How did they break up?

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Monday 7th- Niki's Break up day-Violett's room- 7 am

[Before Niki got the text from Jed, the 3 of them went downstairs for breakfast, and after they finished, they went up to Cadance/Nate's room to hang out. Niki was in Cadance room when Niki got the text from Jed. Cadance was looking over Niki's shoulder to see what the conversation is. Cadance head was on Niki's shoulder to see the conversation; Niki didn't mind that her sister was snooping on her conversation since it was just Jed and she had nothing to hid.]

Niki's text Messages with Jed

Jed: Hey Niki, I have some bad news.

Niki: What is it?

Jed: I don't think we can work.

Niki: What do you mean by "I don't think we can work"?

Jed: Like us, we don't work anymore, or as friends, it hard to maintain this friendship or a relationship because I am getting busy close to school.

Niki: *Starts having tears* W... What do... Why!!

Jed: Niki, don't mind this hard, please. It's hard enough already. We need to break up, but when you come back, we can go back to dating again because I still love you. We can still be friends.

Niki: Alright. I still love you too, Jed.

End of the text conversation

[Niki started to cry, and she went between Nate and Cadance. Nate told his sister that is not crying to text him what to Niki. Cadance texted Nate about what happened instead of telling him. Cadance and Nate calmed Niki down by watching her favorite show that Cadance and Nate hate-watching.]

Niki: I thought both of you didn't like watching Hocus Pocus.

Cadance: We ever said we didn't like it.

Nate: We don't enjoy watching that show, but we decided to watch it with you since you feel sad and love you.

Niki: You do? I know Cadance loves me in her own ways, but Nate he...

Nate: Niki, of course, I love you, but it's hard because I barely know you even though you are my sister.

Niki: We can get to know each other while we're in this room.

[Nate and Niki got to know each other along with Cadance since she doesn't; know Niki that well. They spend the day getting to know each other and watching showing that they both like. Niki was feeling a lot better. At this moment, Niki stopped crying, and she became more active with Nate and me.]

Nate: How are you feeling, Niki.

Niki: I am feeling. Thanks for helping me get my mind off this person.

Cadance: No problem, we should go downstairs to eat because I am getting hungry.

Nate: Good idea. I am getting hungry too.

Niki: I will join only because I am hungry, and if I say no, Cadance will drag me off her/Nates' bed.

Cadance: That's right now. Let's go!

[Niki, Nate, Cadance went to the kitchen to eat since they were hungry, and they brought their iPad with them. Olga saw us walking downstairs and towards the kitchen.]

Kitchen- 1 pm

Olga: Hey guys, you hungry?

Niki: Yeah, something smells really good!

Nate: I agree. What is it?

Olga: It's Chicken and Cheese Wrap, it's...

Cadance: Nate's Favorite when he is here with Olga!

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