Chapter 42 - Leaving Italy

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August 1st, 2012

Federico's room - 5 AM

[Niki was in Federico's room with Rafael since it was the last day she would be staying in his room, so Fede made an exception just for today. Niki was sleeping on Rafael's chest with just a tank top on, and for me, I just had Nate's arm over me; Camila was cuddling/snuggling with Nate, but for Federico, he was on the bed on the floor. I asked if we wanted to come on the bed so I can put my arm around him, but he didn't want to.]

Cadance: Fede, please come on the bed.

Federico: Why? We're not cou...

Cadance: Federico, don't...

Federico: Right... *Goes on the bed and whispers to Cadance* She doesn't know that yet.

[Nate took his arms off me and turned over to Camila so Federico can put his arm around my waist with a kiss on my cheek. Later on, Niki woke up from the floor.]

Cadance: *Puts arm around Fede* We're not telling Niki we're not actually dating. Well, I am going to text Alex for a bit.

Federico: Alright, Also where is your brother and his going?

Nate: Federico, we're going on the couch you have in your room.

Fede: Alright.

[My brother Nate, along with girlfriend Camila, got off the bed and headed over to the couch that was in his room. Fede and I move over to the middle so Fede can put his arm on me while texting Alex.]

Text message - 5:10 AM

Cadance: Alexander!

Alex: Hey, also I only have 50 minutes.

Cadance: Aww! Why!!

Alex: My mom wants me to sleep at 10 since I have something important to do later today.

Cadance: It's 10 PM in Utah?

Alex: Yea, so what's up?

Cadance: Nothing, I miss you, and I am going back to Buenos Aires today, but it's a 16 hour plane ride there.

Alex: Ouch, but you have been through the worst.

Cadance: Alexander!

Alex: What!?!?

Cadance: Your hiding something.

Alex: I am not hiding anything, I promise.

Cadance: Sure... Alexander.

Alex: I swear I'm not. Also, I am bored here.

Cadance: Wait until your in Buenos Aires with me.

Alex: Can't wait to be with you again. I actually missed you.

Cadance: Did you tell Leon about us?

Alex: Yes, he said, "I am fine with that, and I can pretend to date her since I don't want to date anymore."

Cadance: Aww, that's sweet. Also, I think Nate and Cami have the longest dating record.

Alex: Why do you say that?

Cadance: Nate and Camila have been together since they were 8-years-old.

Alex: Wow! Wait... I thought you said they were on and off ever since you got pissed or upset about stuff.

Cadance: Yes, they were on and off, but it worked out because Camila understood what I was going through, so she didn't pressure him to spend time with him since he is dealing with me.

Alex: They understand each other well, but I think Elena and Nate will be perfect together.

Cadance: They really do, and he has a tiny crush on her, if I remember correctly.

Alex: Tiny?

Cadance:  Fine, you caught me... He has a HUGE on Elena.

Alex: So does she. Also, when is your flight to leave Italy?

Cadance: I think at 10 or 11 is my flight.

Alex: Nice, but I need to sleep. I am getting quite sleepy now.

Cadance: Alright, night, Alex see ya in Buenos Aires.

Alex: See you.

End of conversation - 6 AM

[I gave my iPad to Federico so he can put it in my bag for me, so I don't lose it. He also placed all my things in my bag, so I don't forget them, but Niki and Raf woke up once he was done.]

Niki: Hi!

Cadance: Niki, don't be annoying, please.

Rafael: Niki, chill, just spend time with me.

[Randomly, the adults came into Federico's room to tell us something. We had to get out of bed and get ready for the day because we were leaving Italy to go to Buenos Aires.

1 hour later

[Everyone had just finished getting ready for the day before we left. Also, we got in the car without eating breakfast, so we were all hungry, but we went to McDonald's for breakfast.]

1 hour later

[Once we got to McDonald's, my mom and Federico's mom ordered food for us. Also, Rafael told my mom what he wanted for breakfast. Once we got the food, we all ate in the car while Arthur (Federico's dad) drove us to the airport, but Niki was starting to feel depressed again, and she will come running towards us (Nate and I) again to deal with her problems again.]

Arthur's and Elaina's car - 8 AM

Cadance: Niki?

Niki: What?

Nate: Are you feeling depressed again?

Niki: *Lies* Nope... I am excellent. I am not depressed; why do you think I am depressed?

Cadance: Niki... Your lying again.

Niki: Ugh! Fine, yes, I am feeling depressed again. You know I feel this way every time this happens.

Nate: Yes, Niki, we know, but calm down; you're going to be seeing Klaus again.

Cadance: That's right; then, after this final trip, we're back in Utah for good and can come back in the summer if we wished.

Niki: Sounds good to me.

[Nate and I talked with Niki to calm her down so she won't be clingy to me, but I have felt she would be clingy to Nate and me. It took us 1 hour to get to the airport since there was light traffic and heavy traffic on and off. Once we arrived at the airport, we got out of the car and said our goodbyes to each other for now.]

Airport entrance - 8:30 AM

Cadance: See you around Fede?

Federico: Yeah, I might not be able to text, but I can try.

Cadance: Please trying.

Nate: I will also be texting you some time to annoy my sister.

Federico: Sound good to me also; what is Niki doing?

Nate: NIKITA! Stop that and come here.

[Niki and Rafael broke up on good terms, but Niki wasn't depressed or anything yet, which is surprising. Niki then came over to me and started crying.]

Cadance: *Hugs Niki and puts her on my left side* I should probably go now. Cya you Fede.

Federico: That's a good idea because you have to deal with Niki.

[We said our final goodbyes to Federico and his parents before we left. Once my mom finished talking to Federico's mom, we over finally went to the check-in place again and did the same routine we always do.]

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