Feeling sad and trying to be happy

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They went out of the airport to go to the car. By now, there was only 1 car out there that Herman drove to the airport. The parents put the girls in the car. They didn't put the girls together since they probably didn't want to sit together. When they got in the car, the girls didn't even complain that they want to be together. Katie and Isabella were sitting in the back. Katie's head was on Isabella's lap since she had tears. Maria sat in front of Herman. They went back to Isabella's house, but before they went back home, they decided to go to Taco Bell to get food. While they were driving them, the girls said a word. They thought they were going to say, "Can we be closer together?" But instead, they said, "Dad was hungry, can we get food to please?" Herman said, "Yes, we are driving to get food now." Everyone is starting to stop crying, but they are just feeling sad and wanting to cry but can't since they cried a lot. "Where are we getting food?" Vilu said. "We are going to Taco Bell but not inside to eat since we are still upset from them leaving and don't want to make much noise in Taco Bell," Herman said. Katie got off of Isabella's shoulder since she was feeling better. Everyone was still under the weather, mostly Katie and Cadance. "Katie can send me what Cadance wants to eat?" Maria said. "I already did check your phone," Katie said. "Oh, I didn't have my phone with me," Maria said.

~1 hour later~

They arrive at Taco Bell, and there were about 2 cars in front of them. They decided who was going to order the food. After a few seconds, they decided Herman was going to order his food and Maria was going to order for everyone's order. Herman agreed. They pulled up to the speaker.

~The conversation~

Stacy: Hello, my name is Stacy, and I will be taking your order today. What can I get you today?

Herman: Can I have 3 soft tacos medium combo meal.

Stacy: Yes, what drink would you like with the meal?

Herman: Can I Pepsi for the drink.

Stacy: Alright, what is the other order.

Maria: Can I have a party side Soft Taco pack of 12.

Stacy: Alright, do you want any drinks with that?

Maria: Yes, can I have 2 Strawberry Skittles Freeze for the drink.

Stacy: Alright, anything else?

Maria: Yes, one second, please.

Stacy: Alright, take your time.

Maria: Isabella want do you want we can't get it for you.

Isabella: No, let me pay for it because you guys are visiting here and it will be a lot of money so just let me use my card.

Maria: Are you sure Isabella you paid for everything while we are here.

Isabella: Yes, I am sure I just want you to enjoy this trip.

Maria: Awe, thank you. I can have your card and what you want?

Isabella: Yes, you can have my card. Vilu can give your mom this card. *Hands it to Vilu*

Vilu: Yea. sure, I can give this to my mom. *takes it from Isabella* Mom here you go. .*gives her Isabella's card*

Maria: Thanks, Sweetie. Can I get the Crunchwrap Supreme?

Stacy: Alright, do you want a drink with that?

Maria: Yes, can I have a Diet Pepsi and a Sierra Mist for the drink.

Stacy: Yes, of course, you want anything else?

Maria: No, thanks all.

Stacy: Alright, the total is $32.63. You can come to the first window.

Herman: Alright, thanks.

*They pulled up to the first window*

Stacy: How are you today?

Herman: Good, I guess. You?

Stacy: That's good. Good

Herman: That's good *Finds card that Maria gave*

Maria: Hello, Stacy, remember me?

Stacy: OH MY GOD........ Maria, is that you?!?!

Maria: Yes...

*Herman is giving the card to Stacy*

Stacy: Oh no, Herman Herman, don't I will promote it, so you don't need to pay. I am one of the managers here.

Herman: Are you sure?

Stacy: Yes.

*Herman give the card to Maria*

Maria: Cadance, can you give this card back to Isabella?

Cadance: Sure, Auntie. *Takes card and gives it to Isabella*

Isabella: Thanks Cadance.

Stacy: Here you go, guy, just pulled up to get your food.

Herman: Alright, thanks.

Stacy: No problem.

*Herman pulls up*

~End of conversation~

Shane, from the second window, gave the food and drinks to Herman. Herman got the drinks first before the food. He asked if he can have a carrier for the drinks, but he can give 2 drinks to him. Since there are 6 drinks and they don't have enough cup holders. Shane gave them the 4 drinks in the cup holder and the other into him without a car holder. He gave 4 drinks to Maria so she can hold the drinks without spilling everywhere. Then he gave the food to him. Herman put next to Maria's side of the seat so Herman can drive.

~30 minutes later~

They got to Isabella's house, and there was a maid that came to get things from the car, so Maria gave him the food that they got from Taco Bell. Herman opened the trunk for Isabella and Katie to get out. Maria got out of the car to unbuckle Cadance, and Katie got out of the vehicle to get Vilu out of the car. The mothers just put the girls down so they can be walking in since they were 8 months old and learning to walk. Herman and Isabella were helping the girls to walk in the house. Maria and Katie were walking inside the house together. Everyone went upstairs to change into their comfortable clothes. Afterward, they went downstairs to eat breakfast. Vilu and Cadance didn't talk much to each other they just spoke to their mom since they didn't want to fight with each other. They still shared a room since it was more manageable so when the girls do talk, they won't have to move things around. Vilu sat next to Maria, and Cadance sat next to Katie to eat. Katie and Maria gave Taco's to the girls for them to eat. The parents are helping the kids but mainly for them to eat on their own.

~40 minutes later~

They finished eating, and they just stay in the house all day playing games. The parents just talked to each other while the girls are in their rooms playing games. The parents are planning how to get the girls to speak again.

~2 weeks later~

The girls started talking again since the parents took them out to a lot of places to try to have them speak again. Luckily they are talking before their birthday in November.

~2 years and 2 days later~

It was the night before the girl's birthday and the girls forgot that it was their birthday, but they didn't forget. Everyone went to bed for the next morning.

To be continued......

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