Chapter 36 - Surprise party/hangout/Lizzie leaving

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July  18th, 2009

Living room entrance - 3:50 PM

[Once we reach the living we saw these people that we knew from Utah]

Cadance, Niki, and Nate: Lizzie? Dad?

Lizzie: YEP!

[The three of us left our boyfriends/girlfriend and ran to Lizzie, forgetting to dad, but mom went over to him, I think.]

Elizabeth (Cadance, Niki, and Nate's older sister): How are my 10-year-old siblings?

Cadance, Niki, and Nate: Good!

[Everyone went to the took a seat, but the parents went somewhere else. I sat with Thomas and Nate; as for Niki, she was with Landon, and Lizzie was on a different seat. Camila sat with Nate of course.]

Living room - 3:55 PM

Lizzie (Elizabeth): That's good! How are Niki and her shyness?

Nate: She might have made the first move on Landon, her boyfriend.

Lizzie: Niki? Wanna explain?

Niki: Really, Nate! I don't want to explain.

Lizzie: Niki, now you have to. So spill the beans!

Niki: What?

Lizzie: It's a saying for telling us the secret or something like that. Not sure, to be honest. Haha.

Niki: I don't want to tell you!

Thomas: Face your fear and tell her!

Cadance: She is our older sister, and we haven't seen her since we were in Italy or Buenos Aires in the summer, I think.

Lizzie: That sounds about right.

Mike: What about me?

Cadance: Hi dad! Now I feel like getting off the couch.

Nate: Same here; Cadance's legs are on me, and it's comfortable!

Niki: I don't feel like moving out of Landon's arms!

Mike: We're going to be here until the end of August.

Lizzie: I convinced him to stay in Madrid longer, but where do I sleep?


Katie: You won't be in my room since I will be with your father that I haven't since in so long.

Cadance: Thomas, can she stay in our room since you have a bigger room?

Thomas: Yea, sure, since I will probably sleep on my bed since Nate likes to sleep close to you.

Cadance Hey! I can sleep close to you if you come near me!

Thomas: Sure!

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