Preschool/ 1st boyfriend final part

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Herman: She was on her last and ~Voice break~ final... tour.

Katie: What happened next?

Herman: She was on the bus and a truck hit the bus. Everyone on the bus died.

Katie: Omg is Violetta alright?

Herman: Not really she is wanting Cadance to come to do homeschool with her.


Katie: Your aunt Maria just died today.


Katie: We are going tomorrow at 6 pm.

Cadance: Why pm?

Katie: That was the only one left.

Cadance: Can I do homeschool with Vilu?

Katie: Sure.

Cadance: *Talks on the phone with Herman* Hi Uncle Herman.

Herman: Hello Cadance. I heard you want to do homeschool with Vilu. I can make that happen when you come tomorrow.

Cadance: Yes, please Uncle Herman.

Herman: Alright, Also Vilu is calling on her iPad.

Cadance: Oh. *Checks iPad and answers her*

Katie: I will leave you alone with her.

Call with Violetta

Cadance: Sorry Vilu.

Vilu is crying on the call right now.

Violetta: I can't wait for you to come here!

Cadance: I can't wait either! Wait did my dad get the tickets?

Violetta: Yea he is because feels bad if he lets you pay when I need you. I think he is getting 3 I have no clue why.

Cadance: Did he tell you why he is getting 3?

Violetta: No, didn't. I am sad you won't be here early.

Cadance: Yea I know. I get to say bye to my friend tomorrow before I go.

Violetta: Yea. Wait... were you about to go to bed?

Cadance: Yea sort of that's why I am in my room and blanket with the bed lamp.

Violetta: I should head to bed also.

Cadance: Yea, it's getting late and past our bedtime.

We both fell asleep with the call still on.

The next day

Katie: Sweetheart wake up it's time for school.

Cadance: Mom do I have to get up?

Katie: Yes, Oh yea at the of the day Niki is coming with us back home she knows that I think.

Cadance: Alright fine, I will get up from my bed.

Katie: Good, Des will be driving you to school and I will be picking you up in the afternoon.

I went to the bathroom to get ready so I can meet Alex out downstairs where the front door is. After when I was done with the bathroom I went to change my clothes so I can go to school. Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Cadance: Hi Lizzie, mom, and dad.

All: Hi Cadance.

Mike: Come here, sweetheart.

Violetta Imaginary lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن