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By now, it's almost time for Mike and Elizabeth to leave Italy. Cadance and Vilu spend a lot of time with Elizabeth since she is leaving soon. Vilu didn't want her to go back home because she didn't know when they will see each other. Elizabeth didn't want to go either because when she will be meeting new friends and she might not will not be the same person. Elizabeth told them she would never stop being both of your big sister. Elizabeth was going to let the girls in her room to sleep with her since Lizzie had a bigger bed and can fit 2 people. But since the girls were small, she can have 3 people sleeping on her bed. Herman came to Elizabeth's room to get the girls to go with him in the car.

~10 minutes later~

Herman and Mike was struggling trying to dress the girls. The Dad's haven't dressed the kid's, so it was their first time doing it. "Uncle Herman, dad, where's mom and auntie Maria?" Elizabeth said. "Oh, she is doing a show she is getting ready right now, and it starts soon, but we have the front for 5 people," Herman said. After they finally got the girls all dressed. The dad has the easy job of not picking out the clothes for the girls since the moms already out if out for them. They finally got out of the house to go where their mother was. The parents didn't tell them they were going backstage to watch it.

~1 hour later they finally got there~

The dad got the girls out of the car and walking toward the security to go in the back. The guard didn't let them go in.

Their conversation
Guard 1:Sorry I can't let you guys in unless you guys are performing or family members.
Herman: Yes, were family members of Maria Saramago and Katie Johnson.
Guard 2: Alright, what are they to you five because he is the security of them and has pictures of their family he wants to make sure it's you guys.
Mike: I am Katie Johnson's husband, and Maria Saramago's is my wife's friend. These 2 are her 2 kids that we both had.
Herman: I am Maria Saramago's husband, and Katie's Johnson's is my wife's friend. These are our daughters.
Security guard: Yes, they can come in.
Guard: Alright, come in but follow the guard to where they are.

~10 minutes later~

They saw their mom, but they didn't run to them since they will probably get in trouble. When the mothers saw their kids, they went up to them and hugged them before they went on stage, they told them they were watching the backstage. They were excited to watch it from the back, but they had to see it with the dads backstage. Before they got on stage, they got nervous going on the stage. Maria was nervous even though she is a star on stage, but she haven't been on stage since she had Vilu. Katie has never been on stage well maybe a few times but not singing just quickly because Maria called her up. The girls hug their moms to make them feel better, and the dads kissed them to wish them good luck.

~1 hours later~

The show finished, and the girls hugged their parents when they came backstage, but they were also tired. But they are trying so hard not to show it, but it was noticeable that the girls were sleepy and wanting to go to bed. The parents went to the stalls to put a different outfit on. While they changed, the dad was carrying the kids, but poor Herman, he ended up carrying the twins. Mike is holding Elizabeth. A few minutes later, the parents came out, and the moms got the girl from Herman so he can have hands to get the car. They went outside to wait for Herman and Isabella. It wasn't that cold outside since it was fall and it was a bit warm.

~5 mins later~

Herman came with the car. Isabella came out and helped Maria with Cadance so she can buck her in the car. Katie gave Violetta to Maria since Maria will be sitting with the girls in the back. Katie and Mike sat in front of the girl, also with Maria. Isabella was sitting in front since in case she had to say things to the security. Elizabeth sat next to her parents.

~40 minutes later~

After when they got to the house, everyone but Maria helped get the kids out. Before Herman helped, he open the door for them. Then he helped the moms and Mike with the girls.

~4 minutes later~

They got the girls out, and Isabella got twins room bed ready to sleep in their bed. Herman was helping Mike put Elizabeth in bed. After that, they brushed up. They went to bed since they were all tired. It was also really late since the show was long and took a long to change back in their regular clothes.

To be continued..........

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