Going home/setting at home

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~1 hour later~

"Dad, we are hungry. Can we get breakfast to please?" Vilu said. "Sure, girls, where do you want to eat?" Herman said. "I don't know to surprise us," Cadance said. "Alright, girls," Herman said. James drove to Starbucks for breakfast. Herman ordered the food while the mothers are doing something with the girls.

~4 minutes later after ordering~

After they got their food Herman passed the bag of food to the mothers so they can put it on the floor behind them. Herman was in charge of hold the drinks.

~40 minutes later~

They got back home after a while being in Italy, and the parents unpacked the car. Maria took the girls out of the car so they can go to the house first. Herman already opened the door for the girl. The parents took the suitcases in but only put them in the front door, and they clean it later. While the parents brought the suitcases in, the girls went upstairs to change into comfortable clothes, but they barely had clothes in their clothes in the wardrobe since they brought most of them to their trip and haven't cleaned it. After they finished bringing everything in, all the parents went to change into comfy clothes. Then they all went downstairs to eat the food that they got from Starbucks.

~30 minutes later~

Everyone finished their food, and they clean the suitcase up with the help of the girl's help. The parents were surprised when the girls helped. The parent made a pile of dirt so the girls can bring them to Olga, which is cleaning the clothes for them. If the clothes were clean, they would put them on the couch and the sofa, so the girls know it was clean. The girls didn't touch them. They only moved the ones that are on the floor.

~4 hours later~

They were halfway for cleaning the suitcase. For Cadance's gift that was in the suitcase, they didn't touch that, but they did touch Violetta's since she is not leaving anytime soon. Katie and Cadnace were leaving in August on the 31st because they need to get ready for Cadance to go to school. They were going to be going home on August 1st, but they decided to stay a bit longer since they had the time, and the girl would but going to school until September 3rd. Mike got mainly everything ready for Cadance to go to school.

~At 5:30 pm ~

The cleaning and putting the clothes away took a long time since there was a lot of clothes that they brought with them, they also got things in Italy. Cadance played with some of her toys in her suitcase, but she was told not to make a mess out of the suitcase. Violetta and Cadance were playing together with the toy they got. Olga was preparing Violetta's and Cadance's favorite food for dinner. The girls went upstairs to talk to Isabella on Violetta's iPad.

~6:30 pm ~

Olga went upstairs tell to tell the girls to come down for dinner. When the girls went down for dinner, they sat where they usually sit. The girl was having fun with Herman because they were messing around, and Herman was getting annoyed, but he was going along. Maria and Katie were going together. Herman was pretending to be annoyed since the girls were younger.

~After they are first eating~

The girls helped Olga with the dishes. She was shocked that the girls were helping her with the dishes. They were assisting Olga because they wanted to spend time with her since they were away from her for so long, and Cadance will leaving soon. They are trying hard to have fun with her before she leaves to go to Utah. The girls loved playing with Olga when they are with her. Cadance is going to miss seeing Olga mostly. Ramallo is kind of boring for fun.

~2 weeks later~

Everyone was setting into the house; they were going to a lot of places on some days. Mostly they stayed home and played with Olga a lot. Maria and Herman played with the girls a lot since Cadnace is going to leaving on August 31st. Olga cooked a lot of yummy things to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and sometimes snacks. Sometimes when they are out on the trip, they come home to have food, so they don't have to buy food outside. Sometimes Olga made the food and went with them to have fun. Ramallo came along to have fun with the girls, too, since he is only fun on trips. Ramallo is driving to places, and Herman is putting the place they are going to go to the GSP so he can drive there. They all just messed around in the house. Everyone went to bed since tomorrow they are going to go to places which they don't know where yet but they will found out tomorrow.

To be continued..........................

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