Leaving Italy/ Back to Buenos Aires

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~January 20 was here~

The parents woke up at 10 am and cleaned what they can but didn't touch the kids' thing yet in the bathroom since they haven't woke up yet. The parents didn't have to pack much in the bathroom since they packed yesterday, but they just had a few things to pack. The parents woke the girls up at 10:30 am so they can play on their iPad with Isabella. The girls woke up and went to the bathroom together. Isabella was up and getting breakfast for the family. The girls came down and went to the dining room to eat their breakfast that Isabella told the chiefs to make.

~30 minutes later~

Everybody finished eating breakfast, and they went to do their own thing. When Isabella finished cleaning, she went to the girls and played on their iPad together before they had to go on the boat to go on their plane ride. The parents went back to packing and putting things in the car. The mothers went upstairs to pack the girls things that they haven't packed yet.

~10 minutes later~

"Vilu and Cadance can you please go to the car with Isabella," Maria said. "Alright, mom," Vilu said. The girls went to the car with Isabella, and she went in first, then the girls. They changed the car seat to the booster seat since it will be easier for the girls to get in and out. Isabella will be donating the car seats. The parents went in the car before the girls, so they car lower the seat to get in the car.

~30 minutes later they were at the docks~

They all went out of the car so they can walk down to the docks. The girls walked to the with Isabella to docks. When they were in front of their boat, and the crew started to bring their things on the boat. The parents hugged her first because the kids will take a while. Before everyone that was going, they took pictures so they can remember this moment. After the girls took pictures with Isabella, they had to get on the boat. The girls waved to Isabella while the boat was going away from the docks. The girls have hugged their parents while the boat was going. They were sad, leaving Isabella's and leaving Italy. At least they can call her on their iPad Elizabeth gave them.

~20 minutes later~

They reached the dock to the airport. Before they went to the airport, they had to go to a cab to bring there. Isabella's friend was there to pick them up. He helps the parents with luggage while Katie was putting the girls in the car with the booster seats.

~1 hour later~

They arrived at the airport, and there were 2 people ready to get all the suitcase and bags on to the cart so they can bring the suitcases to the check-in. The mothers understood the girls out of the car, so they go on the plane. They went to the front before they went to security. Katie was holding Cadance's hand, and Maria was holding Tini's hand while they are following Herman. The crew brought the suitcase to the check-in was so they don't have to bring all the suitcase with them on the plane. They are only bringing 4 suitcases with them because the girl's gifts are in there and they don't want the make a dented in the gifts. The parents were pushing the suitcase with the girl's gifts there. The crew helped Herman give the luggage to the people that were helping us. The team asked Maria if they wanted the other 4 luggage to go on the plane or carry on. Herman told them, "These will be carry on since there are things that had to be careful with." The crew left, and Herman checked them all in and then went to security. They also gave the booster seat to them.

~After they passed the security~

The girls were starting to calm down from leaving Italy. They were not crying much. They did text Isabella when they were waiting to go on the plane. All three of them were in a group chat, so Isabella doesn't have to go back and forth with the girls.

~40 minutes later~

They started to call people on to the plane. They were the second to the first one called on the flight. Cadance and Violetta were sitting with Maria on the flight. The girls had the window seat and the middle sit, Maria had the aisle.

~12 hours 55 minutes later~

They arrived in Buenos Aires with the girls calm and not making any noise, but they are talking to each other again. Everyone was exhausted from traveling. They still had to go in the van so they can go back home. The girl was tired and about to fall asleep on the plane, but before the girl fell asleep, their parents woke them up.

~They all went out the plane~

When they were out of the plane, Herman and Katie went to claim their luggage, but Maria went to find a sit with the girls. After Herman and Katie got their luggage, they went over to find Maria with the girl. When they found them, they waited for the van to come, so they all go home and sleep. Herman was calling his friend that was picking them up. The girls were falling asleep, and the mothers were holding them while they were lying down on their lap. Herman told the parents that he is coming, but he is in traffic, and it lousy traffic that is barley moving.

~1 hour later~

The girls woke up and asked their dad/godfather when is James (Herman's friend) coming. Herman said, "He is coming he is in traffic and its bad traffic, but James is coming in 10 minutes he just texted me."

~10 minutes later~

Herman's friend came, and they put all the suitcase's in the back of the car. After the parents put the suitcase in the vehicle Maria went back in to get Katie and the girls. The girls got in, and the mother helped buckle the girls if they needed help. After when everyone was in the car, they drove off so they can go home.

To be continued......................

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