Chapter 40 - Text conversation with Alex

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September 5th, 2011

[After hangout for the whole summer Niki hasn't noticed that I haven't been hanging out with Fede as much. She has been getting close with Raf while I been in Fede's room texting Alex.]

Texting conversation with Alex - 2 PM

Cadance: Hey Alexander! 🥰

My love (Alex): Hey Cadance.

Cadance: I can't wait to go back to Utah! I hate traveling now.

My love: I know, honey. Oh, yeah, I shouldn't be telling you this, but I will be moving to Buenos Aires for a year.

Cadance: OMG, REALLY! Yay! I miss seeing you!! What about my mom...

My love: She said it's fine as long as you date Leon and not me.

Cadance: That's going to be a problem... Alex.

My love: I know because we're dating again and it's long-distance dating which is going extremely well.

Cadance: It's also been a few months, I think, for this long-distance dating.

My love: Yes, it's been a few months, but you have to be surprised to see me when I am in Buenos Aires.

Cadance: Aww! Fine! But when are you going to coming?

My love: Not going to tell you. That will be a surprise since my mom knows that I can't keep a secret from you.

Cadance: 😂😂 That's true; even if you tried, you fail to keep secrets from me in person and on text.

My love: Your so true, but how is Niki holding up?

Cadance: She is now in love with Rafael.

My love: That's Niki; she falls in love too quickly when it comes to guys.

Cadance: She is also very clingy with her boyfriend.

My love: I can tell she barely texts Jed. He texts her, but she reads them and doesn't reply.

Cadance: She has an answering problem with guys that she breaks up with. She still loves Jed, and she wants him, but she is distracting on who she really wants to date for real.

My love: I can tell from how you're saying it, and she is really taking dating too far so she can be distracted. Also, do you know who you want to date?

Cadance: Aww, why can't you come to Italy for the first time. I really miss seeing you.

My love: I want to, but my mom said no and said we could go to Buenos Aires for one year. We can come back together at the same time.

Cadance: I can't wait! Oh, yea, is it true that Elena has a crush on my brother?

My love: Sadly, this is true, but no one in the group knows that she has a crush on him.

Cadance: So she tells you things that she doesn't tell people!?

My love: She doesn't know we're dating, and we are best friends now, but you're always going to be my first best friend.

Cadance: So she tells everything, but you tell me everything?

My love: Yes, but she mainly wants me to tell you since I am closer to you more and she feels that you won't answer her.

Cadance: She knows me well even though I haven't seen her in a long time. Also, is Tyler and Blair together still?

My love: They broke up in 4th grade because things were not going well with them dating, so they broke up.

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