Chapter 41 - 6th grade

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September 5th, 2011

Federico's room - 3:20 PM

Cadance: What, Niki?

Niki: Nothing, I am bored in my room and just wanted to bother you.

Federico: *Goes on the bed and puts arms on Cadance's shoulder with a kiss on the cheek* I never said you could come in my room.

Niki: I don't have to knock every time. Camila, Cadance and Nate don't knock when they come into your room.

Federico: They're different. They are staying in my room while they are here and you have your own room in this house. Also, along with Camila, who is in this room too, I don't care if they randomly come in randomly.

Niki: So you're going to kick me out of your room from now on?

Camila: Niki, can you not hear what he said?

Niki: I can hear clearly, but still, it's like everyone hates me.

Cadance: Niki, we don't hate you; it's just that we have different friends.

Niki: How different? Nate was your friend even before you knew he was your brother.

Nate: Actually, that's wasn't quite true...

Niki: What do you mean that's not true?

Cadance: I think we told you this story before.

Niki: You have? I don't remember you telling me.

Nate: When we were in kindergarten, we knew we're siblings but couldn't tell anyone yet until people start to suspect us to be siblings, so we have to tell the truth to everyone.

Cadance: Not even Alex knew about us even though I tell him everything.

Niki: Oh, I don't think I heard this before; why didn't you tell anyone yet?

Federico: Niki, it's probably because your parents told them not to saying anything yet until it was the right time or when they start to suspect something, which ended up being in first grade when they all found out.

Niki: How do you know this?

Federico: From what they were telling you, I gathered all that and put them together.

Cadance: Niki, it's not hard to get all this information and put them together. It's quite easy.

Niki: You know it's hard for me to gather all this information itself.

[While we were talking, our parents came into the room without knocking on the door.]

Katie: Niki, you have to learn how to do it.

Nate, Cadance, Niki: MOM!! What happened to knocking before you come in!?!?

Federico: My mom never knocks on my door. She comes into the room whenever she wants to.

Elaina: Fede, you know how I hate knocking on doors, so I open them.

Federico: I hate when you come into my room without knocking on the door as if I was doing something with my girlfriend?

Cadance: Nothing inappropriate, don't worry.

Nate: What's wrong?

Katie: Nothing, just wanted to tell you that we're going outside to eat.

Bell: Cami, you're going to be sitting in the middle of the car for the so you won't be on Nate's lap.

Camila: Alright.

Violetta Imaginary lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora