Arrived at Buenos Aires

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~9 hours 37 mins later~

When the plane land they woke up Elizabeth since she fell asleep while on her tablet, but she didn't even know her mom took her tablet and headphones so she can give it to Mike. They were hungry since they ate breakfast at 7:30 Am and it was almost noon. Elizabeth woke up right before they had to left the plane. They got up when the plane land and Mike helped Katie put Cadance in the baby carrier so Katie can have both hands to do things. Katie helped Elizabeth take her seat belt off. Mike took their bags down since they had some bags up there. Mike gave Katie's purse back to her, and Mike carried his backpack since she can't carry hers. Elizabeth has her own backpack that didn't have many things. Elizabeth went in front of Katie so she won't get lost when they go out. When they walked out of the tunnel from getting off the plane, they went to claim their luggage at the luggage claim.

~2 minutes later~

The luggage came, and they waited until they saw theirs. Mike got all of them since Katie is hold Cadance and Elizabeth by her hand. Katie and their kids didn't go outside because it was cold outside, and they didn't have a jacket with them since it was in the luggage, and they didn't want to search for it. Mike didn't go outside because he needed to help Katie with Elizabeth. Katie texted Maria to see if she was here.

~Maria and Katie's texted~
Katie- Hey, are you here yet because we can't go outside since it's freezing outside.
Maria - No, not yet. We r almost there we r just in traffic. I will go outside and give you jackets for you guys.
Katie- Wait... you brought us coats? OMG WAIT... I don't have a car seat for the girls either.
Maria - Stop worrying. I got everything for you, just in case.
Katie- Wait... Are you serious?
Maria- Yeah. Also, Herman will get the car seat in the car, and he is not going to put Cadance's car seat yet because you guys have to in the car first.
Katie-Thank your so much.
Maria-No problem. Also, I am here now I will be coming in with the 3 jackets and a blanket for Cadance.
Katie-Alright. Well, cya very soon.
Maria -Yea cya.
~end of conversation~

María went inside and found them. Maria gave Mike his coat. She helped Elizabeth put her jacket on. After Maria helps Katie with her coat on, but Katie didn't zipper up since Katie was holding Cadance. Maria helped Katie put the blanket on the baby so she won't be cold. Before they went outside Maria and Mike brought the suitcase in the trunks. Katie watched Elizabeth while they were bringing the suitcase's out. Maria came in and took the last 2 suitcases and a bag that had all their things work supplies. Mike came in to get Elizabeth so she can get in the back with him. After when María put the suitcase in the trunk, Maria went back in to get Katie. María helped Katie hold the blanket around her since she gloves, and Katie didn't. They arrived in the car, and Katie was holding Cadance since they left the other one at home, but they thought they brought it with them. Luckily they had a car seat for Elizabeth.

~They went to IHOP for lunch~

They went to the drive-thru to get food, and Herman did all the ordering for everyone. Katie told Herman what to order for them. Katie and Mike are sharing with Elizabeth. Herman pulled up to the paying place and waited to get their food. After when they got their food, they went back home to eat their lunch. But they were going to bring everything in the house.

~30 minutes later they arrived home~

Maria got out of the car and helped Katie with Cadance since she took the baby carrier off and put back in the back that Mike had. Maria was holding Cadance while Katie was getting out of the car. Maria gave Cadance back to Katie. Then María put the seat down for Mike and Elizabeth to get out. Mike helped Elizabeth first, then he got out and waited for María to get Vilu so that they can go inside the house first. Katie and Maria went upstairs to Vilu's room, and they had different cribs. Katie and Maria went down to help the dad's out, but before Katie went outside, she gave Elizabeth her tablet since Elizabeth was getting upset because she was hungry. After she moves the things more in the house since the dads were just putting them at the door, after they finished all the moving stuff in the house, they went to eat breakfast. Mike got Elizabeth to eat. She sat next to mom and dad.

TO BE CONTINUED.............

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