads were getting the luggage, the moms were getting food for the 2 families. They both decided to get Dunkin doughnuts for breakfast. Katie didn't go with Maria to get the food because it will be a lot of work to order and push the strollers when the 3 girls in the strollers. Katie pushed the 2 strollers, where they waited to get the food. It's was not easy to push the strollers, but a nice lady came up and asked if Katie wanted help. Of course, she said yes. She helped her push where she wants to wait.

~Few minutes later~

They got all the food and drinks, so they head back where the dads were. They wait for their van to get there so they can go the port to get on the boat. While they were waiting, they started to eat their food. The parents were just about to wake up the twins (they were not real twins. They just call them twins since it was more comfortable). The twins woke up only in time to eat, so the parents didn't have to wake the girls up. They started to eat their food. Maria and Katie gave food to the twins. Mike gave the bag with the 2 doughs in the bag.

~20 minutes later~

There was a guy that came to get the family. They also just finished their food, but they still had their drinks. Herman took all the bags that they had to throw it away. While Herman was doing that Mike and Katie helped the cab guy put all the suitcase in the van. When they finished putting the bags in the truck, Katie went back in to help Maria with the kids. Violetta and Cadance were messing around with each other. They put the car seat in the car. Maria helped Katie with the twins to go in the car. After the girls went in, then Elizabeth wanted to go in the van next. Maria was sitting next to the twins. Katie and Mike sat next to Elizabeth. Herman sat in the front since there was no room in the back.

~40 minutes later~

They were at the dock to get on the boat. 4 people were waiting for them to go on the boat. Herman got out of the car to take the things out of the vehicle. Mike and Katie helped Maria with the 3 kids. The cab drive helped Herman. They didn't have to pay because since it was Herman's friend that took them to the port. The company knows him, so his family/friends got there for free. When they got everyone out, the mothers were holding Tini and Cadance. Katie is holding Elizabeth's hand. All the girls were carrying their backpacks. The parents didn't want to put the kids in the strollers since they will have to take them out and bring them on the boat. It wasn't that far of a walk to get there.

~1 minutes later~

The sailors and the dad's were helping the moms with the kids. The kids have never been on a boat before. Elizabeth was a bit nervous, but her dad was next to her, holding her. The twins are enjoying it since they were not that old. While they were going to the island, poor Elizabeth was puking since she is sick from being on a boat.

~4 minutes later~

They got there, and Herman got off first to get Elizabeth off since she was not feeling well. Herman walked with Elizabeth to the jeep so she can sit and relax on the Jeep. After Herman put Elizabeth in the Jeep, he went to help with the luggage. There were 3 jeeps since lot they didn't want to put all the bags on 1 Jeep underneath the seat. 1 The vehicle was for the luggage since they were not going to fit all the suitcases in the 2 Jeeps. The other 2 are for the people. The reason that they have 1 new Jeep is better. Elizabeth was not feeling well and the parents didn't want her to puke on the girls. Before, they only had 2 Jeeps. Herman told the sailor if they can get one more Jeep for Elizabeth since she is not feeling well. They didn't want the girls to be smelly to meet Isabella.

~10 minutes later~

They reached Isabella's house. Elizabeth was feeling better during the drive to Isabella's. They got out of the Jeeps.

To be continued..........

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