Niki is Cadance's sister? Going to Buenos Aires

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Cadance: Wait... Mom, are you saying she is mine and Lizzie's sister?

Elizabeth: So this entire time I had 2 younger sisters!

Mike: Yes.

Katie: My mom hated having twins so I had to Niki up for foster care until I can get her back. She finally said liked twins so I can take her back.

Niki: So I am your daughter?

Katie and Mike: Yes you are.

Katie: Cadance you 10 second older than Niki and also Niki your last name is Kenner.

Niki: So my real name is Niki Petrova Kenner?

Katie: Yes, Cadance and Elizabeth want to say your full name?

Elizabeth and Cadance: Sure.

Cadance: My full name is Cadance Salvatore Kenner.

Elizabeth: My full name is Elizabeth Marshall Kenner.

Niki: Nice. Elizabeth Do you like to be called Lizzie?

Elizabeth: Umm... Sort of Cadance likes to call me Lizzie. I don't really care who calls me that.

Niki: Alright.

Katie: Niki do you want to come on all the trips with me and Cadance?

Niki: Sure, but don't have clothes just these.

Katie: Don't worry about that go with Elizabeth and Cadance they will give you some clothes to wear.

Niki: Alright. Oh yea, Mom before I go I need to tell your something.

Katie: Alright.

Niki: I have... A boy.....

Katie: You have a boyfriend? Oh, that's because Cadance has a boyfriend too.

Niki: I know she told me. Is it ok that Jed is coming right now?

Katie: Sure.

Niki: He just texted me that he is here right.

Katie: You can open the door for him.

Niki: Alright.

Elizabeth: Hurry I need to get you changed.

Niki: Alright.

As Elizabeth and I wait for Niki to come back with her boyfriend I am in my room with Alex to pick clothes for Niki.

Few minutes later

Elizabeth came in with Niki and Jed was outside.

Cadance: Alex, can you go outside while Niki is changing?

Alex: Sure!

Alex steps out of my room.

Cadance: Niki Do you like this outfit put together?

Niki: Yes.

After when Niki changed we both went to our beds. My bed was on the left and Niki's was on the right. I had to clean Niki's bed because I had things on it. It wasn't that much on the bed but I just put it on the floor on my side of the bed. We both had full beds but they were both on different ends.

Elizabeth: Alex and Jed you can come in the room now.

Alex and Jed came into the rooms and went to their girlfriend's beds to hold them since they will be leaving soon. Lizzie helped pack and clean up my room.

4:00 pm came

Katie: Sorry to rude your spending time with each other but it's time to get in the car.

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