Born/ Traveling

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Cadance and Violetta was born on November 18th, 2000. Cadance is older than Violetta by 2 minutes. Violetta was born in Buenos Aires, and Cadance was born in Utah. When Cadance got home when she met Alex. Cadance didn't know who this was, but she didn't care because she was young and she a few days old. Alex and Cadance hanged out a lot with Elizabeth (Cadance's older sister) because she was 1 year apart from Cadance. Alex and Elizabeth was born on October 18th, 1999. Katie (Cadance's mom) decided to go to Buenos when Cadance is about 2 months and 2 days. Katie mainly went there to see Maria (Violetta's mom), but Katie and Maria were planning to have the girls meet for the first time. Katie was planning to go to Buenos Aires on February 20th, 2001 or January 20, 2001. Maria and Katie are still planning. They have until December 20th to make a decision when they want to go. The mom did most of the planning since the dad took care of the girls While they are talking. The mom's can ONLY spend 1 or 2 hours talking and planning because the dads need the mom's to help with things.

~December 20th came~

Katie decided to go on January 20th so the girls can hang out longer. María agreed with Katie. Katie asked Mike (Cadance's dad) if January 20th works. He was okay with it. Then Katie booked the tickets. They started packing when they had time since they are packing a lot for the trip. But Mike and Elizabeth will be leaving Buenos Aires when Elizabeth turns 3 years old. She is going to go to school in Utah. They are only staying for about 2 years. Katie and Cadance are going to stay there for about 2 years and 10 months.

~1 month later ~ ~January 20 2001~

They woke up at 4:30 am since their flight was at 7:30 am. The parents tried not to wake the kids up when they are picking them up. After they put them in the car, they packed all of the things they needed every day. After they went to the airport and Katie's friend Emily, drove them to the airport since they are not coming back anytime soon. While the drive to the airport, Elizabeth woke up but didn't cry or make a noise because her mom was right next to her. They at about 5:30 am. Emily knows when they are coming back. When they got there, they said their good-byes. After all the byes, Katie went to the car to get Cadance. After they went inside to check-in and past security, they checked in first and gave them all the suitcase they had since it was a lot. After they passed the security guard, it was hard for Katie to do things with Cadance when is just a baby. So Mike helped Katie put all the belongings on the conveyor belt then they had to take their shoes off.
Mike held Cadance when Katie help Elizabeth take her shoes off then she took, then she took off her shoe. After Katie took her boots off, she brought back Cadance. Then Mike went thought the door to see if he was okay. After that, Elizabeth was nervous about going in, but since Mike was across, she was not that scared to go across. When it was Katie turn, and gives Cadance to Mike. She went through it, and they were all good. They got their belong, and they put their shoes back on. After they went to find their gate that they were going to go on. It took like 1 hour to get past the security line and the check-in. They had 1 hour to get food, and it was almost time for Cadance to eat. They decided to get Dunkin Doughnuts for the family but not Cadance since she is young and can't eat yet.

~1 hour later~

After when they got their food, they headed back to their gate, but they didn't have time to eat. There were only 20 minutes left until get had to on their flight. Elizabeth was getting upset set, so Mike gave her tablet and headphone. She had a Dunkin Doughnuts drink, so can drink that until they were on the plane.

~7:30 came~

They started calling people in, and they were one of the people in since they had 2 small kids. Mike asked Elizabeth he can have the Tablet and headphones back. She gave them to her dad. They went to the plane and went to their seat. They told Elizabeth to sit near the window. After when they sat down, Katie gave Cadance to Katie so she can be safe in the car. Then she buckled herself in, and Mike gave Cadance so she can be seated in her seat. After when the plane was in the air, Mike gave Elizabeth her food and drink since she didn't want to carry it. Mike was holding 3 drinks, but he had the tray to keep the drinks and a bag to carry the food. Elizabeth was the first one to get her food, then Katie was next; last was Mike, but before he ate, he had to help Katie cover Cadance since it was her feeding time. Katie was eating while she was feeding her. After everyone finished eating, Elizabeth fell asleep on her mom.

~4 hours later~

Elizabeth asked her for a tablet and headphones so she can play on her tablet until she gets there. The plane staff went to everyone to give them snacks. The team gave Elizabeth 2 meals since her sister not able to eat. Mike and Katie got some for themselves too, but they gave Elizabeth 1, so she can eat it. She swallowed it slowly, and the parents didn't yet. Katie gave Mike Cadance so she can change her Diaper after he came back they starting eating the snacks.

TO BE CONTINUED..............

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