Hanging out with Leon/ Niki and Jed back together??

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Cadance's bedroom in Buenos Aires- 11:30

[We all woke up from going back to bed. I woke up on sleep on Alex's chest, and Nate hold me. We all woke up at the same time. Also, Jed was on the end of Nate's and my bed.]

Cadance's POV

Cadance: Jed? *kicks lightly to wake him up.*

Jed: Hey... I hope you didn't mind that I was on both of your beds.

Nate: You fine Alex probably sneaked onto Cadance's bed.

Cadance: Yea, he did. I was half awake when he came on my bed, I think.

Nate: Only do this in the morning but not at night, please.

Alex: I am going to do it more often at night.

Nate: Alex, you're different. We have things on your bed, so you are sleeping on Cadance's bed.

Cadance: Jed, you will be sleeping on your mattress at night, but when we're awake and not sleeping, you can be on our bed.

Jed: Why can't one be on your side Nate?

Cadance: Nate takes his whole bed.

Alex: Cadance does too, but when I am on her bed, she sleeps on me usually. Then, Nate usually holds my girlfriend when he is sometimes sleeping.

Jed: What about Alex's floor Mattress?

Alex: My bed is going to be covered with clothes that we need to clean but got lazy to clean.

Cadance: We should get ready for the day because we need to leave when Leon is here.

Alex: Good idea.

[We all got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. All of us were in the same bathroom getting ready.]

Bathroom and Hallway in front of the bathroom- 12

Niki: *Knocks on the door* I need the bathroom.

Cadance: Jed, come here with me. Alex go open the door because Nate and I need to stay here with Jed. You're also half-ready. We're not even ready yet.

Alex: Fine. *Opens the door* Niki?

Jed: No, I can't. I need to get out!

Cadance: Jed, your fine Alex won't let her in. If Alex needs, help Nate will help him.

Nate: Yes, I will help but right now, stay here with us.

Niki: I need to use the bathroom, and I don't want to go downstairs to use it. So let me in.

Alex: Sorry, I can't you come in.

Cadance: Alex, can you go out and leave a crack so we can hear it.

Alex: *turns around* Sure. *Goes outside and leave crack open.*

Niki:(In the hall with Alex) Why you let me inside?

Alex: (In the hall with Niki) There is a lot of people in the bathroom.

Nate: (In the bathroom) Cadance, can you fix up my hair?

Jed:(In the bathroom) You ask your sister to do your hair?

Nate: (In the bathroom) *Cadance is doing my hair* Yeah, I don't want to do it, but she shows me how to do it.

Cadance:  (In the bathroom) this the last time I am doing it. You're doing it starting tomorrow.

Nate: (In the bathroom)Alright, I will.

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